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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
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Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Empty
PostSubject: Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL   Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Icon_minitimeSun Aug 10, 2008 4:03 pm

Post by Garyforce

Watcha fellas Very Happy
Ok another revolver here for you .... and one that i personally was after for a while.

(pictured below)
Length: 24 cms / 9 7/16" (muzzle to butt)
Barrel: 10 cm / 4" (open)
Weight: 600g (approx)
Materials: Heavyweight abs & zinc alloy
Grip: Plastic (wood grips are available)
Ok well like i said i was after this one for a long time before i actually got it and when i did i wasnt dissapointed Very Happy. ...its a reasonable wight and feels comfortable ..... the only "problems" with it is it had a grip spacer (which i originally didnt know could be removed and thats what prevented me from buying one for a long time .... but that was the first thing to go ! Very Happy )
now heres were i admit i was wrong Embarassed ...when i saw this on various sites i thought ..." hmmm.... not to struck on the grips" .... so i bought the chunky M19 wood ones for it ..... i put them on..and straight away .....i knew id made the wrong choice ! ..i took them off ... put the old ones back .... asked francky to get me the proper wood ones and sold the "wrong ones" to claymore Very Happy (cheers again matey ! )
Loading the M10 is pretty standard. The cartridges are .38 revolver carts if you have the "real look" carts you first unscrew the 'bullet' and insert a 7mm cap face up... then screw the bullet back on. Having primed your six cartridges you push the cylinder release catch (to the left of the hammer) forward which allows the cylinder to swing open to the left. Holding the gun in your right hand you can then slide the cartridges into the cylinder with the right, or ! if you have a ‘speedloader’ you can just use that as easily. Next swing the cylinder back so its closed again and your ready.
Now ..... just pull the trigger Very Happy
This revolver (unlike some other model revolvers I have reviewed) is ….well you could say semi automatic in the sense that you can just keep pulling the trigger and the cylinder will automatically rotate until all 6 rounds are spent. Depending on how quickly you pull the trigger the whole process can be over in about 6 seconds
There is however that really fun moment to be had before pulling the trigger for the first time you pull back the hammer for that nice "click click" Wink
This gun will never jam !! … if you do for some unfathomable reason have a misfire, which can generally be attributed to a dud cap, it wont spoil your day because just keep pulling that trigger and you move to the next round.
as i have previously stated i prefer MARUSHIN P.F.C caps over the M.G caps you get a reasonable amout of sparks from the open barrel, and the as i've said in the past... Load her with M.G caps and pull the trigger and it goes ‘pop’ ..load with MARUSHIN P.F.C caps and you get ‘BANG !!!’ and a damn loud bang at that (i dont recommend this indoors ! ) Very Happy

Now there’s two ways you can clean this gun. The ‘easy way’ and the ‘thorough way’
First the easy way.
Ok … open up the cylinder, remove the spent carts and clean them as you would normally. Then grab your self a handful of cotton buds dipped in your cleaning solution and clean out the cylinder. Wasnt that easy Razz
to clean the barrel you need to find yourself a longer cotton bud or perhaps a pipe cleaner.
The thorough way though involves you striping the gun down.
A single screw releases the grip. 3 screws on the right side of the gun allow you to remove the plate that houses the mechanism. Again iv’e said it before and I’m saying it again as you remove the hammer & trigger its important (if not refering to instructions) to make note of how the parts of the hammer & trigger fit together ! and be warned ... putting them back together is a fiddley business
Next, clean and oil the gun using whatever cleaning solution / oil you prefer. (personally i would recommend marks cleaning technique of hot water, baking soda & vinegar)
Then once we are cleaned and oiled .... put it all back together ....and your done !
You don’t need to clean this revolver that thoroughly that often unless your firing it a lot !

Over all
So there we are.... a revolver classic ........this is how they are meant to be Very Happy
Like i mentioned earlier..the only thing 'wrong' with this gun is the aesthetics and that is down to your own personal preference ! ..... for me the grip spacer is a big no no and had to go ! ....but some of you like your grip spacers and thats fine Very Happy
one big important point for any modelgun and for anyone serious about our hobby is if wooden grips exist for your modelgun ... then do whatever it takes to get them ! Very Happy ...... your gun isnt complete without them ....and francky should be able to get hold of them for you !
when i get the wood grips for it it will be perfect Very Happy
10/10 for this one Very Happy .... 9/10 if it has a grip spacer and plastic grips Razz

Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL 130502886
Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL 130502893
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL   Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Icon_minitimeSun Aug 10, 2008 4:04 pm

Post by Claymore

Nice review again mate, i have to say that i would of tried other grips for it as well only because i like the larger size grips, however its like the M19 snubbie the grips are small on that but if you put the larger ones on, it would look wrong. This is one of those guns that custom grips just would look out of place on.

You say the gun is loud which suprises me as the revolvers i have always sound pretty feeble and i have tried both marushin and mgc caps with them.

again nice review.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL   Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Icon_minitimeSun Aug 10, 2008 4:05 pm

Post by Spencerman

I hope that you dont mind me adding a little to your review, which was very good by the way. I actually learnt to shoot with one of these (the newer version though) and it didnt have a grip spacer on. I only saw these when airsoft came around, and I personally didnt like them.
The only real difference between the newer model and the old one is the shape of the barrel. The newer model has a fatter barrel than the older rounder version.
On both versions there is one point that I liked, and that was the cylinders. They are open (almost fully) unlike all metal versions, and most of the abs revolvers that I have seen to date. Only a slight lip around the inside.
The gun itself is technically wrong, as it states on the right of the barrel that it is a .357 Magnum, which the model 10 is not. That would be the model 13, but the cartridges that are supplied are .38 special. Not being one to nit pick, I quickly ignored this fact and was happy with my purchase. Very happy with it. In fact, if you only wanted to use it for display :? as some people do, then this cylinder will in fact chamber inert .38 special rounds, making it great for close up shots for a film or picture.
I must say that although cosmetically I really hate that grip spacer, it does make the grip feel a much better fit, and it is growing on me. I take it off, I put it back on. I am not sure. I wouldnt want to completely change the grips to larger ones, as the small grips are pretty good considering the dimensions of the rest of the gun. I will agree on the wooden grips though. Definately worth getting for any gun, be it a 1911 or a revolver. Decent grips make a lot of difference to a gun, real or model alike.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL   Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Icon_minitimeSun Aug 10, 2008 4:06 pm

Post by Garyforce

heheheh Very Happy i knew the "grip spacer" would be a controversial issue Razz
Quote :
You say the gun is loud which suprises me as the revolvers i have always sound pretty feeble and i have tried both marushin and mgc caps with them
well its loud to me claymore Very Happy ......perhaps its just my sensitive hearing Laughing

thanks for the add on spencerman every little helps Very Happy
but as i have always said i dont hold a monopoly on the gun review ....feel free to write your own about your own models Smile ..after all ...this kinda info is for us all to share and learn Smile
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL   Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Icon_minitimeSun Aug 10, 2008 4:07 pm

Post by rizzo

Gotta agree, my M10 is VERY loud.

Spencerman- I was under the impression that both versions (m10 bull barrel and the m10 police) were released recently by kokusai at around the same time...?
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL   Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Icon_minitimeSun Aug 10, 2008 4:08 pm

Post by Spencerman

Yes they were. When I was referring to the newer version, it was with reference to the real steel version, as in the later model gun as released by Smith & Wesson.
Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Spencerman Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Dontmess2 Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Spencerman
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL   Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Icon_minitimeSun Aug 10, 2008 4:09 pm

Post by Garyforce

hey guys....just updating my pics with a wood grip standard grip section so you can see how much better the wood grips are. Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Icon_smile

many thanks to francky for getting these for me Kokusai's S&W M10 MILITARY / POLICE 38 SPECIAL Icon_biggrin
- Gary
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