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 2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here?

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Modelgun Enthusiast
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2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Empty
PostSubject: 2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here?   2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 29, 2024 7:29 pm

As mentioned in another thread, I got my hands on a pretty extensive collection of old modelguns, mostly MGC.
One of the highlights were two MGC Sterlings, which I finally got around to taking a better look at.
I'll just call them No.1 and No.2.

As there are many specialists here in the forums, I thought I'd ask about what exactly I have here Laughing
From what I gathered, there have been different iterations of the MGC Sterling and the two I have here also differ slightly in some places.

I have taken many pics. Besides hoping to make help a bit easier, it might also be interesting for some to see details of these veeeery old guns Smile
Also, of course I can take many more pics, if needed or requested Very Happy

So, regarding the questions I have:

- I think there were different versions regarding the chamber, maybe even PFC/Papercap firing versions?
How would they look?
I took pics of the chamber on mine, there's a cylindrical part sitting between the chamber and the (closed) barrel, but definately not a detonator pin.
Both Sterlings look pretty much the same here.
Any info on the chamber and the system it might have had would be appreciated.

- No.1 has that "deflector thingy" in front of the ejection port (can hardly be a deflector, when it's in front of the port instead of behind, but it looks like one Smile), No.2 doesn't.
It's not, that No.2 has lost that part, it's obvious, that there has never been one attached, as there would still be spot-weld marks visible otherwise.
Does anyone know anything about why MGC made models with and without that part?

- The bolts seem to be almost identical, but the one in No.2 has been cut in a 45° angle, so it's "castrated". The bolt of No.1 looks fine.
Has MGC delivered guns with cut bolts, or has this always been done afterwards (e.g. to import the gun into another country)?
On No.2, the cut has mill-marks, but is just as black as the rest of the bolt.

- No.2 has a stock completely in this typical old "gold-brown" steel, the stock on No.1 is almost completely black.
Does this hint to something like earlier and later version?

- Can you give an estimate regarding value of the No.2 Sterling with the cut bolt? (I'm going to keep No.1 Smile)
As you can see, it has some wear and patina, but overall I'd say it's in good shape, especially regarding its age. There's hardly any rust; the brownish stuff you see in some of the recesses is dried up gun grease (have to do a more thorough cleaning tongue )
The spring of the tab holding the end cap seems to have lost tension on No.2 (but is still there) and as mentioned, the bolt is cut -everything else works just like it should.
A friend of mine has milled new charging handles from steel for both Sterlings (see pic) and he has built a replacement safety lever for No.2 from aluminum (and has done a tremendously nice job, see pic; looks just like the original MGC safety lever on No.1 and works fine).
Any idea what would be a fair price for both parties is much appreciated Smile

And here we go with the pics (please click on pic for higher resolution):

MGC Sterling No.1

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-01

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-02

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-03

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-04

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-05

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-06

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-07

Stock mostly black:
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-08

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-09

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-10

Chamber + cylindrical part:
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-11

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-12

Bolt face is uncut:
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-13

Charginhandle machined from steel by a friend of mine:
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No1-14

MGC Sterling No.2

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-01

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-02

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-03

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-04

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-05

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-06

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-07

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-08

Stock mostly gold-brown:
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-09

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-10

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-11

Chamber + cylindrical part just like on No.1:
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-12

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-13

Bolt face cut 45°:
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-14

Charginghandle milled from steel and safety lever built from aluminum by a friend of mine:
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? MGCSterling-No2-15

Thanks in advance!

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Modelgun Master
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2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here?   2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2024 9:48 am

Greats pics!! I can't help with any of your questions as I sold my 2 back in the 80's (as I recall) and never took detailed photo's. I'm sure there are other members here who know the ins and outs of the guns, Thanks for posting.

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2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here?   2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2024 11:10 am

The guards were to protect the hands of the firer.

The one forward of the ejection port to avoid finger(s) slipping into the port and being caught by the bolt. The forward one to keep the hand from the end of the barrel. They were a feature of the Sterling.

Is one a model of a Patchett which was the earlier variant? I’m assuming not…
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2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here?   2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2024 8:18 pm

They are both worth about $700+ each.

I have 2, both of which are the same.
Neither have the stampings on the magazine well or return spring cap as yours does.

Only one has a firing pin, and it has more wear and tear.

2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Img_6911
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Img_6910
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Img_6912
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Img_6914
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Img_6913
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Img_7010
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Img_7011
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Img_7013
2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Img_7012
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Modelgun Master
Modelgun Master

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2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here?   2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2024 11:01 pm

All I remember of them was that the folding stock was a bugger for pinching your fingers.
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Modelgun Enthusiast
Modelgun Enthusiast

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2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here?   2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2024 11:25 pm

Thanks a lot for the posts and info everyone! cheers

Thanks for the explanation regarding those protruding sheet metal parts @cushy1944! Sounds completely reasonable.
Really strange, that one of my two Sterling is missing the rear "handguard" and seemingly never had one...

Also, thank you for your estimate @mgoob and of course for your pics!
You wouldn't happen to be willing to post pics of how the inner parts of the one with the detonator pin look? Laughing

It's very easy to get there, just unscrew the 4 screws around the chamber, then you can pull out the entire chamber + barrel construction.
Chamber can then be unscrewed from the barrel, probably possible to do that by hand.

Would be really interesting to see, what's different in there, maybe it's easy enough to replicate the detonator pin part.

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PostSubject: Re: 2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here?   2x MGC Sterling - what exactly do I have here? Icon_minitime

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