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 Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 658
Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart)
Registration date : 2008-08-06

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine Empty
PostSubject: Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine   Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine Icon_minitimeTue Sep 29, 2020 10:34 am

I was able to compare an early and a later MGC M4A1 carbine lately when visiting a friend's house. Both were bought back in 2006 and 2008.

The first ones came in a natural HW silver-greyish color, the later ones were black. The later M4A1 “Short” (Commando) version and the "R.I.S." version were black as well. Later black M4A1 Carbines had a sticker "Black" on the box. The last production run that came in a plain box was silver-greyish again, but had the later lower receiver front lugs.

These lugs are interesting. You may notice that the lugs on the black receiver have been modified to the real (reinforced) M16A2 standard, whereas the lugs on the first model were more like the ones on older M16A1.

Claymore has posted pictures of his black model here in the past that features the early “M16A1” style lugs so there are black models with these lugs too. Anyway I suppose you can tell by the lugs, regardless of the color: earlier MGC M4A1 models have the older “A1” lugs, later the “A2” lugs.
The stock on the early model seems to be painted in a silver-greyish color, the later one is shiny black plastic.

I could not find other differences than that, supplied magazines, carry handle/rear sight and extras seem to be the same, as well as the markings. Manuals are dated 2004.

It is up to you which you like more. At first I was a big fan of the black version and didnt like the silver-greyish HW color. This has changed over the years. The natural HW tends to get darker and more realistic by handling and oiling, looking quite good.

For comparison there is a Hobby Fix M4A1 as well. Its color is a dark grey and in some way in-between.

I miss the days when we could get a nice MGC M4A1 for a good price from Japan or HK.

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine WmgKM36h

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine 3vlBz9Ph

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine Gt6kzqNh

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine LdsN2Flh

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine IQFcngfh

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine PFwnsw2h
Early version with M16A1 style lugs.

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine H5bhTlQh
Later version with M16A2 style reinforced lugs.

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine BDO2jGOh
Two MGC versions, HF M4A1 for comparison.

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 658
Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart)
Registration date : 2008-08-06

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine   Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2022 8:39 am

I found this old scan, propably an ad from "Gun" magazine about the MGC M4A1 short (Commando) version.

If you look closely there is an arrow pointing out the front lug.

It seems that this was a change MGC made on purpose.

I would love to know what they write about this. Maybe one of our Japanese members can help?

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine SvRYCA8
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 658
Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart)
Registration date : 2008-08-06

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine   Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine Icon_minitimeFri Aug 02, 2024 11:54 am

I came upon these photos showing M16A2 in Air Force training usage and I realized how the well-worn finish on the lowers resembles the finish on the early MGC M4A1 models.

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine Lh6fJ64

Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine Sr6l2eF
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Differences between early and late MGC M4A1 Carbine
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