WYATT EARPAs mentioned in a previous post:
https://mp40modelguns.forumotion.net/t3534-competition-open-to-allI am making a Wyatt Earp presentation Buntline Special out of an old MGC Long Colt SAA revolver.
The memorial plaques have just arrived from the USA
and I have already replaced the plastic MGC grips with nice wooden ones off a real Colt.
The custom box has arrived too - but it is 30mm too short for a horizontal installation of the Long Colt. Even though the MGC Colt is a bit longer than the real steel Wyatt Earp pistol (a 10inch barrel) I can't cut off a bit of the barrel because it has a solid block.
So I can either hunt around for a larger (wider) box; have one made (too costly) or install the Colt at an angle! Wide boxes are very hard to come by. I've never seen a presentation box
with the pistol at an angle - so I wonder if anyone else has?
So if anyone feels like answering, please do!