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 Do your own Revolver case: The easy way.

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2 posters
Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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Registration date : 2013-08-30

Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Empty
PostSubject: Do your own Revolver case: The easy way.   Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 8:19 pm

My girlfriend hates my collection, but still found me a very nice cigar box when we where in NYC.

Anyways my plan to do my own revolver case started then.
Here's a simple tutorial for the easy way to do it yourself.

Part #1: Draft.
1/ Buy a cigar box with enough room for your gun. ($5 at some week end market close to the Javitz Center in NYC in case you're passing by)
Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Tumblr_mvuyamXCcU1rpidqno4_500Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Tumblr_mvuyamXCcU1rpidqno5_500
2/ I used "papier plume" cause it's easy to work with, inexpensive and super light.
Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Tumblr_mvuyamXCcU1rpidqno3_500
3/ Here are the tools used: a ruler, a cutter, and (optional) a circle cutter.
I took the inside measurements and cut the "papier plume" with 2 mm less, so the cloth I will use later can fit in.
Then obviously cut the gun shape roughly larger to fit it in easily.
Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Tumblr_mvuyamXCcU1rpidqno6_500
4/ My plan is to cut pieces of wood, thick enough to fit the revolver at half of the barrel height. But for now, those soda caps are fine.
Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Tumblr_mvuyamXCcU1rpidqno7_500Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Tumblr_mvuyamXCcU1rpidqno8_500
5/ Put some cloth already!! I cut a piece of some velvet fabric, large enough so the revolver can be deep into it.
Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Tumblr_mvuyamXCcU1rpidqno9_500
6/ and voilà, draft done.
Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Tumblr_mvuyamXCcU1rpidqno10_1280

Next part will be: add a velvet pad on the inside top of the box and on the inside bottom, replace the caps with pieces of wood, and work on some details here and there." />

Last edited by cosmitron on Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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Registration date : 2012-08-09

Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do your own Revolver case: The easy way.   Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 8:47 pm

very nice mate picked up a cigar case to do something similar but with foam never got round to it yet though
nice job Very Happy 
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

Number of posts : 175
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Location / Country : Germany
Registration date : 2013-08-30

Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do your own Revolver case: The easy way.   Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 9:44 pm

Thanks!! I actually found some pics of old cardboard S&W revolver presentation case. And the interior part was done this way!
Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Orig
Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Orig

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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

Number of posts : 175
Age : 49
Location / Country : Germany
Registration date : 2013-08-30

Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do your own Revolver case: The easy way.   Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 09, 2013 5:55 pm

Part 2 : Working on the bottom part.
1/ A house for your favorite gun.
Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Tumblr_mw0bn4V1vM1rpidqno1_1280
Cut wood parts in different sizes: 3 pieces 2X2X10cm, 2 pieces 2X2X7cm and 3 pieces of 2x2x1cm.
and close the bottom part with "walls" of "papier plume".

2/ Bedroom
Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Tumblr_mw0bn4V1vM1rpidqno3_1280
I finally took pink silk (that looks totally red in the picture) over velvet cause I think it's sexier.
Put the gun in, use needles to set the fabric piece in place.

3/ Staples
Forgot to take a pic but I used a stapler to fix the piece of fabric on the papier plume box.

4/ Fitness
Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Tumblr_mw0bn4V1vM1rpidqno4_1280
Fit the "bed" in the box. and there you go.

Next part: I'll add some foam between this part and the box and work on the top part.
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Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do your own Revolver case: The easy way.   Do your own Revolver case: The easy way. Icon_minitime

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Do your own Revolver case: The easy way.
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