*** Originally posted by spencerman ***
I always find that people with interests such as ours, tend to be much more inviting than people who like things, like, say, computer games. People always want to show off the collection that they have, be it small or large, rare or fairly common. They are usually very happy to meet people who share the interest, and are very receptive to see other people who enjoy seeing the guns that they have amassed. If you are going on holiday anywhere, then see if there is someone who lives near to where you are staying, and see if you can arrange to go and have a play. You would be surprised how many people are more than happy to accomodate you with things like this, I have had no end of offers from America ever scince we lost our fight to retain real guns here in the U.K. If ever I go there (not been yet but I intend to) then there are a few people who I will be going to the ranges with to appreciate firing their pride and joy, and I am very much looking forward to it! Although in a way it is a shame to fire a gun, to spoil it from being new, there is also a shame in not doing so, as that is what you are supposed to do with it, and one of the best bits is the smell! (especially with the real steel)