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 Shoei G43 GBB and Model Gun parts kit available

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Shoei G43 GBB and Model Gun parts kit available Empty
PostSubject: Shoei G43 GBB and Model Gun parts kit available   Shoei G43 GBB and Model Gun parts kit available Icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2021 3:02 pm

Yes, I am new here, so if this is presented in the wrong arena please forgive me. I have an unused, albeit totally disassembled GBB version of the Shoei G43 model. I also have several parts sold to me by Tomio from the initial Model Gun version. My ambition, was to try to convert the GBB to a more Cap Firing version…as I think I read someone else was attempting. I have two magazines for the GBB, and two for the Model Gun.
Also of interest…if only to me, Tomio was kind enough to omit this one Gun (Only one he ever did this way) to be set aside during its various stages of construction, to avoid having its Zinc parts Blackened in their finish, or the stock from receiving its darker finish. My intend in requesting this, was to be able to finish this model gun when complete in a more realistic surface finish than just black. He actually told me afterward how striking it looked compared to the others, but said he’d never do that again…as it was just too problematic keeping these parts separate from others. I also have a perfect condition Durofol Bakelite Handguard that I was going to use, as well as a separate replica stock from the Fox company in Poland. Al, said I have about $3000 into this, but wil let all parts go to a good home for about half of this.
If anyone has any interest, please send me a message with your email, and I can send you pictures of anything you’d like to see. All items are in new condition with its original box and instructions etc.

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Shoei G43 GBB and Model Gun parts kit available
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