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 Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s

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6 posters
Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Empty
PostSubject: Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s   Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2020 1:38 pm

I felt the need to take two of my older models out of their boxes.

Both are Marushin ABS models in metal finish from the late 1980s/early 1990s I'd say.

I bought them both 15 years ago for 150 Euro each.

The real Smith & Wesson Model 39 was the first U.S. designed double action (DA) semi-automatic pistol marketed in the United States. The German Walther P38 DA pistol impressed American ordnance personnel during World War II. The Army Ordnance Corps issued a proposal for an American equivalent to the P38. In 1949, Smith & Wesson began development of the Model 39 chambered in 9×19mm Luger and it entered the market in 1955. This is considered a first generation pistol. Since the Model 39 came out, S&W has continuously developed the design into its third generation pistols now on the market. First generation models use a 2 digit model number, second generation use 3 digits, and third generation models use 4 digits.

The Illinois State Police adopted the Model 39 in 1968. In a time when police was using revolvers in general this helped ingratiate semi-automatic pistols with law enforcement.

A modified version of the Model 39 with a wider grip frame to accommodate a 14-round magazine was used by Naval Special Warfare units during the Vietnam War. It was issued to officers-in-charge (OICs) of MST-2 detachments as their sidearm. SEAL Teams used either the Model 39 without modification or a modified version, the Mk 22 Mod 0, which was called the "hush puppy". The modified pistol had a suppressor with a slide lock (preventing the slide from moving backwards upon firing, thereby decreasing produced noise). The Mk 22 Mod 0 had raised iron sights, to provide easier sighting over a bulky suppressor. The gun's purpose was to eliminate sentry dogs or guards without alarming the main target.

I could not find much information about the M439, but this model has obviously different adjustable sights.

The single stack magazine looks very similar to a Walther P38 magazine.

The safety is also working as a decocking lever.

The metal finish looks nice but wears off quickly. I am not sure about the plastic grips, but the colour looks okay I'd say.

Both models do not feel too light for a ABS model (450 g unloaded).

Note the slide on the M439 has "J.S.A." instead of "U.S.A" on it.

Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s MSkg0nfh

Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s BLMf4hhh

Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s 9RJWPKih

Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s 25dKqyih

Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s H8jzYaAh

Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s C9AmeNNh

Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s XfBOBoQh

Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s 0CLblfXh

Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s EOVxDOVh

For further reading I recommend:
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s   Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2020 6:59 pm

Nice one madmike, i have a few metal finish models ( i got them from you i think), i have never fired then because as you say the finish can wear off real esy so they are display only for me, nice pics to.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s   Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Icon_minitimeSat Mar 28, 2020 6:22 pm

They have a fantastic surface finish/colour
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Modelgun Master
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Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s   Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Icon_minitimeSun Mar 29, 2020 12:43 pm

The only ABS models I had were a S&W M76, a Beretta 93R, an Automag and a MAC11,  I put the inners of the MAC into an early Denix MAC and it worked equally as well.
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Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s   Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2020 12:34 am

The wider 14 and later 15 round model was designated the M-59 and the enhanced sight version designated the M-459. MGC made a blowback model of that one in two tone chrome and black.
Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Mgc_m-10

I have the same M-39 as yours but my slide is cracking just below the safety on the lower left back of the slide. I'd love to have a replacement but that seems very unlikely. too bad really as it is one of my favourite models.
Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Mskg0n10
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Rob du Jour
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Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s   Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2020 5:54 pm

Great modelguns. I have one of these classics.
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Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s   Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s Icon_minitime

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Marushin ABS S&W M39-2 and M439 from the 1980s
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