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 Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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Registration date : 2008-07-20

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Empty
PostSubject: Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site   Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Icon_minitimeWed Nov 08, 2017 2:01 pm

Cerwyn wrote:
The link below has a series of superb photos of not just Marushin's M712 itself but also shows basic assembly tips and methods.

Well worth a look  Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Icon_biggrin Note all text translated from Japanese (Google translate)

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob10

Marusin's Mosel full auto type model 712. 
It is a precious metal model gun which I still sell.
I think that this model is the thing that the plastic was made at the beginning. 
I was afraid that I was looking down on the Pura Made and I thought that this model would be the same as Hudson Mosel until I got this model, but I was surprised. It is the highest quality item

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob11

 The real model 712 is a valuable model with few photos. Mosel 711 and 712 were developed from 1931 to 32. Its last shape is 712. Miso of grip is wider than 1930 as shown in the photograph. There seems to be many things inscribed with Tokutoko (made in Germany) as it seems there were many products for China. Even Marusin had its stamped model sold.

             Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob12  

 It's a wonderful performance. The final universal · safety shape has been reproduced properly. In the real thing, I also see the photo that puts red paint on the selector's R.
Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob13

A rear site that can be removed just by pressing with a finger. I reproduce the real thing. 
The only one that reproduced this is Marcin

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob14

The manual is also very fancy, it looks like a real thing. 
I am happy as a mania if you stick to nothing.

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob15

 When Marcin's 712 was released, it seems that Moselle was not sold from Hudson, so I thought I was making it clearly with Hudson's mold, but it feels like it is not so.
The appearance is very similar, right is the thing of Hudson. 
Magazines are likely to be compatible. 20 Hudson magazines can be installed as well

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob16

         The thickness is the same, it will be slightly thicker than MGC. Left Marcelin, right is Hudson

 Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob17

I tried to combine it into a trial. When I tried putting Hudson's barrel in Marcin, I fit snugly, the internal parts are removed.

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob18

 However, there is a difference in cloud performance. The top is Hudson and is basically a copy of MGC. The place where Marsin 's locking block engages is one - piece casting.
I do not know well how much the mold can be modified, so I do not know exactly what this difference is made from the same mold. However, the size is almost the same as described above.

 Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob19
The internal mechanism is different at all. 
It is noteworthy that the shape of the locking block and the claw parts that mesh with it are made in the same way as the real one. Also, thanks to that, you can definitely experience a short recoil. 
It is perfect for studying the real structure. It is a scene of model gun. 
The above Hudson's thing is the same as MGC and does not short recoil

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob20

Assemble the locking block into the locking block. There is a danger of pinching your fingers.
(I experienced it)

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob21

Thanks to real life reproduction, there is a sound that the locking bolt will fall around the point where the bolt is pulled. As shown by the yellow arrow, the barrel part surely retracts to the point just before pulling out the bolt. 
It's a wonderful performance.

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob22

 When it is rough, cock the hammer and remove the engine part. 
It is the same as ordinary Moselle

   Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob23

The full auto mechanism is designed to act on some parts by turning it behind the trigger. MGC stops the trigger spring with screws, but this is not the case.

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob24

I think that a selector is acting around here but I am not seeking it because it is a human model gun. I just did not understand the reason at first glance. 
The leaf spring is extending upward, but this part is only in model 712. 
The real thing is made of more hard iron plates.

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob25

When assembling, malfunction will occur if the spring tip of the yellow arrow is not aligned with the blue arrow. I am the only one to be careful with this Gun. 
Blue arrow parts are items which do not exist in the real thing.

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Biglob26

It comes with up to the clip, it is a perfect atmosphere.  I am moved by the presence of this wonderful model gun now several decades after MGC produced MoselleMilitary 1896 in the 1960's. Model 712 is the final type of Moselle. Therefore it traced the flow of time between 1896 and 1932 actually with MGC and Marcin.
Metal model gun I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for Marushin who is developing and selling products that can remain in Japan's model gun history even now extinct                                       



Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site   Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Icon_minitimeWed Nov 08, 2017 3:52 pm

Pretty damn good and the pics are very professional, Google translate working a bit better than normal as well. nice find Cerwyn.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11090
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site   Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Icon_minitimeWed Nov 08, 2017 4:53 pm

Thanks Claymore! The original post was put on the "Photos" category several years ago ny now. Why I didn't put it in the "Reviews" back then I'll never know. If it hadn't been for Photobucket's antics it may have remained buried and forgotten.
Some of these Japanese sites are superb, especially when Google Translate does a decent job.


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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PostSubject: Re: Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site   Marushin M712 (Metal model) Review from Japanese site Icon_minitime

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