Subject: GM7 with zeke inners! Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:13 am
i have already posted some videos before but here’s another of me firing GM7 1911 with zeke inner pistons. no magnesium powder or any kind is used. just one 7mm cap + 5mm cap. i personally don't like using magnesium powder or any other kind. the flash gets too bright and not beautiful. very slow burning too so it does not look as good especially when slow mo recorded. the gun gets dirty way faster as well.
Sorry about the misfires. the hammer spring is as weak as tanio koba gm7 stock one. if you use current BWC GM7 hammer spring(stronger for their BWC carts), this problem will be solved. i suppose the conditions of MG 7mm cap and MG 5mm i purchased were pretty good.
claymore Modelgun Perfectionist
Number of posts : 1253 Age : 64 Location / Country : London Registration date : 2008-09-07
Subject: Re: GM7 with zeke inners! Fri Oct 28, 2016 6:54 pm
Thats a really nice flash from just caps and i agree with you on the magnesium powder, its a pain. Did not know you could get spare stronger hammer springs.