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 CAW Colt Model 61 Navy

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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

CAW Colt Model 61 Navy Empty
PostSubject: CAW Colt Model 61 Navy   CAW Colt Model 61 Navy Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 3:05 pm

Post by shazhib


Here is a review of CAW Colt 61 Navy percussion revolver.
This is a beautiful and well modeled modelgun from CAW. It is expensive, but you will satisfy paying that money. I've considering to buy one for long time, bought one recently at last. It really deserve what I paid for.

61 Navy was released from CAW after their first percussion model, 51 Navy. There was a 61 Navy model came with carving of naval war on a cylinder, mine is plain one but came with wooden grip.

CAW Colt Model 61 Navy P1010030

From right side
CAW Colt Model 61 Navy P1010032

marking on a barrelCAW Colt Model 61 Navy P1010033-1

close up of cylinder area. Cylinder is tightly assemble, very fine gap between cylinder and forcing cone so that I need to assist cylinder to rotate with my finger
CAW Colt Model 61 Navy P1010035-1

From rear side
CAW Colt Model 61 Navy P1010036

Loading bar is fully functional
CAW Colt Model 61 Navy P1010040-1

Close up of cylinder. Good detail.
CAW Colt Model 61 Navy P1010045

Cylinder from front side
CAW Colt Model 61 Navy P1010041

Quick take down
CAW Colt Model 61 Navy P1010044

With box
CAW Colt Model 61 Navy P1010048-1

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CAW Colt Model 61 Navy
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