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 Dummy MP40 Receiver from Blizge [varveklis]

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Dummy MP40 Receiver from Blizge [varveklis] Empty
PostSubject: Dummy MP40 Receiver from Blizge [varveklis]   Dummy MP40 Receiver from Blizge [varveklis] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 7:46 pm

I have just taken delivery of one of varveklis' dummy MP40 receiver tubes, and it is excellent!!! Very Happy

Dummy MP40 Receiver from Blizge [varveklis] Tube1

Steel tube, kind of a 'brushed' finish; unpainted. Exterior is full-length milled in the manner of the MP40 receiver tube. I chose to not have waffenampts or serial on my dummy receiver, but they are available at additional cost.

Tube ID is correct; exterior tube dimensions appear correct as well. Ejector opening and magazine opening cut out; trigger and sear openings cut out; ejector hole drilled. Rear is milled to twist into the receiver cap.

Bolt handle slot is partially cut out; just enough to allow the bolt (and recoil spring assembly) to be inserted. The slot is not milled full-length. This is a dummy only; it will not function/feed/fire. It is lightly milled to allow the remainder of the slot to be painted to look realistic.

Trunnion is included; slots milled for sling loop; correct thread for barrel nut; hole is drilled for dummy barrel (also offered by varveklis).

Top of tube is milled flat in correct location for rear sight base.Tube & trunnion are drilled for a 4mm pin. I can not tell if trunnion is fastened any other way (pin is not included).

Very well made; exceptional quality for a wall-hanger/display dummy! I would recommend it to anyone building up a static display, wall hanger, or re-enactor prop!!!

Here is a link to a current auction for these tubes with additional pictures -
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Modelgun Master
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Dummy MP40 Receiver from Blizge [varveklis] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dummy MP40 Receiver from Blizge [varveklis]   Dummy MP40 Receiver from Blizge [varveklis] Icon_minitimeFri Apr 05, 2013 9:05 pm

Very nice - I really like their work on the MP38 tube, too -

How are you NY guys neutering the mags to go with the MP40 dummy? - do you have to, yet? - how are the laws in that respect?

I bid on two MP38 kits over the last year, and lost out when they passed $3K, but if I get one I'll definitely think about these guys for their work.

Thanks for posting the pics,

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Dummy MP40 Receiver from Blizge [varveklis]
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