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 real bayonet for Marushin M16

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2 posters
Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 658
Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart)
Registration date : 2008-08-06

real bayonet for Marushin M16 Empty
PostSubject: real bayonet for Marushin M16   real bayonet for Marushin M16 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 14, 2016 3:40 pm

I was able to pick up a real Colt bayonet for the M16.

I am happy to say it fits the Marushin M16 series (I tried it on my M651 M16A1 Carbine) quite well, only slight wobble. Of course it does not fit the XM177 due to the diameter of the muzzle break and the lack of a bayonet lug.

real bayonet for Marushin M16 20160914_073332_zpsxml2e7u4

real bayonet for Marushin M16 20160914_073351_zpswiqcxhj5

real bayonet for Marushin M16 20160914_073428_zpsq2lijeya

real bayonet for Marushin M16 20160914_073411_zpszxxyrejm

It is sharp as hell so I had to be careful.
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Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Cerwyn (Site Admin)

Number of posts : 11092
Age : 65
Location / Country : North Wales
Registration date : 2008-07-20

real bayonet for Marushin M16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: real bayonet for Marushin M16   real bayonet for Marushin M16 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 15, 2016 1:13 pm

That's an impressive looking accessory  Wink It gives the modelgun an even more realistic look.


Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria.
also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
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real bayonet for Marushin M16
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