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 FS Colt

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 2558
Location / Country : UK
Registration date : 2008-08-06

FS Colt Empty
PostSubject: FS Colt   FS Colt Icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2008 5:18 pm

*** Originally posted by sgt. guarnere ***

hi, i was wondering if anyone has had any problems with the FS Colt Government MK IV series 70, because i am thinking of purchasing it from dentrinity...and also how hard would it be to get carts for it, or can you use other companies carts? Thanks again!

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 2558
Location / Country : UK
Registration date : 2008-08-06

FS Colt Empty
PostSubject: Re: FS Colt   FS Colt Icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2008 5:18 pm

*** Originally posted by 8ace ***


I was looking to get one of these but dentrinity didn't reply to my info request so I have held back (that and my money situation and the mo) If you do get one I would be interested to hear what it is like and if there are many differences between it and a MGC/Marushin HW type.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 2558
Location / Country : UK
Registration date : 2008-08-06

FS Colt Empty
PostSubject: Re: FS Colt   FS Colt Icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2008 5:18 pm

*** Originally posted by claymore ***

Well i can only go by the beretta that i have, it feels great being metal looks pretty damn good as well and of course makes a great sound when the slide is is wracked back. only down side to its looks are the markings which dont has beretta on it.

When i first got this it did not fire well on semi but fired always on full auto (this ids a full and semi auto model) but now it fires well in both modes and i love it and want to get more.

The rounds, problem with this is the detonator pin is fixed so you cannot make another to use other rounds. Loads of other rounds fit and will dry cycle but the detonator pin is not long enough to set the cap off. marushin mp40 rounds will fit and work but you have to put 2 inners in the case to get the cap to fire, th inners in the original case are thick.

I dont know about the 45 rounds (i want one myself) but i should think that one of the other makes will work.

If we could find somewhere or someone to get us the right rounds that would be great, airsoftmadness can get the rounds but he aint cheap and the site is down at the moment but if we bought in bulk it would probably work out OK.

I have nothing but praise for these guns full metal for a good price and with a little bit of playing with work great my advise is buy one.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 2558
Location / Country : UK
Registration date : 2008-08-06

FS Colt Empty
PostSubject: Re: FS Colt   FS Colt Icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2008 5:19 pm

*** Originally posted by spencerman ***

I have one. It is a great model, although I am still in the process of modifying mine, I have a small problem getting the recoil spring just right on the full length guide rod assembly that I have fitted. You can see my gun here:

I love it, and will probably get at least one more. I think that I have probably been asked and answered pretty much all of your questions in the above thread, or in the section about the Wa Shan models, so if I have missed anything out then it is worth giving these a read. Maybe you will learn a few things about them along the way, how many people are a little dubious, and then they end up getting one, and then they love it. A few poeple hate the Glock because it is all metal and that is highly incorrect, but I love it. At the end of the day, it is no more incorrect being all metal as it is being all plastic!

FS Colt NewGripsL

Anyway, I shall try and answer any questions you have. The gun is full metal, with the exception of the grip plates and on my version the barrel. I believe that they also did a metal barrel version, but do not let that put you off, as I didnt notice for ages. The finish is not great, but it is not bad either, no worse than any plastic model I have. As you will see from the other threads, on this gun I personally prefer a warm blue finish, but this model has an almost parkerised matt finish, which is ok. As with any metal model gun, if you scratch it then you will notice as it will show the bare metal underneath. The markings on it are clear and accurate and there is no other markings on this gun, as you can see in my pictures.

FS Colt NewGripsR

Because I am in the process of modifying this, I do not fire any rounds through it at the moment, but all of my other Wa Shan models have been no less reliable than the plastic models that I have. It is however the only .45 that I own, so I could'nt tell you whether other rounds would fit in there, although if anyone had a spare round that they want me to try, then feel free to send it to me and I shall happily try it. The old two tone mgc cartridges look similar in pictures, the ones like the Brown Maxi Comp cartridges, so they may do.

FS Colt 1911CompT

I would recommend this gun to anybody at least once, but personally I would like to get fouror five of them, and just change them all slightly, there are so many options available to you for modifying a 1911. I hope that this helps, let me know if you have any other questions and I will try and answer them if I can.
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PostSubject: Re: FS Colt   FS Colt Icon_minitime

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