Hello all.
I thought that I should start this by introduce myself for you all, but seem not to be able to find a dedicated introduction-thread.
My name is Olle, and I´m a 30 year old swede with too many hobbies.
As a true game-nerd I have been playing RPGs, boardgames and LARPing since the early 90ies. Started airsofting a few years back and got stuck in the whole impression-game (sort of reenacting a russian VDV-group). Got in contact with model-guns quite recently after lugging around a MGC Remington shotgun for a whole LARP, and it was love at first sight.
The model-guns for me fit perfectly with both LARPing, as they are not loud enough to damage anyones hearing, but still with enough effect to make a difference, and film, as the finish is good looking, and the action seems real enough.
I´m happy that I´ve found a dedicated model-gun forum, where I can ask noob-questions. As a multi-hobbyist, all weapon-related, I just want everyone to get along.
Have also recently started to rent out weapons and gear to film-productions, airsoft-guns for a police-trilogy, and a russian bodyarmour to a russian action-movie filmed here in Sweden.
I am currently mostly looking after a MGC Remington m31rs2 shotgun with wood-stock, and metal barrell and reciever, so anyone wanting to get rid of theirs, or with a lead on one could give me a holler.