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 MGC68 MP40 ... Registry

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Modelgun Perfectionist
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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC68 MP40 ... Registry   MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 05, 2011 7:20 pm

Here's my disclosure:

1) serial number 4529, stamped only on the left side of the barrel
2) early one-piece magazine housing, no seam at the top, blued black
3) early bolt with a central slot, blued black, stamped and folded black extractor
4) early ejector, centered, with a thin blade on a post
5) early recoil assembly with a two-part telescoping piece, blued
6) early trunion, bare metal
7) early solid receiver without a hole under trunion
8 ) early grip assembly with "Made in Japan" stamped underneath
9) early muzzle nut, machined and pressed on by force
10) trunion screws: ?? no idea if mine are large or small
11) early foregrip: very dark brown

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PS: man, I so dislike putting the receiver back together, it just never wants to snap correctly in right places...
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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC68 MP40 ... Registry   MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 06, 2013 6:09 pm

Hello fellow modelgun aficionados!

I have just taken delivery of my 3rd MP40 modelgun, this one a MGC 68! Very Happy

Here is the data -

1. Serial 4779 on left rear of barrel
2. Mag hsg - Early 1-pc no seam rusty brown
3. Bolt type - type 2??? offset elector cut, no angle mill, large cut on side
4. Ejector - Mid/late offset post
5. Recoil assy - early/mid 2-pc tube pressed into bolt body
6. Trunnion - mid/late chromed Zinc
7. Receiver - doesn't seem to have any 'cut' behind mag hsg
8. Grip - Early "Made In Japan"
9. Muzzle nut - Early blued press-on
10. Trunnion screws - Small? - heads measure ~.214" OD
11. Forearm - appears black

Other observations -

- Grips are brown, no spacer between grip screw & nut (large hole)
- MGC 68 magazine
- Bbl plug, no detonator pin
- Resting bar has big chip out of front; does not stay on
- Barrel has internal blocking 'rib'
- Barrel nut seems to have too steep a chamfer

This replica is well used, rusty in most areas, although bolt face is unmarked...

If anyone has any source for an intact resting bar, I would be interested! Wink

(Otherwise I will attempt to make one out of Delrin).
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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC68 MP40 ... Registry   MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2013 5:16 pm

My 4th MP40 modelgun, another MGC 68! Very Happy

Here is the data -

1. Serial 14494 on right side front sight base
2. Mag hsg - Early 1-pc no seam rusty brown/gold
3. Bolt type - type 2, offset elector cut, milled angle cut left side
4. Ejector - Mid/late offset post
5. Recoil assy - early/mid 2-pc tube pressed into bolt body
6. Trunnion - mid/late chromed Zinc
7. Receiver - has 'cut' behind mag hsg + 2 holes below mag hsng
8. Grip - late "Japan"
9. Muzzle nut - mid/late gold press-on
10. Trunnion screws - Small? - heads measure ~.214" OD
11. Forearm - mid/late appears black

Other observations -

- Grips are black, no spacer between grip screw & nut (large hole)
- MGC 68 magazine
- Bbl plug, no detonator pin
- Barrel has internal blocking 'rib'
- Barrel nut seems to have too steep a chamfer

This replica is also well used, rusty in most areas, blue turning to patina

Here are some pics of both MGC68's, comparison of differences

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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Rec1

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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Bolt2
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC68 MP40 ... Registry   MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 01, 2015 3:28 am

1. Serial Number #13774

2. magazine housing.
Early: No seam, one piece-stamped steel assy.
Dark blue color.

3. The bolt type:
Type two. late, offset ejector slot.
Not milled - it will feed dummy rounds.

4. Ejector:
Mid/Late: offset mounted reinforced post zinc alloy.

5. Recoil assembly:
Early/mid production: small diameter spring in a blued, two piece, drawn steel, telescoping tube.

6. barrel trunion:
Mid/late: blued or chromed zinc alloy

7. Receivers:
Early "solid" tube without cut below the barrel trunion.
Single hole and slot for lower assembly.
purple color/tint.

8. Grip assy:
Late: "Japan" on trigger guard.

9. Muzzle nut:
Early: Machined, non-threaded pressed on, usually with a blued steel finish

10. Trunnion screws:
Early: Black oxide finished allen bolt with a small head/shank.

11. Forearm
Mid/Late: Black

Other observations:
This may be a later muzzle nut - but, it has remained black.

Blowing down the barrel - air is venting.
There is a hole drilled beneath the barrel locking nut - some air escapes here.
There is a hole drilled in the top of the barrel locking nut too - a flat headed brass "rivet" has been fitted here, which prevents the barrel locking nut from being unscrewed, so I cannot remove the barrel.

The telescopic section of the recoil tube, sticks to itself when you close it, turn it slightly and it releases.
This causes the bolt to stay to the rear, sometimes, working the cocking handle a couple of times releases it.

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The chamber:
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Below my 1942 Byf42 original:
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From above:
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Field stripped:
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC68 MP40 ... Registry   MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 01, 2015 10:32 am

"The telescopic section of the recoil tube, sticks to itself when you close it, turn it slightly and it releases."

This flow chart is invaluable for minor fixes.
MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Flowchart_zpsuipbjrbd
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC68 MP40 ... Registry   MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 01, 2015 10:54 am

lampwick wrote:
"The telescopic section of the recoil tube, sticks to itself when you close it, turn it slightly and it releases."

This flow chart is invaluable for minor fixes.
MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Flowchart_zpsuipbjrbd



Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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Modelgun Master
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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC68 MP40 ... Registry   MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 01, 2015 5:07 pm

Ha ha - we went to the same school of engineering!
Always good to hear from an expert.

The ends of the MP40's first-section of piston actually overlap the second just slightly when it closes fully, it could probably be fixed with a file, but I'm not going to touch it.

Here it is locked closed - a slight twist and it opens again.
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As I had the bolt out, I photographed the bolt face, too.  Uncut but chipped.
I don't shoot caps, so not an issue -
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Stopped using WD40 on any of my guns: with semi or full auto blank firers, you can have issues with over-pressure, if you have a surplus of WD40 in the barrel - especially if you have some assistant who sprays a dob in just before a shoot, thinking he's helping things.
I do not let WD40 come anywhere near my guns - the Byf42 MP40 in the picture above cost ten times what my first car did.

On the WW2 guns we/I use dedicated gun-oil and/or a light-layer of gun-grease -
On the AR's and modern AW's I've been using a thin film of frog-lube CLP.
On the Flinters and percussion just a thin layer/film of 3 in 1 household oil, after a very hot-slighty-soapy bath.
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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Finally bought a MGC Mp40 after wanting one for 40 yrs!   MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 13, 2018 5:35 pm

My "new" early/mid MGC mp40 (purchased in 1972 in Va, USA at R.M.I. HQ from original owner's family):

1. Serial #6029

2. Two pc mag housing

3. Type two bolt (uncut, rare for the USA)

4. Mid Ejector style

5. Early/Mid two pc tele tube type of recoil assembly.

6. Mid chromed barrel trunnion

7. Solid receiver

8. "Made in Japan"

9. Early style machined muzzle nut w/ dark blue color

10. Early style trunnion screws

11. Forearm is black plastic
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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Didn't know what I had until now   MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2020 7:24 pm

I was unfamiliar with model guns until this weekend.  When I was ~10 years old I traded a bayonet for this MGC68 without knowing what it was, we used it for playing war and home movies.  My grandfather who was infantry in the US Army during WWII in Germany looked at it long ago.  He said it looked and felt right but was puzzled by the barrel not being rifled or made of steel.  At the time we'd never heard of high end replicas or model guns.  Eventually it got put in a closet for 35 years until rediscovered.  With the internet it's been much easier to find out it's history.

Mine is one of the early non-firing versions with an uncut bolt.  Ideally I'd like to restore it and convert it to fire MGC P220 9mm cartridges by getting a machine shop to fabricate the det pin using specs on this forum.  Big question is if I'm able to get cartridges and caps shipped to the United States.  I did see that KSC 9mm carts would be another option though someone had written their extractor had a problem with that cartridge.

Additionally mine is missing a few parts, ie. the hood for the front sight, the barrel thread protector that goes on the muzzle, the barrel resting bar and the charging handle for the bolt was broken off at some point.  I should be able to fabricate one from steel and drill a hole into the zinc bolt and then JB Weld it in place, if that seems to be the best option.

Does anyone have recommendations on getting the missing or broken parts?  I sent an email to plugfirecapguns in the UK and waiting to hear back.

Below is my disclosure:

1. Serial # NO.2732 left side by barrel nut (not muzzle nut)

2. Magazine housing: no seam, blued w/ light rust.

3. Bolt type: type one blued.

4. center mounted blade

5. 2 piece telescoping tube type

6. plain, no holes drilled by the factory

7. solid

8. "Made in Japan"

9. Missing, as well missing the sight hood

10. Early small.

11. Missing

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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Didn't know what I had until now    MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 23, 2020 12:18 am

Looks pretty beat up but no problem with a little TLC and research on this web sight you can have that old boy up and running in in time. Looks like you may also need a muzzel nut, no worries I'am sure we can find you the parts you need if you choose to embake on a rebuild. Good luck and let me know if I can help.

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC68 MP40 ... Registry   MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 23, 2020 11:20 am

Hello dcraven67,

It's good to see you here, welcome!

Thank you very much for adding your MP40's details to the register.

Looking at the photo of your bolt, it looks to be unground and uncut. The boltface is complete and should hold a suitable cartridge.
It's unfortunate that the charging handle has broken off. Another Japanese manufacturer, Marushin, made replica MP40s. A good modification when making replacement steel bolts was to fit Marushin's working push/pull safety charging handle to replace the solid cast MGC type. Finding Marushin spares is very difficult now.

A new extractor could be made to accept KSC 9mm cartridges. The Detonator Pin may well need it's length adjusting to accept KSC cartridges though.

Used parts appear on Japan's Yahoo auction site occasionally. has a seller based in Hawaii selling replacement parts too if exporting from PlugFireCapGuns.UK is a problem.   Always worth contacting him directly for parts not listed.

 If you find parts here and cannot bid/buy directly, I'm sure one of our Japanese members can help you out.

Keep in touch, we're here to help  Very Happy


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.

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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: New Member - MP40 #5347   MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 17, 2021 2:05 am

Hello collectors, following is my MP40 Info.

First, I aquired my MP40 in the late 80's.  My cousins father in-law had this gun on display in his vintage warbird Fieseler Storch Fi-156 observation aircraft.  He would regularly fly this plane and show it at airshows.  It was in full German markings and this MP40 hung in the rear observer/gunner area.  Well, he had a fuel pump failure near his home and the plane crashed and was a total loss.  My cousins father in-law was very lucky and got away with only minor injuries.  I was able to purchase the MP40 from him.  He kept the MG-15 that was in the rear along with the other German soldier and pilot gear.  (Darn!)  Anyway, I've had it forever and just happened to find this site while trying to find out how in the heck to get Caps in the USA so I can shoot the thing.  
Maybe someone can fill in the new guy why they aren't available here.  There must be a story to that.

Mine is an MCG MP40 (mgc68).
1. No. 5347
2. Early - No Seam
3. Type 2 Bolt
4. Mid/Late - Offset Ejector
5. Early/Mid version – Telescoping Tubes
6. Early – Zinc Alloy (Chrome?)
7. Early – Solid Tube
8. Early – 'Made in Japan' on Trigger Guard
9. Early – Machined Blued Steel
10. Early – Black Small Head
11. Early - Dark Brown

I was recently fortunate enough to shoot a real MP40 at a rental range.
Very controllable fire, and great fun. An old gentlemen next to us had two real Sturmgewehr 44's (StG44's). WOW.

Best Regards,

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

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MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC68 MP40 ... Registry   MGC68 MP40 ... Registry - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 18, 2021 4:03 pm

Thanks very much !

Real MP40 and StG44s to play with..., Wow indeed!


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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