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 WE MP5K Apache GBB

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Modelgun Master
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WE MP5K Apache GBB Empty
PostSubject: WE MP5K Apache GBB   WE MP5K Apache GBB Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 6:01 am

Just a brief write up - first impressions of this smg .

I found out only recently that there was now both the VFC and WE versions of this beautiful piece of kit .

I already have a kitted VFC MP5 A3 so was in no great rush to buy a similar gun but when I watched the youtube videos and checked the pics - that was it .  Embarassed 

A few days and £265 later I received a box from Landwarrior via UPS - heavy and big !! ...promising !!

Very basic box but the smg was extremely good - more so than I expected . WE box is pretty naff with not much gun protection but adequate.

I have never held a real MP5 but the replica seems a bit shiney perhaps ? I have owned HK pistols ( deactivated ) and the finish is not like this but of course WE build down to a price not up to a standard like Heckler and Koch .

What I in particular liked straight away was the tightness of the action and impressive sound on cocking the lovely HK bolt . Not like many airsofts I owned before . Firearm like - in a word .

I resisted temptation to do the HK slap as I have seen too many crocked airsofts suffer from this treatment . I just allowed the bolt to go forward with a little manual assistance instead . I always feel that with real steel a round in the chamber will cushion and assist the bolts movement wheras not allowing this ( dry firing ) is harsh on the action .

The WE HK is very very solid with no rattle or creaking - it feels top heavy - which it would be with all the metal up top and polymer lower grips . I have not fired it yet as for me the looks and feel is primary but I notice that Landwarrior pressured the mag to check gas tight !

The WE HK is bigger than I was expecting and definately heavier - too heavy to hold comfortably one handed - ( wuss ) - I doubt I could manage a Neo - 2 up - impersonation from the Matrix scene !!
The markings look great and authentic although the fire select ones look a bit garish .
3 shot burst too - thats handy !  I would imagine control would be an issue with real steel more than this ?

I have read that ROF is low compared with real steel or even other attempts at MP5K gbb was that the Maruzen I am thinking about with crazy ROF ? But the WE is much more authentic , more solid and realistic .

It is quite exciting how good modern GBBs are becoming and makes you wonder what other awesome models are on the way , and I am impressed once again by WE after owning the KA PDW in the recent past plus several pistols . All good and very solid .

I do enjoy GBB airsofts but they are not as good as modelguns imo . The little plastic balls annoy me and I often wish my airsofts were PFC instead . It would be good to see more cartridge ejecting gas guns but skirmishers don,t like these do they ? scratch 

Anyway for anyone who - like me loves the MP5K - the WE GBB ticks all the boxes . You will not be disappointed . For the price of 2 pistols you can get a truly excellent replica of this awesome Heckler and Koch smg . I would like to have had slightly more muted paint and maybe a more positive action on the fire select but I am nit picking .

For the money this model is a winner .

I have attached linky to few pics as my camera is down but I will post some proper pics when I get the chance - promise ![5]-9189-p.jpg[4]-9189-p.jpg[3]-9189-p.jpg


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