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 new member with newly purchased m16a1

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new member with newly purchased m16a1 Empty
PostSubject: new member with newly purchased m16a1   new member with newly purchased m16a1 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 07, 2023 2:36 pm

Hello,new owner of a marushin m16a1.purchased rifle new in box and not as i expected.i know they require some tinkering but the one ive got the top half of receiver is not a good fit and has slight play and cant seem to get the shells to eject when testing the operation.seems extractor not catching hold of the rim of cartridge.i havnt shot any caps through it yet as cant get hold of any lol.i tried mg props for supplies but they seemed a bit abrupt and not interested in giving advice or supplying the odd box of caps.any advice and tips welcome to get this thing working properly Smile

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Modelgun Perfectionist
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PostSubject: Re: new member with newly purchased m16a1   new member with newly purchased m16a1 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 08, 2023 5:28 pm

Hi and welcome to the forum, ok first things first, did you buy the M16 from MG props, if not then he is unlikely to sell you spares rounds or caps if he has any as he has always had a policy of selling to those who have bought from him and it is highly unlikely that he has any caps.
As for the marushin M16 the receivers are usually loose down to the locking pins, its possible that some airsoft pins will be a better fit.
It is also known as a very bad model for good firing and needs a lot of fettling getting it to work well, there is a lot of info on this forum about custom work people have done. Do you have the right rounds for the marushin sounds daft but its possible they are a different model round.
Also the marushin round was always supposwed to be fred with one 7mm cap and 1 5mm cap on top of the 7mm, you needed that oomph to make it work.

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PostSubject: Re: new member with newly purchased m16a1   new member with newly purchased m16a1 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 08, 2023 5:49 pm

Hi,thanks for the reply.I didn't buy from mg props but from a collector New in box.I should have researched a bit more before buying and didn't realise the difficulty finding caps etc.I shall have to try the airsoft body pins to fix the wobble for cartridges I assume they are the correct ones as where in the box with the other parts etc.I've got lots of replicas and been shooting for 30 years and thought this be a doddle lol.turns out lots to do before they work properly out of the box.I might even sell it at a loss to try and get some of my cash they have a selling section on the forum at all
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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PostSubject: Re: new member with newly purchased m16a1   new member with newly purchased m16a1 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 08, 2023 6:07 pm

Yes the marushin can be a problem, many polish the bolt to within an inch of its life which can work, its one of thos models that you can fire a mag off fine then every mag after is a problem. the marushin rounds screw off from the bottom you should fine pics somewhere on the forum to check. Caps these days are a huge problem and no one yet has fouynd a way of gettint them from Japan easily and cheaply.

Yes this is a a for sale section on the forum but to be honest its not the best for selling. Maybe check out some of the reviews and upgrades people hae done on this forun before you decide to get rid of. Maruhsin did recently upgrade the M16 and the rounds but i have no idea if the improvements they made worked.

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PostSubject: Re: new member with newly purchased m16a1   new member with newly purchased m16a1 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 08, 2023 7:19 pm

Yes the rounds unscrew from the base Smile ..yeah I think my next move is to polish bolt and internals and see how it goes from there.I've managed to get some 7mm caps and no luck with 5mm.I might try the method I read on here using 2 7mm caps with one used and one new
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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PostSubject: Re: new member with newly purchased m16a1   new member with newly purchased m16a1 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 08, 2023 7:43 pm

You can use the ring cap gun caps as a substitute for the 5mm, it's as powerful but just gives the 7mm that little bit of help
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PostSubject: Re: new member with newly purchased m16a1   new member with newly purchased m16a1 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 08, 2023 8:15 pm

Ah right good tip I shall try that 😀..thanks for that
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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PostSubject: Re: new member with newly purchased m16a1   new member with newly purchased m16a1 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 08, 2023 9:14 pm

That should be not as powerful as a 5mm but powerful enough

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PostSubject: Re: new member with newly purchased m16a1   new member with newly purchased m16a1 Icon_minitime

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new member with newly purchased m16a1
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