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 Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.

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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 07, 2020 7:02 pm

Has anyone else tried plugfire caps with Denix revolvers?

The Denix SAA cap firing revolver sound great with plugfire 5mm caps. They're a little tight to get on, but they work.

Also, the 5mm caps fit the Denix 1851 Navy Colt, and their caplock pistols too.

I've a Denix 1853 Enfield musket, which fires the 7mm caps. They fit perfectly on the nipple. The 7mm real flame caps are the best.

Anyone tired this?

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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2020 11:18 pm

Dont have a denix to try but they are advertised that certain models can fire caps, my experience with Denix has never really made me want to try one of these revolvers, Japanese models though more expensive are so much better.
That said if i could get one real cheap i would give it a go.

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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2020 1:22 pm

claymore wrote:
Dont have a denix to try but they are advertised that certain models can fire caps, my experience with Denix has never really made me want to try one of these revolvers, Japanese models though more expensive are so much better.
That said if i could get one real cheap i would give it a go.

The thing is that Japanese models are hard to come by. Try buying a Japanese full metal Bluntline Special with a 12 inch barrel. You won't get one. But I got chrome Denix modal with real wood grips for £95. Granted Denix are nowhere near as detailed as Japanese modals, but they are still quite nice, and fill a gap in the market.

Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Single-action-buntline-special-revolver

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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2020 1:13 pm

I am really no expert about Denix models. Before I knew about modelguns I would have been more than happy with them. I had a Denix M16 for a short time. I got it for 150 Euro which is much cheaper than any modelgun, but I gave it to a friend as I really could not live with its trade-offs and its overall design as I am a big fan of the M16 and have various modelguns of this type.

Anyway I have seen chrome lined models with wood grips from Denix that look quite nice I have to admit.

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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2020 1:37 pm

Don't expect denix revolvers to last very long. They stop indexing pretty quickly. Denix 2 Band Enfields fire 7mm caps beautifully though.
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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2020 7:04 pm

jwstacey wrote:
Don't expect denix revolvers to last very long. They stop indexing pretty quickly. Denix 2 Band Enfields fire 7mm caps beautifully though.
I have a three band Enfield musket, which also fires a 7mm cap beautifully. Very satisfying!

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Rob du Jour
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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2020 6:06 pm

I have a denix colt peacemaker. It fits the 5mm caps on the shells fine. Gives a nice belast, tough not front venting of course. I sometimes jack up the power of the caps with regular capguncaps glued into the 5mm caps. Makes 'em blow even more violently. One thing though, is that the powder of the caps is really corrosive on the gun and the shells. So good cleaning is no luxury, but pure necessity.

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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2020 9:41 am

I run a western Liveroleplay game and we use Kolser SAA extensively. They only make SAA's pretty much but compared to Denix they are very reliable. If you are looking for a cheap alternative to a PFC look out a Kolser. I'd recommend the Edison Giocattoli Santa Fe shotgun caps which are loud and have a domed head so don't foul the mechanism, available in toyshops. We can put 100s of caps through a gun on a given weekend and only one of the first guns we brought, second hand has become unreliable after 8 years. Denix start grinding and stop indexing reliably after about 2 events. They are made out of the same crappy zamak as Denix though so if they aren't chromed they will need more cleaning and they are obviously no match for a PFC. They are less than 1/4 the price though Smile

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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeFri Jun 05, 2020 7:14 pm

jwstacey wrote:
I run a western Liveroleplay game and we use Kolser SAA extensively. They only make SAA's pretty much but compared to Denix they are very reliable. If you are looking for a cheap alternative to a PFC look out a Kolser. I'd recommend the Edison Giocattoli Santa Fe shotgun caps which are loud and have a domed head so don't foul the mechanism, available in toyshops. We can put 100s of caps through a gun on a given weekend and only one of the first guns we brought, second hand has become unreliable after 8 years. Denix start grinding and stop indexing reliably after about 2 events. They are made out of the same crappy zamak as Denix though so if they aren't chromed they will need more cleaning and they are obviously no match for a PFC. They are less than 1/4 the price though Smile

I've only recently discovered the Kolser western guns, I've bought a couple and they are far, far, better than Denix. 5mm caps fit their shells. And their shells are the same size as my HWS S&W M19 .357 revolver so they are interchangeable, so I can fire 7mm caps in the Kolser too.
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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeMon Jun 08, 2020 3:46 pm

Their Winchesters take the same shells too (you just need to shorten the chamber slightly). They don't really cycle properly but if you breach load them with a 5mm cap they are nice and loud.
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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2020 10:33 pm

Has anyone tried the Denix caps on a MGC or Marushin PFC system?
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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2020 3:05 pm

capuetz wrote:
Has anyone tried the Denix caps on a MGC or Marushin PFC system?
Do you mean the plastic yellow 5mm caps?

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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2020 7:16 pm

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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2020 7:27 pm

capuetz wrote:
They are really weak caps, no bang at all. However, I fill them with the compound from paper roll caps, which makes for a loud bang. On their own they are useless!

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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 10, 2023 3:39 am

Catweazle wrote:
claymore wrote:
Dont have a denix to try but they are advertised that certain models can fire caps, my experience with Denix has never really made me want to try one of these revolvers, Japanese models though more expensive are so much better.
That said if i could get one real cheap i would give it a go.

The thing is that Japanese models are hard to come by. Try buying a Japanese full metal Bluntline Special with a 12 inch barrel. You won't get one. But I got chrome Denix modal with real wood grips for £95. Granted Denix are nowhere near as detailed as Japanese modals, but they are still quite nice, and fill a gap in the market.

Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Single-action-buntline-special-revolver
I agree. I've had fun with Denix revolvers, although The semi-autos have limited interest for me since you can't make them function / go bang beyond a single shot. Their only cartridge revolvers designed to fire caps are the Colt 1873 / SAA models, which is puzzling. All the cap and ball models require some simple modifications-grinding down inside curve of the hammer so it will contact the nipples- to fire caps. No. 11 percussion caps fit these black powder models perfectly. I drill and tap the hammers and insert a set screw to fire percussion caps reliably. They will fire plastic caps without the hammer modification

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Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 08, 2023 2:55 pm

Peacemaker is a Denix colt that I own. Denix revolvers don't survive very long, however it fits the 5mm caps on the shells perfectly.
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PostSubject: Re: Denix Plugfire Cap Guns.   Denix Plugfire Cap Guns. Icon_minitime

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