O.K. time for another competition?The prize is a sling for an M1 Carbine (shown here on my Erma M1 .22 carbine. The gun is NOI included) ………. The sling will be free, but the winner will need to pay for shipping to their country from New Zealand.
The Competition and CLUES:
I am making another presentation box for another Colt modelgun… the competition is to guess
1) EXACTLY which model Colt itwill display AND
2) the identity of the famous person who may have owned the
original Colt, AND
3) the event which inspired this gun.
So I am also modifying the Colt’s grips, replacing the black plastic ones with dark brown Walnut grips. The modelgun or box will most likely have an inscribed plate attached to it.
The wooden box dimensions are: 450 mm x 290 by 70mm deep.
The rules are:
Each person can have up to THREE posted guesses only! (Posted one guess at a time)
The first person to post the correct guess will win.
The competition will run for only 5 days from the date of posting.
This time CERWYN is not allowed to enter –he already knows the answer!!!
I will answer any reasonable question – but I may answer you with a question!
Good luck – Bonne chance !!!