Thompsons are my first platform because continuous service after sale is economically possible. Thompsons have a huge base....I couldn't calculate getting this far any other way
You CAN have a new Mule Thompson or an MGC with cut or un cut bolt. You can have an mgc with or without the receiver defaced....the key was always to evacuate the guns to a single western country. My particular skill is to simplify until it's only extraordinarily hard for me. One western country was easiest via regulation, but it's citizens particularly bad at dealing with foreign cultures, I happen to live in that country, the United States.
Technically, I will ship anywhere if given rock solid Customs requirements for the receiving country.
Other than insane attention to detail, it's not my concern if it gets to you. That arrangement, no matter how it sounds is the only way to get it to you with near certainty. This is how I get MY shipments with near certainty.
A wiki is easily made with good data and updated.
Anyone is welcome to inquire, and I'll post if I pre-emptively start a wiki. Cool thing is people who naturally spot errors NEED the wiki to spot it. Some of those people are extremely detail oriented. So if you think it's impossible, think again. You can't say it's impossible if a wiki is not accessible to the whole human family
You can't be led to think there wasn't a strong motivation that kicked me off. Lying to me when I'm weak is a good way to motivate me to come back with a truckload of MGC parts.
I also like the idea of the chance someone might be able to be happier, and have an easy hobby. And I go insane when people have to fight for a simple hobby. To me $ 350 for a bolt must take some fun out of their hobby.