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 GM7 with ZEKE inners

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GM7 with ZEKE inners Empty
PostSubject: GM7 with ZEKE inners   GM7 with ZEKE inners Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2017 5:34 am


I fired my GM7 with zeke parts so im sharing it with you guys..

i did not have MG caps(currently a lot of stores out of stock in japan) so i used Tokyo Marui 7mm and 5mm caps.
As i dislike using any magnesium related powder, only one 7mm cap and a 5mm cap used in each cart.
i believe one of the reasons it can create bigger fireballs using marui caps is that the marui caps are a lot thicker than mg caps so i guess the ignited powder get compressed more like it takes more time for it to break the 5mm cap. maybe im no scientist.

Hope you enjoy the video

Be safe.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Registration date : 2008-09-07

GM7 with ZEKE inners Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM7 with ZEKE inners   GM7 with ZEKE inners Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2017 9:17 am

Wow! thats a hell of a flash with just 2 caps, what a difference an open det pin makes. what Zeke parts are you using, just the det pin?
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GM7 with ZEKE inners Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM7 with ZEKE inners   GM7 with ZEKE inners Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2017 9:29 am

Thanks for watching!

yeah so much flash. the reason I'm showing the barrel in the video is proving that I didn't use any powder. when you use it it makes the barrel white.

I used Tanio koba 45acp carts with ZEKE hollow inner
pistons and ZEKE hollow detonator pin. that's all.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 1253
Age : 64
Location / Country : London
Registration date : 2008-09-07

GM7 with ZEKE inners Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM7 with ZEKE inners   GM7 with ZEKE inners Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2017 10:06 am

the powder is just too time consuming and dirty and i never get the amount right, its either not enough so no good flash or too much and the flash whites the camera shot out. i dont have a GM7 that fires the cp rounds only the open ones, may have to look at getting one in the future and an open det pin, the effect is very good.
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PostSubject: Re: GM7 with ZEKE inners   GM7 with ZEKE inners Icon_minitime

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GM7 with ZEKE inners
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