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 MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Empty
PostSubject: MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine   MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2021 12:13 pm

This is an interesting model I found on the internet lately. It is a MGC M4A1 carbine with a fixed A1 buttstock. I thought a collector has done a conversion using parts from the MGC ABS M16 series, but I noticed the MGC style sticker on the box that says something in Japanese, "C-Type" as I was told.

The parts are from an early HW M4A1 (see the front receiver lugs in "A1 style").

Maybe it was done by MGC in very limited numbers, maybe it was some kind of preproduction sample, or it is just something an enthusiast made.

Back in the days a few had hoped MGC would come up with a M16A2 or A4 style rifle, even hoping for a 3 round burst feature, but they never did ...

Some Airsoft models prefer this set-up as the stock can host a larger battery. No need for it with a modelgun tough.

But there are almost no short barreled real carbines with fullsize buttsocks today. In the very early days the very short barreled XM177E1 (10.0 inch barrel) and E2 (11.5 inch barrel) had problems with the recoil system on full automatic, so it was not uncommen to see field modifications with A1 butt stocks with the longer recoil system. But the current 14.5 inch barrel models run fine with a shorter carbine buffer and recoil spring.

I thought I would share the pics here.

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine HQhWzVt

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine 5xFMZgA

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine 4FcoqSn

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine PNkCYLc

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine GvyMGGz

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine   MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Icon_minitimeWed May 05, 2021 5:19 pm

Interesting to see an unusual factory combination, I am only used to see classic M16/M4 with their respective stock&barrel types.
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MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine   MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2021 1:51 pm

I didn't realize this was a uncommon thing, but I have the same setup but with a flash suppressor MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine 20210511

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine   MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Icon_minitimeMon May 17, 2021 7:28 am

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine 2geaxWC

It looks like MGC made this custom model back in the late 1970s/early 1980s as a "M655".

You have a nice model. It is a full metal model, the one I have found is a HW plastic model.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine   MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Icon_minitimeMon May 17, 2021 7:44 am

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine FAF0ecy

This is a photo that was found on the internet years ago.

I would say it shows a South Vietnamese Scout with a hybrid XM177E1 (10 inch barreled XM177E1 upper on M16/M16E1/M16A1 lower).
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MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine   MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Icon_minitimeMon May 17, 2021 7:59 am

All metal. It dosnt have a Date stamped like a lot of them
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine   MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Icon_minitimeMon May 17, 2021 8:16 am

Thanks. Maybe you can add a few pictures here, or even make a small photo review.

Did it come with a 20 or a 30 rd magazine?
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Registration date : 2008-08-06

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine   MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Icon_minitimeTue Jun 08, 2021 4:50 pm

The sticker on the box of the HW models says "C-Type".

The pink extra information sheet says:

We have a request

This product is a "special limited edition" and the receiver, frame, and butt stock cannot be sold separately.

Also, please note that we cannot handle repairs, etc. for receivers, frames, and butt stocks.

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine BJJSsDe

A really interesting model i have never seen so far.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 655
Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart)
Registration date : 2008-08-06

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine   MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Icon_minitimeTue Oct 19, 2021 1:13 pm

I can present some pictures now, even comparing it to the standard (later black version) M4A1 Carbine. Both are 2,8 kg and came with the same box (although the C-Type version had a part of the styrofoam inlay cut away to accommodate the larger stock) and accessories.

The buttstock plate is metal, and I like how its color matches the receiver.

I am quite sure that there is no original Colt M4 with this modification, but I am aware that quite some shooters prefer the A1 stock on their short barrel carabines as it is more stable and better balanced than the sliding carbine buttstock, whereas the current A2/A4 butt stock is slightly longer.

Note that the 20 rd magazine is an older one that was available with MGC ABS CP M16 modles in the late 1980s. It is working with the later HW models as well and looks great with this set-up.

I would love to learn more about this "C-type" model, I have only seen it once in early 2021, but never before. The way the sticker on the box is looking, compared to the stickers on the M733 and R.I.S. versions, I would say it is a modification done by MGC themself, or at least a wholesaler, but not an individual collector.

If you are a big fan of the M4A1 and don't own a model yet, I suggest that you get the MGC model if there is any opportunity. They are long out of production now and hard to come by in good condition, even in Japan these days, so they will keep their value.

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine KjiXrCq

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine YyDR6at

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine I8RDz1i

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine 2cVlXW8

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine VKk1AYh

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine I0DfvtZ

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine YeMx1cs

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine KsmB4px

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine FdQcIo9

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 655
Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart)
Registration date : 2008-08-06

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine   MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2021 1:39 pm

I was able to take it out on one of the last sunny days this autumn ...

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine 7ReIQ0p

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine 2kBsmxZ
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 655
Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart)
Registration date : 2008-08-06

MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine   MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Icon_minitimeThu Jul 13, 2023 10:10 am

I was handling my MGC M4A1 carbine lately with a friend. We are both still impressed by the look and feel of the HW model. It sure has some minor downs, but it was a great model for the price MGC was asking then in the 2005 - 2006. You could get one for approx 350 USD, spares, magazines, carts and caps were available too. Man, I really miss these times. Even in Japan a MGC M4A1 is rare these days as most collectors treasure what they have.

We all had issues with the MGC models, especially the Heavy Weight models. Some pistols needed replacement barrels often and sometimes ecven frames broke. But MGC had a great range of models available for a still decent price.

Sadly even my Japanese friend does not know about the "C-Type" model. It seems unknown and was not discussed among collectors.
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PostSubject: Re: MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine   MGC M4A1 fixed stock "C-Type" carbine Icon_minitime

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