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 New AR-15 Style Modelguns?

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New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Empty
PostSubject: New AR-15 Style Modelguns?   New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Icon_minitimeFri Nov 03, 2023 9:21 pm

Everything I can find in terms of AR-15 modelguns are almost twice as old as me and made of plastic. Are there any metal, post-2000 manufacturers? I want something I can safely play around with inside and tinker with. I would prefer to buy new if there are any sellers that still out there.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New AR-15 Style Modelguns?   New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 04, 2023 6:59 pm

I believe Marushin re-released their metal AR15 style model. It could probably be found new.

Tanio Koba has a nylon/plastic based M4 model that is extremely durable. I'd say more durable than any modelgun made of any material that I've ever owned in the last 30 years. You might be able to find one new but they are double the price of the Marushin likely.

Might be hard to get inside the US, as well. Customs can be pretty picky on letting these through. If they happen to inspect the package, it has a good chance of being refused or seized even if it is marked appropriately.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New AR-15 Style Modelguns?   New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 06, 2023 1:30 pm

HobbyFix did a full metal M4A1, but they are quite rare.

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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart)
Registration date : 2008-08-06

New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New AR-15 Style Modelguns?   New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 16, 2024 7:10 am

HobbyFix did a very limited number of M4A1 models (150 and 70 pieces) in 1999/200, and M16A4 (160 pieces) in 2001. These models are very realistic, but dummy only models. This means you can only cycle dummy rounds manually by pulling the charging handle. They are very expensive today if available at all. I have not seen one cheaper than 2500 – 3000 USD over the last years in Japan.

In 2022 Marushin did a new production run of their XM177E2, M16A1 and M655 (Model 651 would be correct for a 14.5 inch barreled carbine with rifle stock) series. It has some minor modifications and a gas tube added. Also the black finish is glossier, thus more realistic. The greatest improvement is a new cartridge design. These models were sold out fast in Japan, but there is a chance that Marushin may do another production run. It is made of zinc.

If you like to “fire” the modelgun often and if you want a reliable model, the TanioKoba model is the way to go. It is made of plastic, but it is the most durable and reliable “AR-15” model out there. You will have to spend at least 1000 USD tough to get a good one. It is also the most modern copy of an AR-15 out there, featuring a modern charging handle and more modern stock.

We have to bear in mind that the Marushin series was designed in the late 1970s, the HobbyFix 199-2001, the MGC M4A1 around 2003 and the TanioKoba around 2010.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Registration date : 2008-11-26

New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New AR-15 Style Modelguns?   New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 16, 2024 1:23 pm

I may consider selling my Tanio Koba M4 if interested.
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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

Number of posts : 655
Location / Country : Germany (Stuttgart)
Registration date : 2008-08-06

New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: New AR-15 Style Modelguns?   New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 16, 2024 2:17 pm

This would be a great chance to get one in the USA that may not come up again.

Also Jerrod is a great guy, higly trusted and respected here. Any buyer cannot go wrong.

I would buy it myself if I'd be in the USA.
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PostSubject: Re: New AR-15 Style Modelguns?   New AR-15 Style Modelguns? Icon_minitime

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