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 Commemorative Grips - Buntline Special

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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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Commemorative Grips - Buntline Special Empty
PostSubject: Commemorative Grips - Buntline Special   Commemorative Grips - Buntline Special Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2012 12:21 pm

Following on from the Competition earlier this month, the parts finally arrived from the USA and I was able to glue and pin the Wyatt Earp commemorative shield on the replacement wooden pistol grips on my MGC RMI Long Barreled Colt. 44

The replica shield came with 4 holes pre-drilled and is made of brass. The original had no holes and was either made of silver or silver-plated. Probably the former.

Commemorative Grips - Buntline Special ShieldbitsCommemorative Grips - Buntline Special 2shield

Commemorative Grips - Buntline Special Shieldfinished

Coincidentally a Franklin Mint Wyatt Earp Schofield .44 S & W revolver came up for auction last week on Trademe - and I got it for a good price - although the trigger spring was broken and shall have to hand make a replacement.

Commemorative Grips - Buntline Special Shieldguns

There is much debate about which gun Earp used at the OK Corral gunfight: the Schofield was a bit smaller than the Long Barreled Colt, but by that time in history it was already obsolete according to some writers. The long barrel would be slower to point and use, but Earp had a reputation for staying cool under pressure and methodically shooting at adversaries who shot first in haste and missed.

The debate is never ending, as no one can say for certain, the arguments will continue until we are able to time travel and find out!


Last edited by kiwigunner on Fri Aug 17, 2012 2:43 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fix typo)
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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PostSubject: Re: Commemorative Grips - Buntline Special   Commemorative Grips - Buntline Special Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2012 8:16 pm

Nice job there, and with those two models you can now spark a lively debate on which revolver was used at the OK Corral :-)
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Commemorative Grips - Buntline Special
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