As far as I understand it is about removing flash and forging marks and painting it to look more realistic.
blast335 New Member
Number of posts : 20 Location / Country : USA Registration date : 2020-02-19
Subject: Re: Japanese blog about the SNM / NewMGC M4A1 Carbine Tue Aug 31, 2021 9:25 pm
Any idea when these new ones will be for sale (Or how an American would be able to order one?)
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ljerr2 Modelgun Perfectionist
Number of posts : 573 Location / Country : Iowa, USA Registration date : 2008-11-26
Subject: Re: Japanese blog about the SNM / NewMGC M4A1 Carbine Tue Aug 31, 2021 11:43 pm
This particular version hasn't been made for many years as the company went out of business a long time ago. You may be able to purchase a used one in the States as they come up for sale once in a great while. I saw one on ebay several months ago. It was very expensive, though, or I might have purchased it for my collection.
Otherwise, Marushin makes an AR/M4 type model and I read recently they will be going into production again. Also, Tanio Koba makes one that is superb but you won't find a new one for sale likely. I don't think they are currently in production.
As far as importing a model like this into the US, that is going to be another story altogether. Probably not a great chance of something like this passing through customs unless you are lucky enough to not have the parcel inspected at all. Even then, it might take a year to get through!
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MadMike Modelgun Perfectionist
Number of posts : 660 Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart) Registration date : 2008-08-06
Subject: Re: Japanese blog about the SNM / NewMGC M4A1 Carbine Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:53 pm
ljerr2 is totally right. It is so sad that newMGC went out of business again. These M4A1 models are quite rare these days, even in Japan, where they have been readily available back then for approx. 350 USD.
I posted this link here as I thought it would be interesting. Real news about modelguns are getting rarer day by day.
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Subject: Re: Japanese blog about the SNM / NewMGC M4A1 Carbine