| MP40's Modelguns Forum International Forum for Modelgun enthusiasts |
| Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website | |
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Author | Message |
Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:25 pm | |
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:46 am; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:28 pm | |
| HUDSON IMI DESERT EAGLE .44 ハドソン製・IMIデザートイーグル44 (概要) ハリウッド製アクション映画に頻繁に登場する大型マグナムオートです。 私の所有するのは、HW素材の44口径モデルです。このほかにABS製のものも販売されているようです。使用カートは、実際のマグナム弾を模したリムドカートで結構リアル、構造はCPカートと同様、もちろんセンターファイアです。 兄貴分の50口径もモデルアップされていますが、私は44口径のほうがスタイルが良いと感じます。皆さんはどう思われますか? ハドソン製にしてはというと、メーカーの方からお叱りをいただいてしまいますが、少なくとも私の購入したものは、箱出しの状態でそこそこ快調にブローバックしました。ほんと、うれしい驚きでした! (調整)1 マガジンとスライドストップ 箱出し状態で良好なことから、本体側はあまり調整しておりません。ただ、マガジンとスライドストップの関係がよろしくありませんでしたので、その点少し手を加えました。 具体的には、マガジンファロアーに付属するボタン(スライドストップを作動させる)がそのままでは出すぎており、本体に差し込むときやカートを装填するときに結構な抵抗になるので、少し削る必要がありました。しかし、削りすぎると今度は最終弾発射後のスライドストップが効かなくなります。 また、最終弾発射後スライドストップにマガジンファロアーが接触した際、力の係り具合の加減でスライドストップの一部とフレームが接触することがあり、そのためスライドストップが上がりきらず中途半端な位置で止まり、スライド側の切り込みの角をなめてしまうことがあります。私もそれで泣かされました。接触する部分を見極め、様子を見ながら少しずつ削ってやる必要があります。 あと発火の項で述べていますが、マガジン内部の研磨はやったほうが良いようです。7発以上、装填するとちょっと調子が悪くなるようです。 2 その他ほかには、エジェクターの形式がプランジャータイプ(見事に再現されていることには拍手したい!)のため、チャンバーへの装弾の際それが原因でカートを前へ押し出そうとするものですから、どうしてもエキストラクターがカートのリムをくわえられません。ですから、手動でスライドを操作してもカートをエジェクトしてくれません。私のだけでしょうか? ただ、発火の際にはその力でボルトヘッドにカートが押し付けられ、その際しっかりエキストラクターがリムをくわえるので、支障なくエジェクトはするのですが。この点についてはそのままにしてあります。 あと、少々、ハンマースプリングが弱いようです。MGCやマルシンのものに比べ、同じセンターファイアでありながら若干不発が多いようです。この点は、カート内部をこまめにきれいにし、オイルをひいて、インナープラグの動きを滑らかにしておけば避けられると思います。 そのほか、基本的なことですが、全体として動きに渋さが残っていますので、できるだけ各部のすり合わせを念入りにやり作動を軽くすることと、カートはこまめに清掃しておくくらいではないかと思います。 蛇足ながら、バレル下部は改造防止のためか結構なスペースが抉ってあります。ちょっと格好が悪いので私はここにパテを充填しました。でもへたくそなもんですから表面がやたらうねっており、一層、格好悪くなってしまいました(泣)。 なお、パテ盛りの後を隠すために、アイアンブライトで塗装してありますが、これも後処理がへたくそで妙な具合になっています。やめときゃよかった・・・。 (総括)個人的には、大好きなモデルでして、GUN誌のレポートで初めてその存在を知ってから、ずっとモデルガン化を夢に見た機種です。 ハドソン社から発売される以前には、マルイとアオシマからそれぞれコッキングエアガンが販売されていたので、それを購入し、中にマルイのキットのガバを無理やり入れ、何とかブローバックモデルを作っておりました。 ですから、このモデルを開発し、発売したという事実だけで私はハドソン社の味方です(笑)!! ただ、このモデル、特にHW製のものには非常に大きな欠点があります。素材がもろいのです。特にスライド後部あたりがひび割れすることが非常に多いようです。それも寒い季節に。私のものも2箇所ばかりひびが入っています(泣)。 また、フレームのグリップ上部テール上に伸びた部分も1度折れました。スライド後退時勢いよくコックされたハンマーがそのまま激突したためと思います。ですから、発火を目的として入手される方は、ABSモデルにされるのがよろしいかと思います。 あと、このHW材はガンブルー液にほとんど反応しなかったと思います。 いろいろ欠点はあります。 作動性は、MGCやマルシンのものよりは少々劣るかもしれません。しかしながら、これだけの大型モデルがその長いスライドをフルにストロークさせながら次々と重いカートを吐き出し、最終弾発射後ガツンとホールドオープンしたときは感激します! 是非、1度手にして、迫力あるブローバックを経験していただきたいモデルです。 【ちょっとした改良点 14.9.19追加】 結構久し振りの発火です。 前回も少し触れましたが、このモデル、エキストラクターがうまくカートのリムをくわえてくれません。 発火した場合は、ブローバックの衝撃でカートがボルトフェイスに押し付けられますので、問題なくエジェクトされるのですが、手動による操作ではうまくいきません。 エキストラクターの形状の問題もあるのかもしれませんが、それよりもエジェクターの影響が強いように思います。 このモデルのエジェクターはプランジャータイプですから、カートは常に前進する力(ボルトフェイスから突き放される力)を加えられています。 これがエキストラクターがリムをくわえるのを邪魔しているようです。 そこで、エジェクタースプリングを少し弱いものと交換してみました。 どうやらうまくいったようで、手動での作動でもエキストラクターはカートのリムをしっかりくわえてくれるようになりました。 また、カートのエジェクトも少々弱々しくなりましたが、確実に行われるので一安心。 この作業に加えて、不発防止のため、ハンマースプリングにワッシャーをかましてテンションを強め、インナーピストンの火薬との打撃面を尖らせます。2003・9・20更新 ほぼ1年ぶりに登場。今回以下の点に手を加えてみた。 まず、ハンマーSP。 このモデルのハンマーSPはどちらかというと弱い。そのため、不発が発生しやすい。 そこで、こいつを強化してみた。 一番簡単なのは、同サイズのSPでより強力なものと交換すればいいのだけれど、これが見つからなかったので、次善の策として、ナットからスペーサーを自作してセット。細かなサイズについては、記録していなかったのでご容赦願いたい(^^;。厚さにして3ミリぐらいだったかな。 結果は良好。完璧とはいえないが、かなり不発が減ったのは間違いない。 ただし、問題がある。ハンマーの勢いが強くなることから、その分当然にスライドが受ける打撃が強くなる。このモデルのスライドは、ちょうどリアサイトの付け根あたりが弱く、よくひびが入るが、その症状が一層悪化する恐れがあるのでご注意願いたい。特にHW。 まぁ、少しのひびは作動に影響しないので、心配はご無用。私のモデルなど、リアサイト周りはひびだらけである(^^;。 ついで、ハンマーの過剰コッキング防止策。 「B4」さんは、金属製インナーシャーシに穴をあけ、ピンを通すことにより、ハンマーの過剰な起き上がりを防止されていた。そこで私も挑戦。ドリルがあれば作業は比較的簡単。 問題だったのは、適当なサイズのピンを探すことかな。 そして、スライドストップ。 マガジンとのコンタクトが浅いことから、どうかするとスライドストップが作動しないことがよくある。これを確実にしようと、フロアーの突起の突き出し量を多くすると、今度はフロア-の動きが悪くなり、装弾不良が起こったりする。そこで、スライドストップ側のコンタクト部分に真ちゅう板をネジ止めしてかさ上げ、コンタクトを確実にした。これは結構効果あり。 最後はFピン周り。 まずハンマーの打撃を直接受けるリアのストライカーピン(亜鉛製)がかなり変形してくる。そうなると、動くが悪くなるので気をつけておいたほうがいい。多少の変形はやすりで修正できるが、一応予備パーツを購入しておいたほうが無難。 これも私の印象だけだが、ハドソンの亜鉛は少しやわらかいように思う。 フロント側のFピンは樹脂製。いつかは折れるものと覚悟しておいたほうがいい。他のセンターファイアモデルと同様、ブリーチはスライドに接着されており分解不能なので、折れてしまえばスライドごと交換の道しかない・・・、かな(⌒‐⌒)。大きな声ではいえないが、工夫次第で何とかなるもの。どうせ交換するのであれば、いろいろチャレンジされてはどうだろうか。 ちなみに、フロント側Fピンのサイズは長さ6センチ弱、直径は太いほうが5・5ミリほど、細いほうが3ミリくらい。 おまけのマガジン。 フロア―の動きが悪く、装弾がうまくいかない場合があったので、フロアーに設けられているスライドストップ作動用突起のSPを弱いものにして調製。以前にも書いたが、あまり弱くすると今度はスライドストップが作動しにくくなるので注意が必要。 私の場合は上で述べたように、スライドストップに細工をしたので、多少弱くても確実にスライドストップは作動する。さて発火。 4+4、6+1、8、8、そしてスロー。1マガジン問題なく連射できるようになった。発火音は相変わらずいい。実に良い子である(笑)。 さあ、これで、いつでもオフ会に持っていけるぞ! _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:49 pm | |
| Hudson Desert Eagle IMI 44 (Overview) The large Magunamuoto appear frequently made by Hollywood action movie. Of my own, HW .44 model material. In addition it seems that ABS is also made for sale. Cart use is modeled after a real fine Rimudokato Magnum real cart as well as the CP structure is of course Fire Center. The models are up 50 caliber big brother too, I feel better and better style 44 caliber. What do you think you are? Hudson is made to say, would have rebuked the views of manufacturers who, at least in my purchases are reasonably smoothly with the blowback of the state out of the box. Really, was a pleasant surprise! (Adjusted) A magazine and slide stop From out of the box in good condition, the body does not adjust much. But it was not a good relationship between the magazine and slide stop and make a slight point. Specifically, the button that comes with Magajinfaroa (to operate the slide stop) and so are left intact, it's fine resistance when inserted into the body, or when loading the cart, you need a little cut was. But this time will be cut too ineffective bullets fired after the last slide stop. Also, when contacted by the slide stop after firing bullets Magajinfaroa final frame and may be contacted as part of the slide stop condition by adding and subtracting in charge of power, position halfway stop slide stop Sono Tame rises Kirazu may they licked the corners of the notch on the slide. The cry was that, too. Assess the contact area, we need to cut back a little bit throughout the process. That are discussed in later sections of the fire, inside the magazine is like polishing done better. From seven or more, it seems a little goes out the load. 2 Other In addition, the type plunger forms of ejection (that is reproduced beautifully want to clap!), So from it what you 押Shi出Sou Previous cart because it is the time of your weapon and on the chamber, the rim of the mouth can not really extract the tractor cart. So for me to eject the cart can manually operate the slide. Why just me? However, when the ignition is pushed against the powers of the bolt head to the cart, so the rim Kuwaeru extractor doing so well, but to eject safely. On this point have been left alone. Also, little seems to be a weak hammer spring. Compared with the Marushin and MGC, it seems that many small unexploded fire, yet the same center. This point is often to clean inside the cart, pull the oil, we can avoid Once you have a smooth movement of the inner plug. In addition, it is basic things, so we left a bitter movement as a whole, and to lighten the work to do a careful Suri合Wase of parts as possible, Curt I think in about you cleaned frequently. While an extra, lower barrel is fine with 抉Tsu space to prevent people from remodeling. I look absurd I was filled with a little putty here. Surface and rolling wildly from a dub mon, but more, but it turned shapelessly (crying). However, after the prime putty to hide, but have been painted Aianburaito, has become so strange that in the post-dub as well. Good stop your armpits. (Summary) Personally, my favorite topic in the model, GUN aware of the existence of the magazine's first report, a model is a model always dreamed of. Hudson will be released prior to the company, because each had been sold from Aoshima Kokkingueagan and Marui, buy it and put in force in the governance of the kit Marui, Orimashita somehow make Burobakkumoderu . Therefore, we developed this model, just the fact that I will be out in Hudson's favor (laughs)! But this model, especially those made of HW has a huge drawback. The material is fragile. It seems that too many cracks around the rear, especially the slide. In cold weather, too. I also cracked in two places just me (crying). Moreover, even once broke the tail stretched over the upper part of the grip frame. I crashed as it is for the hammer cocks back swiftly when the slide. So who is the purpose of obtaining ignition, ABS I think the model is good. Also, I think this material is hardly reacted HW solution Gembloux. There are many disadvantages. Operability, MGC and Marushin than the poor little might. However, we spit the following Ito Shigeru cart full stroke while the long slide model is only this big, kick ass when you hold open after firing the last bullet Masu Hashi inspiring! Come to get a degree, I ask you to model the blowback powerful experience. 14.9.19 - add a bit of improvement; The firing of a long time very well. The last time I touched a little bit, this model, stand by me extractor rim of the cart well. When you fire, so the bolt face is pressed against the impact of the blowback cart, but the problem is eject, operation manual work. Another problem may be in the shape of the extractor, I think that it is strongly affected than the ejection. This model is the type of ejector plunger from the cart to move forward constantly force (force that stuck up from the bolt face) has been added. It seems to bother the rim of the tractor Kuwaeru this extract. So, I replace it with a little weak Ejekutasupuringu. It looks like it worked, even operating manual extractor is now firmly gripping the rim of the cart to us. In addition, the ejection will be a little weak in the cart, so relieved to be done reliably. In addition to this work, to prevent unexploded strengthen the tension spring washers to hammer bite causes sharpen the inner surface of the piston stroke and gunpowder. Update 2003.9.20 Appeared in nearly a year. I tweaked the following points in time. First, Hammer SP. Hammer SP model is rather weak. As a result, prone to misfire. So I stepped up guy. The easiest way is the same size of SP, but can I replace it with something more powerful, since it is found as a workaround, set to own a spacer from the nut. For small size is not recorded, so sorry about (^ ^. I guess it was about 3 mm to the thickness. The result is good. Although not perfect, and certainly decreased significantly misfire. However, there is a problem. Be strong momentum from the hammer blow will get stronger the minute the course slides. Slides of this model, even a site around the base of the right rear, and often cracks, so hopefully you might be aware that their symptoms worse. Especially HW. Well, a little cracked because it does not affect the operation, your worry is useless. I like models, is full of cracks around the rear site Second, measures to prevent excessive Cocking the hammer. "B 4", Mr. Innashashi pierce the metal by passing a pin, had been prevented from sitting up too much of a hammer. So I challenged. If the work is relatively easy to drill. The problem was, how to find the appropriate size of the pin. The slide stop. Contact with the magazine that is shallow, and often does not work in some way stop the slide. Try to ensure this, and to increase the amount of protrusion of the floor projection, and now the floor - and the movement of poor, or your weapon and is going bad. So, screw the brass plate on the Heck止Meshi part of the slide stop contacts, ensuring that the contacts. It has a pretty effect. F around the pin end. Striker pin directly under the rear of the hammer hitting first (zinc) to get quite deformed. If so, had better be careful because bad move. Although some variations can be modified by filing, always better idea to keep spare parts purchased once. This is just my impression too, I think that zinc Hudson a little soft. F pin front side plastic. I think he should one day and prepared to break. Fire models as well as other centers, non-bleach decomposition has since adhered to the slide, but only by way of replacement slide・・・once broken, how Although not in a loud voice, something to get somewhere in ingenuity. If you want to replace anyway, many challenges are not doing? Incidentally, the pin is less than the size of the front F of length 6 cm, diameter 5 mm more fat - about 5, about 3 mm more narrow. Extra magazine. Floor - bad move, if I had your weapon and does not work, slide stop operation of the projections are provided to prepare the floor SP to weak. As I wrote before, this time too weak to be careful not difficult to operate the slide stop. In my case, as noted above, it was crafted to stop the slide, slide stop is a little weak to operate reliably. Now fire. 4 +4,6 +1,8,8, and slow. You can now blaze a fine magazine. Firing sound is still good. Is the child really good (laughs). Well, now I can go off with a meeting at any time! _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:24 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:55 pm | |
| HUDSON IMI DESERT EAGLE .44 VIDEO _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:47 am; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:59 pm | |
| HUDSON IMI DESERT EAGLE .50 ハドソン DE50 DE50 昨年から今年にかけ再販になったハドソン製DE50・HWモデル。 以前からDE44の方は所有していたが、もともと44の方が50より格好いいと思っていたので、あえて購入しなかった。しかし今回は久しぶりの再販。しかも、細かなところの改良もなされているということなので購入に踏み切った次第。 ただ、定価は25000円。ほかにもいろいろと支払いが溜まっていることから、分割で支払うことにしてショップのおばちゃんに相談。「いいよ」との快諾を得て、それから数ヶ月かけようやく入手。
やはり手にとってみるとでかい。フレームは44と共通であるが、バレルとスライドは一段と太くてたくましい。 何より驚くのはカート。44も大きかったが、50は別物。親指ほどというと大げさになるが、感覚的にはそんなものである。感心したのは、カートの直径に比べリムの直径が小さくなっている点が再現されていること(フィーディングには不利)。 しかしこんな大きくでかいカート、ちゃんとエジェクトされるのだろうか・・・。
ハンマーSP も強化されているようであり、不発軽減が図られている(44に流用可能か)。このあたりはプラスポイント。
問題なのはマガジンリップ。購入した段階ではどうも少し開きすぎに思えたが、案の定、ホールドオープン状態で6発装てんしたマガジンを叩き込むと、初弾と次弾が飛び出してしまった。当然、そのまま発火したら、やはり次弾が飛び出してきて連射失敗。 そこで、フィーディングの様子をみながら、ほんの少ししめてみたが、作業量はかなり微妙である。あまりしめすぎると、今度はカートのリムが適正位置より下になってしまう。そうなると、スライド前進時、ボルトフェイスがカートをうまく捉えきれずに、中途半端にカートを押し出してしまいジャムが発生する。 上で述べたように、カートの直径に比べてリムの面積は小さく、もともとボルトフェイスとのコンタクトはかなり浅いので、僅かのことで不具合が発生する。また、せっかくスイートスポットを見つけても、使用しているうちに開き気味になるので常に注意が必要。
フィーディングとは別にスライドの不完全閉鎖も気になる。カートをチャンバーに入れ、スライドを戻していくとボルトフェイスにカートのリムが入り込む瞬間にかなり抵抗があり(この時点で完全閉鎖まで1 ミリほど間がある)、さらに力を入れ押すと「こつん」と軽いショックのあと、ようやくカートがフェイスに収まる。
ただ、このことに関連して私のモデルだけかもしれないがディスコネクトがうまくいかないといった症状があらわれた。 このモデルのディスコネクトは、トリガーバーの左右に設けられた突起がスライド内部の切り欠きで上下させられることにより、トリガーバーとシアがコンタクトしたり外れたりするのである。スライドが完全閉鎖する場合は問題なく作動するのであるが、完全閉鎖しないとトリガーを戻してもディスコネクトしたままの状態になり、ハンマーが落ちないことが起こった。 確かに、1センチ近く不完全閉鎖した状態であれば当たり前の話であるが、これがごく1ミリほどの不完全閉鎖でも発生するとなるとちょっと厄介。この症状は出たり出なかったりする。
ひとつ忘れていた。44でもやったハンマーの過剰コッキング防止用のピンのセット。ハンマーSP の強化により44ほど過剰にコッキングされることはないように思えたが、念のためセットしておくことにした。
さてこの状態で改めて発火。手持ちのカート6発にマルシン銀キャップをセットし、装填。引き金を引くと「パコーン」と乾いた音を立てながらきれいにブローバック。あのでかいカートリッジもなんとかエジェクト。 時折、ジャムりながらも何とかブローバックを続けたが、ホールドオープンは失敗。「まだ、渋いのかな」と思いその後も発火を続けたが、ホールドオープンがうまくいかない。どうやら、手動ではうまく作動するが、発火の際にはそのショックでマガジンフロアーがスライドストップを乗り越えてしまうようである。ここは、マガジンフロアーのサイド(ちょうどマガジン左側上部に設けられた窓の部分から見える個所)を少し削るとともに、スライドストップのフロアーとの接触面に小さなピンを立て調整した。これで、少なくともホールドオープンについては確実に作動するようになった。 その後更に発火を続けたが、なかなか6連射完璧というものはない(その後、何とか成功するようになった)。やはり、フィーディングがネック。それと、ハドソンCPカートは神経質なので、発火のたびのカートメンテナンスは絶対に必要であり、手を抜くとてきめんに調子が落ちる。 ただ、44のときのようにスライドにひびが入ったりはしない。厚みが増えた分と、素材を変更したのが幸いしているのかもしれない。 そんなわけで紹介しているムービー(2メガ近いので注意!)はたいしたものではない。相変わらずの編集技によるもの。ただし、「でかいモデル」ということぐらいはご理解いただけるだろう(笑)。
箱出しで絶好調というわけには行かなかったし、調子を維持するには結構神経を使うが、うまくブローバックしたときの迫力はほかのモデルとは一線を画する。というか、この重いスライドがブローバックする衝撃は絶対ほかのモデルでは味わえない。少しでも興味のある方はぜひ購入を検討したほうがいい。 なお、同時にシルバーモデルも発売されたが、購入するのであればやはりHWがお勧め。せっかくの重量級モデル。重たさはこのモデル最大の魅力である。17.6.25追加 以前紹介した際にはどうしても6連射(7発装填可能だけれど手持ちが6発)+ホールドオープンが成功しなかったので、改めて挑戦。 最初の連射は、セイフティを固定するネジの緩みに気づかず連射していたところ、最終弾を発火しようとした段階で完全にセイフティが下がりきった状態となり(当然、ハンマーが落ちない)失敗。最初の連射の画像、だんだんとセイフティが下がってくるのがお分かりだろう。2回目は十分に気をつけて発火し、これは見事成功した。 しかし、この後はまた調子を崩した。カート自体の直径に比べリム径が短いことからボルトフェイスとのコンタクトがぎりぎりであり、マガジンとの微妙なバランスが崩れると装弾不良が多発する。 でかい割には神経質なモデル。でも、気に入っている。 _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:24 pm | |
| Hudson DE50 Hudson was made in the last year resale Nikake DE50 ยท HW model. DE44 before but who had owned, so I thought cool more than 50 original 44 did not dare to buy. This time, however, resell a long time. And soon, so decided to buy that I have also been minor improvements. However, the price is 25,000 yen. Accumulated from the fact that besides paying for everything, talk to her aunt's shop to pay for a split. "Okay," and getting ready consent, obtained over the last few months. We try to get too big. 44 is a common frame, barrel and slide are more thick and strong. The surprising thing is the cart. 44 is a great deal, 50 different things. But rather with a big enough thumb in the sense that such a thing. Was impressed with the points that have been reproduced with a smaller diameter than the diameter of the rim of the cart (the feeding disadvantage.) Kiku Hiroshi such a big cart, but you will be properly eject. S about people who have previously obtained, the original was that the Hudson is a mark, as indeed it. I marked out for use, the "Usable analogies" but I do not care if it contains the inscription, the anxious people may not be permitted. Surface treatments such as the parting was by far the better 50. 44 cases, but remember that the death渋Ku and out of the magazine has improved nicely out of 50 in this very smooth. The slide stop can be activated by Shakkiri. SP is like a hammer that has been enhanced, has been achieved reduce misfire (or can be diverted to 44). This area plus points. The problem is that magazine lip. Bought at too open, but seemed a bit much, sure enough, in loading the magazine and throw open from six in the hold, got out of his first shot and the next bullet. Of course, you still firing, failing to come out blazing again the next bullet. So, while watching the state of feeding, I tried to tighten a little amount of work is pretty subtle. Tighten too much, and now becomes the proper position below the rim of the cart. If so, when you slide forward, the bolt face could not capture well the cart, pushing a cart jam occurs halfway away. As noted above, the rim area is smaller than the diameter of the cart, so contact with the original bolt face quite shallow, it's only cause trouble. Also, great pains to find the sweet spot, it will always be careful of using a little opening. Also, is anxious to touch the tip of the tip of Ditoneta cart. Holes around the tip of the cart, the scars remain crisp and Dito and crashed. A little hole diameter greater good tip cart. Another structure that has become part of the cover被Satsu barrel chamber, which made the bump on the edge of the cover and look inside the chamber. The dive angle of the cart, it could Jamuru Soga momentum is there, caught the tip, at least a step on the way I would be better to cut as much as possible. This model is the story of the poor feeding of the cart, but could say something like that and certainly from these points. Anyway, you are only paying lip constant attention. Care and feeding is incomplete closure of the slide separately. Cart into the chamber, there is considerable resistance from entering the rim of the cart at the moment and the bolt face will slide back (which is between about 1 millimeter to complete closure at this time), focusing more pressing "s tips "After the shock and light, fit into the cart face at last. At first, I thought that seemed a little different to the rim of a shock when Kuwaeru Ekisuto cart. Perhaps when the limb falls face Curt乗Kkari rim rim periphery face inclination of the plane due Puranjataipuejekuta face, stuck to the face finally slipped from the outer rim and you will eventually push (this moment, "I hang") or not have been so. SP plunger is likely to weaken a little better if you, like they're afraid now then eject failure occurs. 44 SP plunger was once a weak, apparently weakened the momentum of ejection. In addition to this heavy cart 50AE, ejecting a high failure potential. Well, even if the fire is completely shut down the slide and therefore, may not be a little nervous. However, such reactions are not successful just disconnect my model might relate to this. Disconnect this model, by which up and down inside the notch in the slide projection arranged on either side of the trigger bar is disconnected and you can contact the trigger bar and shear. If the slide is a complete closure of the operating problems, and even disconnect and hold the trigger back and not completely closed, the hammer fall happened. Sure, the story of course, if incomplete closure of the state near 1 centimeter, and a little awkward and incomplete closure occurs at about this very one millimeter. This condition in and out or出Nakatsu. I tried to find the cause to decompose around, found that the shaft is a problem with safety at last. The projections assume that the disconnect is also part of the axis of the trigger bar safety, some bad side of the contact angle of the axis point, seem to inhibit the return of the trigger bar. This clean cut, well polished at a contact point for Russia and a precaution, since it is no longer cause symptoms like this. In addition, it is very tight relationship with the bottom of the frame bleach, put the paper increased the clearance of the mind frame. That is operated manually several times and have become more and more smoothly, and still more than 44 well-thumbed. I forgot one. Cocking a set of pins for preventing the hammer did it over 44. SP is not the hammer seemed to be about 44 over-Enhanced Cocking, was to make sure that you set. Now fire again in this state. Marushin silver cap set from 6 to hand carts, loaded. Pull the trigger, "corn" Pa blowback clean and dry while making a sound. Also managed to eject the cartridge that big. At times, but somehow kept Jamuri blowback, hold open failed. "Still, how the bitter" After that I continued to fire, and hold open does not work. Apparently, the manual works well, seems to fire when they get over the shock and stop the slide magazine floor. This side of the magazine floor (where visible from the upper left part of the magazine just provided a window) and cut a little, adjusted the contact surface making a small pin and slide stop flooring. Now, hold on, at least now open to work reliably. The firing continued for more then 6 will be quite rapid-fire thing not perfect (then somehow became successful.) Again, feeding the neck. Also, Kurt Hudson, CP, so nervous, cart maintenance is absolutely necessary to every fire, falling tone to slack off and work wonders. However, cracks in the slide, or as if the 44 does not. Minutes increased thickness may have changed the material is appreciated. That's why movies are presented (note that nearly two megabytes!) Is no big deal. By the usual technique of editing. However, the "big model" would be much understands that (laughs). So in the best condition to go out of the box, to keep it going but pretty nervous to use, when the force of the blow-back and well apart from the other models. Rather, the impact is heavy blowback slide never tasted the other models. If you are interested even a little better to consider buying experience. The silver model was also released at the same time, if you still buy the best HW. Awaited heavyweight models. The biggest attraction of this model is heavy. Added 17.6.25 When we introduced earlier is absolutely blazing six (6 from the loaded hand possible, but from 7) Open - did not hold a successful challenge again. The first blaze, I blaze was unaware of loose screws that secure the safety, condition and safety is completely burned down in the final stage of trying to fire a bullet (of course, falling hammer) failed. The first barrage of images, you will understand that safety is gradually coming down. The second fire was careful enough, it succeeds beautifully. However, the tone and broke after this. The last minute face contact with the bolt and the rim diameter is shorter than the diameter of the cart itself, and your weapon and the frequent failure to break the delicate balance of the magazine. A huge percentage edgy models. But I like. ***VIDEOS NO LONGER AVAILABLE*** _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:07 pm | |
| _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:07 pm | |
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:40 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:50 pm | |
| Hudson Tokarev TT33 frustration Diary Atrocity, audacity rude, pretending to obey but secretly betraying, Hadotoka incoherent. After struggling just vain struggle. Good kids pretend that lure of the devil. After all waste and waste it were done knowingly. Akira Akira feel faint just delusions. "Maybe" to "maybe not." A moment of inspiration just misunderstood. "I'll do it Itchou" is the first step to hell. In memory of the public shame. Diary Hadotoka frustration. Deyasu late with a smile. (The long-term because it is created, please bear with us whether there might be conflicts around the content of the description. After all, so Tokarev opponent.) Beginning "If my brother! Following Bye guys!" Along with the slogan came to Hudson Tokarev Kuni Akira silver. In the other incident at your previous Hadosontonpu, became friends, "says a boy Kyushu" reform, "says Hakata boys." He was in the mood like that Tonpu adjustment stage, "send it for adoption, just you wait" came in contact with many times. Also nickname unawares "on brother" turned away, feeling quite brother (just a minute ^^. However, I wish you better get out the child for adoption, and so on, to try and say to myself a little・・・^ ^. Overview The former Soviet military real gun pistol. Maybe now people might come to see the thing in Japan (laughs). Days is like being pushed into Makarov, temporary world and his wife, "Tokarev, Tokarev" was (mostly made in China is actually Deattarashii・・・). In particular, the time just released by Hudson (1993 or 1992), have appeared in this Tokarev saying if there is any shooting incident. It also, when a boat smuggling, is that many were plated to prevent rust from the hold of a fishing boat that sank carrying. Therefore, when Hudson was released from the plate model is honest "Egetsuna -" I thought that there was a series planned from the beginning if you listen. Anyway, have left the impression that I wish it was mighty timely product planning. Extraction problems The model picked up only once in the past that it's not even fire once. Impression that time is "light, thin! How frail!". This slide is the weight of a decent work, and felt. Decided to come from the hand of the past "GUN magazine," and refer to the information-gathering. Have learned from them, "動Kan" that (ーー;. Below, try to be learned before簡記. History Black was initially released ABS model, followed by silver (dummy cart) was added, and then the silver model (fire type), HW and that version has been deployed as a model. As far as the site of the Hudson, still black, ABS, Black HW, ABS Silver seems to have been sold in three species. The release date, there seems to be an internal part of the shape differences (see later sections). Rumor has it that the initial model ABS work at all. HW current model, but it seems okay so so・・・level. Mechanical block ○ In early models, the mechanism has been set, block and Disukonekkuta hammer in the metal frame Purafuremu (Innashashi) just because it was being pushed into the state, has filed with the back of the slide hammer When, in contact with the slide block the lifting mechanism from the metal, and can cause a malfunction of the slide coming off. HW pin is provided at a fixed steel models have been sold, was to prevent the lift, said that was not yet complete. Slide ABS slides too lightly, and it can not get a sufficient amount of recession. HW made has increased weight, lack気味Rashii anyway. Burichifeisu Burichifeisu bad shape because of it and roll off the cart Burichifeisu. SP extractor to prevent it has been a strong, too much strength, feeding the悪Irashii cart. The position has changed even in the middle of an ejector, which allows to have been improved ejection. Burichifeisu positional relationship between the cart When a cart of Fururikoiru Burichifeisu (end magazines) for a very short distance between feeding and solid can not be obtained without Fururikoiru slide. ○ eject Of two arms extending forward from the block mechanism, eject the cart toward the right protrusion, causing the failure seems to eject. The position of the ejector early ones are provided for the left side or front too, things have been said that the current down a little later. The long length of the cart, which is also conducive to a full ejection Ejekushonpoto bad. Likely sign of something possibly・・・besides this. Various adjustment After reviewing the contents overturned. They broke the tip of the barrel Wow, no. Souiya "might be surprised to see the barrel," but I thought that I had no contact with either・・・it. We immediately ordered a barrel. The fire is actually quite likely to be postponed. First step Mechanical block ○ Decomposition first. Nice find here. Model at hand has become fixed in a frame screws and metal mechanical block. This is one time省Keta. However, they work like a seesaw that only around a fixed point still must be securely attached in any way. slide and frame The slide moves bitter than I expected. That there would be plated, feeling not very likely to blow back. Confirmed the move to remove the internal parts, "What's going on?" I think the bitter about the move. SP Dounokouno hammer rather than a tension of not unreasonable to feel like the clearance of the basics. ・・・Worried about the future. Then, peel off the front plate of the rail Purafuremu First, only a small cut. However, this part of the hard coating is random. Then push the slide rail of the paper, cutting back and forth. This model, it can not afford to reduce the thickness of the bad parts cause weakening, and at this rate does not achieve even after blow-back forever, no other choice. On top of that, when the compound is applied to the Japan Mini Suri合Wase and part of the frame rails and the slide was a little better somehow. Bleach ○ bleach in the bottom of the hammer in order to reduce friction between the brass plate attached to the bottom of the bleach・5 mm, one To Ide decided to stick a little cart for holding the tip of the chin. HW removed from the slide made bleach, bleach the bottom flat so as to give, just cut the thickness of brass plate attached. On top of that, where two drill holes around the fixed plate in a small screw ("luck of the adjustment, the firing pray" for details.) However, a chin・ago and went from 5 mm, and Kurt Burichifeisu short (end magazines) would be the distance has become more and shorter. Distance in between the original way in mm 4, MGC if governance is about 15 mm. It has two post-processing has become more・5 mm. Now, what happens. (Eventually, the portion of the jaw is cut) extractor My model is not moved in almost original condition Ekisuto. Ekisuto this model fixing pins (actually tubers slender thread) is fixed in one place, making it so that the rotation angle, but only around it. Beretta M92 such as the typical scheme. But not work. At first, I thought it greatly SP tension is strong, it was different. SP once removed, try to move almost as Ekisuto set. Come on, not to say other than very bad shape or size Ekisuto. Therefore, aligning with the slide removed, sharpened by filing a Ekisuto modified to work well. On top of that, SP was a little weak, this may strengthen the state's future again. The portion of the nail tip has now been renovated with wide type, hold the cart is a certainty. However, thanks to that hard to assemble. Magazine ○ Inside the magazine, and plunged into a polished brass round brush, moving performance in the entire floor polishing paper. In addition, SP is too strong tension that was cut about 2 inches. slide stop And where it does not match the shape of the oyster slide off the slide stop, correct or fine sand to stop the slide. Metal frame at the same time, engages in poor shape where the slide stop, because it inhibits the movement of the slide stop, correct or sand carved with a side of the frame. Increases the amount of upward movement of the slide stop this was to operate reliably stop the slide. Sleeve ○? The wonder is that the sleeve part. It's a part that is equivalent to Rikoirupuragu In terms of governance, the purpose of this is unknown. If the Governor of the Marushin and MGC, recoil from the fact that SP is closed by the end Rikoirupuragu tension has become trapped inside while the slide. So, instead of tension bushings, you can put up a slide on the inside of sufficient strength, which is responsible for that act to prevent damage to the tip. Hudson Tokarev If, however, the interior is筒抜Ke, recoil does not take all the tension of the SP. what role this part? SP or recoil to be compressed and smooth, and improve their weight and how? Anyway, just because that just fits, or rotated to shift back and forth, I think it is a cause of malfunction in contact with the barrel. As another step to determine the complete set of barrels of goods and decided to wait and see once removed. (Once you get the instruction manual at a later date, "instant glue to fix the slide," which had been described. Really? Well, a little rough or not, Mr. Hudson.) Once assembled at this stage to confirm the movement of the slide. Much better than the movement from scratch. Here, the panicked insects or fire. If the barrel is damaged, however, is how to work all right. The state took away the sleeve, firing from three available cart. 2 rapid-fire success. Sounds great, but the firing was quite a force to eject Curt blow back clean. However, the 3rd shot is stopped at the stage of feeding. At first I thought he's not activated so the slide stop, stop contact with the chin while the bleach in the ass of the cart. succumbed to feel resistance. I tried it again, 3rd shot was the same again. Hold open the final round of one successful, one failed. Successful only twice in two blazing, but Doukou not say, hey持Teta expectations. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:51 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:08 pm | |
| Hudson Tokarev TT33 Part 2Second stage The instruction manual "SMG's (HW for)" you send from. Also, "OSCAR's" ABS has also been sent to you for that, very helpful. 感謝。 Thanks. I also have a block decomposition mechanism was avoided because there is no instruction manual, easy and mighty disappointed. Military pistol indeed. Hammer ○, Russia, etc. And as much as possible so as to reduce friction, and shear Dito, it is polished hammer, well, placebo level. But I think that was clean. Feeding sure ○ Kio Migaku magazine inside again, gunpowder詰Mezu full load (from to determine feeding to one more unreliable. It may also have influenced the barrel is damaged, scratched the tip per cart also feed light metal frame. Magazine in the lip, what's wrong・・・cart angles. Cart I'm going to use the cart for the original, P220 is also hard to abandon the cart. The problem is so calm inside the magazine. P220 is a short length 3 mm (well, it's an advantage), so in the magazine, they are moving the cart. And for the warhead section is slightly thicker, too cumbersome and would interfere with the slide stop. ○ sleeve What should I do worry about the sleeves too. But it is perfectly fitted to operate, install and slides directly, recoil and hit the front in the SP as guides, worried about damage. And even with less weight僅Kanari. The ABS light to think that the slide is worth a little more weight. On the other hand, attached to a slide that is not like glue. One more thing. Given the distance between the cart and under the condition that Fururikoiru Burichifeisu slide, better install the sleeve. Just caught part of the thickness of the slide (1 mm) only, which reduces the amount of sliding back. This part, how you try to cut thin? Hmmm, should I do? Just this time, "says Hakata boys" went to the Kara元気Ino Makoto. "If my brother! And you? Climbed over here on the topic of Hadotoka Hiroshi Mori? Is coming next. While talking about the shortage of dust!"・・・・・・Skull and care, and care of people even know・・・(ーー;. Third stage "OSCAR's" Early arrival, you send the instruction manual for the ABS. Immediately "SMG's" you tried to send the HW than for the instruction manual. Then, finding that there is a difference in the following. First, the sleeve. This, ABS is not for. Then ejection. This was the initial model for other parts ABS, HW has become an integral for the mechanical block. Position appears to be a little different. HW is a position for a little later dropped. Combine potatoes screw mechanism is a block and metal frame, ABS for the course is not listed, HW was also noted for. Whether intentionally not listed are unknown.Feeding sure ○ Again, from 8 to prepare the original cart, check the feeding. Pull the slide vigorously to work perfectly with the release Riyou Kaname operate in a flash. However, slightly weaker eject. SP Ekisuto might be better to revert to the strong.Stop Trigger When the actual trigger blowback in the state but burned off, pull the slide feels caught in the state. Bleach seems to be in contact with the bottom disc apparently strong connection. Even after the consolidation of Russia and hammer out, since the trigger back, along with some connection to the disk more than necessary force, to increase friction with the bleach. This will also occur governance. Stop trigger has been set Kasutamugaba well (screw potato) is not Date. The governor also said a copy might well be similar to Tokarev happen. We decided to install a trigger stop to limit the movement of the trigger. Pull the trigger while the hammer cocks, the position of the trigger the hammer falls, thick amount equivalent to the amount of movement of the trigger until the trigger is the most backward position, Sumu you attach something to trigger the back. I instantly bonded with adhesive rubber sheet 2 mm thick. Bond position below the trigger bar is just a portion in contact with the magazine catch. This reduced amount of movement of the trigger, the hammer began to fall off a stage full of exhausted. Also favor rapid fire (Wait, how can Hadotoka that?)Ekisuto Once a weak SP undo.However, I feel a bit too long as part of the nail biting end to the rim of the cart. Well, this seems to be caused from too much movement of Ekisuto increase in the last calibration due to my mistake. Try going a little shorter the time being. sleeve 取Ri付Keyou or sleeve of harassment or let me leave off. Attached to the idea certainly seems to recoil SP will be compressed into a smooth, hard to throw away even weight gain. Thus, in the direction of mounting, I decided to tweak a little. First, the zero thickness of 1 mm caught in the slide part was thinned to 5 mm・. Along with that, the front of the SP recoil guide, a thin but very few to scratch the surface contacting the thickness of the sleeve slides back the amount earned. Now add more than one millimeter Even though both,・・・might consolation. Inside the compound and polished sleeve, even a little smoother SP plan to be compressed. By the way, if a real gun, the barrel will remove the forward pull of the slide as well as governance, this model has become like a Beretta pull backwards. At that time, but of course we must remove the bushings and even so, imagine that removing the idea of pretty strong.If not, you can glue the sleeve Naonokoto. We have nothing to do with the operation of the sleeve, I've cut at an angle so as to dampen the barrel facing the place. This will be a little easier removal of the barrel. But the way that I put the glue・・・馴染Men. ○メカブロック Mechanical block ○ But once that is fixed with screws potato, I felt like a seesaw is moving slightly around a fixed point, as also noted above. We decided to place another more secure location. After just a little bit down from the original fixed point, a hole that penetrates 1.5 blocks and a metal frame in mm mechanical drill, Screw the fine precision. That went well, still a little work. Hmmm, should I do? Fourth stage Burrell arrived at last. Preparation takes fire immediately. The problem is the wear sleeve instant glue. Was loaded with metal caps, available from the eight original cart. Misfire first shot, then fired several shots. The following bullets loaded OK. 2、3OK。 The first few bullets, OK. The first four bullets, you fire us, sliding back down in position. First five shells, dud, after firing several shots. The following bullets loaded OK. Eyes from 6,7,8 OK. Kou Shigeru hold open. The situation is very similar things from the next eight. The operation is so narrow, since it appears that somehow works, and I see how it fired again several times later,・・・was fired. Garn, broken barrel . Had completely broken barrel link. 17 from the first event. To be honest, terribly disappointed. It's much more I thought it quit, so what pains you, just to try it again, hit the mail order shop barrel. This broken barrel was made of ABS. What has not for the first ABS (melt in Akurisande). This material is changed, what a fate for one user・・・. Mechanical block ○ Was expanded to block retaining pin mechanism, yet little work. Is a fixed time was fixed at a position close to the tip of a metal frame and mechanical block, less than 1 millimeter to float away and the tip force is applied, seem to be in contact with the slide. Other two pins are fixed to the other side I thought I設Keyou this was done in a different way from then degradation would take. Based in the state of the metal frame and the tip is lifted from a state that is a little rear end portion, the tip should be floating挟Me something is not here. Thus, vertical holes in the rear end of a metal frame by screwing a small screw in there, adjust the gap. It `s move on. </BLOCKQUOTE> Stage 5 I had half disgust, we concisely. Hammer tried to eliminate the duds to strengthen the SP. The lack of an appropriate size from the SP, hex nuts, cut corners, to expand its hole, then set your own spacers. This tension is a little stronger. While that is operated several times, licking away the corners of the slide stop notch engages the slide was held open go wrong. The cart is provided for holding the tip of the chin Bleach noticed that the cart is held securely even without this was eventually removed this part (or What are you doing・・・). Shotorikoiru somehow pale in the barrel. MGC Shotorikoiru this model as well as the governor, under the tension of the recoil recoil SP SP barrel by pressing the link the guide to rotate as the cam links are now down the barrel. Sono Tame, MGC in the Gabba, there is resistance even引Tsu張Rou barrel forward and hold open while (because of resistance by itself is not.) However, if the Tokarev barrel is pulled forward without any resistance. That means either that the link is not working in tension. This model is exactly・・・What the heck. Because it was too rough in Barerubusshingu Shine at number 400 in the compound over the paper, thereby reducing friction. Phase 6 Shops under the barrel to the arrival. "I Tsuiteta Note this" and handed me a small piece of paper with her aunt's shop. Memorashii from Hudson. The contents are as follows: in general, "Kuni Yoshi can adapt to the chamber of the barrel cart. In front of the fire to warm." I adapt, or blend入Ran Senakya cart? Warm? You're now in summer (ーー・・・. Went home with mixed feelings, holding on to, fire immediately. Useless. You can limit the automatic fire from three somehow. I have spilled from a cart Burichifeisu, eject the cart with me. Well, a problem. What will still need to face the chin. Now, I noticed something weird. If touching the cart, where there is a coupling step of the case and bullet. Why? Remove all of the cart, why would not suit the size and definitely Tokarev cart Why do over, found that even subtle differences in size as Tokarev cart. Chi Yuukotcha what! Mairimashita. Up feeling very, Arekore decomposed to determine if, and how,・・・cracks in the barrel. As before, the link points to cracks in the barrel. Oh, and・・・do? </BLOCKQUOTE> End Willingness to adjust the extinction of the damage at the second barrel. One o'clock (permanent?) Withdrawal. The barrel is damaged each time the ignition, no adjustment Hettakure. Force takes somewhere, but I think that in focusing on the barrel as a result it is, I do not know the cause. As in beyond my capacity. This gracefully throw up the white flag. The three movies that somehow because the blaze was recorded, keep it up and apologize instead.Living near Hakata "your partner in crime" for everyone who. I'm sorry to no expectations. Invective, I will endure verbal abuse. If true, He went up there, where due to various reasons it also Kanaimasenu We have to apologize. So excuse me while the author of this "Hakata boys", so we offered treatment but instead so please (^^),'s squid. Thank you for a sec. With that said, "Hakata boys," says, well, Best regards! After that fact was fiddling 2004.3 Arekore add Cocking the hammer and hammer angle and reinforcement of SP. Also for auto parts 380 warheads cart mulberry (limited to seven but Metric) was changed to shorten the length of the cart. The minutes to set the stopper Ditoneta cart (trouble off it many times.) The best five blazing fire in this state. The Kita Tame hold open the slide was not hurting. The hammer block the left arm (for the first ejection from a ledge) has broken. Here is where the fun really breaks or. After the first shot this movie, from the misfire follows the hammer to cock it again, then four blazing. This is the final hammer down because of disk malfunction connections. The state is still, to somehow move forward from the perspective in the beginning (do not you do not want to (ーー. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:57 pm; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:36 am | |
| HUDSON TOKAREV TT33 VIDEO #1 HUDSON TOKAREV TT33 VIDEO #2 _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:54 am; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:53 pm | |
Last edited by Cerwyn on Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:40 pm; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:42 pm | |
| Hudson M3A1 Overview and Real gun was developed during World War II the United States SMG. The development was focused on high productivity and low production costs, also suitable for what is good is not flattering. The SDF also adopted (some of it I talk with active equipment) that had been, too familiar to the Japanese model. 各地の自衛隊基地際などで、実際に手に取ったり、実物を間近 Around the bases while the SDF, etc., take our hands and I think that many people who've seen the real thing up close. Well, this model is made of the Hudson. Initially, ABS should have appeared as Opunditonetamoderu made. Manufacturer side "model, such as introduction of a model can readily enjoy the novice Furuotoburobakku" Shitarashii development and positioning (I repeat ^^. However, it was released when the market was established in the cart already closed systems are also available powder cap (or 10 years ago?) Opundito alone, there should a little unsatisfactory. Certainly it's easy to maintain slightly more closed system, users also benefit because the cart can be manufactured at low cost is definitely there. However, most were selling "Blowback certainly feel free to enjoy" in terms of the fact that the poor are still open a closed system. I also noticed their manufacturer points, or whether there was any other reason do not know, while HW was changed to a closed system when it was released well-made cart. ABS has now become a closed system design is also made cart. This time I also obtained a closed system made of ABS cart (Hudson CP) specification. Through the shop, because they are all brand new Toyo had. 14 800 yen price (I bought two discounts. This is half'm not ^^. Frankly cheap! The rumble that this price, even more than the finished handgun. Even more, once the folding, the finished product. Rumors circulated that a very strong model. As if the very affordable dish. More than one month after receiving contact with the stock, get a bang bang I can finally納Matta of background checks. Honestly, way back in the car from the shop is happy ass (and I have a car) was to skip the state (laughs). And impressions The body made of ABS. Some metal parts around the bolt and trigger, stock, and only a few magazines. Therefore, the light really . Marushin MP40 is also made of plastic, there is considerable weight because it uses metal and Gurippufuremu, this is mostly plastic. Of course the sense of not much rigidity. Thinking "okay to fire at it?" I would like. Surface, the ABS has a very commonplace black painted steel gray plastic like the Pakaraijingu. However, in my eyes, "gray" that is the only visible ^ ^;・・・. Was impressed by the relationship between the bolt and the frame. The model is usually an internal frame, while in constant contact with the bolt, usually around repeating the exercise. In this model, however, located so as to be sandwiched between the bolt between the metal rod with two runs parallel to the back and forth inside the frame without having to touch a bolt ride metal rod with two of back and forth motion is repeated so as to. Sono Tame probably would have less friction. In fact, the internal frame has rough, do not see evidence of contact with the bolt. Isn `t in the smooth operation of the main reasons. Later, it seems to be the decomposition of the original picture looked real gun. Press-intensive production method because it is itself a real gun, and say there may be real while parting. However, the barrel is about parting out I want you to. However, since the state purchased at a dust cover to cover Ejekushonpoto degradation characteristic, this is downright moving・・・assemble themselves, and a. It's a system that opened and closed by a spring plate fixed in position, no movement at all Shakkiri sense. Like, put a bad building, I felt like running out the door with oil. At first touch, so good, I want to do something - this is. Also drawn in stock but locked drawer, housed in what is no locking system. Will this be true of a real gun? ・・・Then there is no complaint. Cocking the bolt bolt thrust a finger directly, what a drag. SP Cocking bolt can be easily as strong as it deaf. For more real gun, but the SP should be stronger. I think you went off to tough・・・滑Rashi fingers. What's happening. Apart from this minor point, "Hey, hey," but I think there is something, again stop 。 Above fire model, the model does not display. If you are working smoothly, apparently some complaints will be blown away. Test-launch Hudson CP operation system what the original cart and say it. Basically, the CP is the point of the inner gas vent type, it and the other around the inner length shorter than the system characterized by CP. Sharp as little burrow hole venting tip of the inner well Dito. DE44 other models are made in the Hudson owns a shape as the tip of the inner and Dito. The cart size of the CP, PFC cart very realistic approximation of 45 (length, diameter is about the same) but was, when viewed from the side of the tip (warhead) of the shape is slightly different. Square rather as a whole. However, the number has been provided with the cart from the body only six. The thing I always think of the finished product to cart around what do I provide just a little more. Full magazine (30 shots) and even I say, I want at least 15 rounds. Handgun as well. Manufacturers and somewhere (or rather the manufacturers also recently elsewhere) quite frankly, in the magazine and 8 rounds from 7 to enter, and come to see not only from a startup built around five or six from the idiots " This guy "and get a burst of anger. Was a digression. Anyway, from six in the fun. In this regard, I heard that 45 can be diverted from the cart before the real system, we decided to try once. Hudson CP, so the short length of the inner front and rear, CP, PFC's can be a bit of fire in front of it completely closed bolt, bolt open it anyway because it is not terribly issue. Feeding and magazines (which is thick!) And good compatibility. The following is the result.Cart・CP is a good HW in the inner, O-ring to wear with caution. The slump was in the inner venting. PFC cart・well. Sparks popping from the barrel and use the silver cap. The body does not have any model at all hands, all tests in the box just blew out of oil. There are quite reactionary, outgassing from the muzzle of excellence, in the considerable momentum can eject the cart. Pompon-like flies that are huge and heavy carts real pretty fun Firing cycle is slightly slower, just like a real gun. Relatively easily行Eta endless finger-point shooting. Hmmm, interesting exciting! Movies Down just before his favorite video was not shot. Patient with her until one month of the new camera in hand. Finally get a new camera. Immediately into the recording. PFC and cart used was CP. Do not use the original cart. However, one more condition is not good. But CP PFC, but three or four times from one, can not jam the automatic fire was expelled for some reason Ejekushonpoto cart. Amount of shortage or retreat, or do not think that because the spill from the bolt face to the ejection process of the cart is already kicked out a fire that is clearly unknown. Extractor was less that the amount of drug used explosives SP cap weak (weak fixed card) might be. We stopped in the middle of the silver caps, metal caps changed. Also, strong extractor was replaced with an SP. CP's cart along the inner O-ring inspected, and replaced with new ones worn. Is a digression, CP HW cart inner O-ring. If you cut into the vertical and the gas jet, the bottom side (side firing pin) may wear thin as Sogareru (with simultaneous course). CP and the cart used to fire, but may have scattered black debris to one side (especially if the bolts are heavy folding), which must Sogareta O-ring debris. In case the gap is clearly visible, so that, when decisions are easy to exchange, if thin Sogareru entirely unsure what should be replaced around. Anyway, O-rings are held in good time every, I think is best to replace often. Then, fired again, this time in the blazing (+_+), caps and gunpowder Reminder failure. How many minutes a night (about 10pm) was recorded in relation to further continue the fire ignited at the closed mind that unfortunately gave up a little. Scenes are presented in the movie, a compilation of more suitably fired 60 shots from their convenience. But I wanted to show you a little long blaze, and was sorry about a little frustration accumulate in these situations. Still, the end is powerful and I think you will understand・・・. And impressions Fire performance is satisfactory in Marushin MP40 But I think the model above. Really easy to maintain. I have not used the original cart, I think in a more smoothly if the original cart. In terms of comfort for everyone to enjoy Furuotoburobakku they claim is the manufacturer. The exterior would have likes and dislikes for that matter also made a lot of opinions, is itself a real gun at all "tools" at the level. Save the beautiful, in that there should be no display. What worries me is the durability. To have heard the story before it cracked barrel, worn parts that will come off that adhered to the fire may have heard that Especially the rear site If one side is peeled off just because I can (It's okay except for now.) Also, the metal core of the bolt face of the bolt so I think quite perishable. No part of this decomposition is possible, but can be purchased separately. Parts prices are relatively low Fortunately (especially ABS). Even if temporarily damaged parts, I think it `s not so financially damaged. Currently (2003・4) sites in the Hudson, but because they are published, should have a stable supply of parts. Governor-based real-cart (MGC, also Marushin) can be useful if you have a shared cart. Is recommended. Add Movie 2003.5.17 When the last report was so one more tune, try it again. As mentioned previously, the cart will not eject after successful firing occasional symptoms that are sandwiched between the chamber and bolt. But at first I kind of had enough weight back, extractor that seemed to be due to the SP Ekisuto much stronger and is replaced as described previously. When the bolt back, carts, face problems if the bolt firmly settled until kicked out by the ejector would not have seemed to have spilled from a cart on the way apparently bolt What next SP bullet magazine that does not affect Mishi Is there any tension. Below the number of your weapon and 10 rounds is a good shape, looks like a high probability of occurrence and put more (lose tension?) At first I thought Ijirou lip, it will be tricky because you've failed to stop. The extractor I was contemplating the instruction manual coil current SP is first launched after it was found that the leaf spring SP has been changed. Do not know why. Cost might be a problem. However, one likely in the leaf spring tension is weak, that might have changed the coil there. If so, is considered to be potential symptoms as described above. This time, just in case I extractor increasingly more SP. Longer than the original SP from junk found, set it to a double. Even though overlapping, rather than double, arranged around (I have enough time) that. This is now Ekisuto Kuwaeru more powerful rim cart. As if the speculation, should be able to more than 10 rounds loaded in it. In this state, go immediately to prepare for firing. Are you ready for the real 45 CP, a few from 20. Silver cap. As a result of the movie. Curt was able to clean out problems in almost rapid-fire. But second, and a little grizzle third. Once reluctant to care, and maintenance should have been cleaned once, and was unsuccessful in a slipshod way in which maintenance care is also from 20, the couple retreated out the amount of time occurs. O may have also had to wear the ring. Anyway, from among nearly fired from 80, suitably edited. Will in good condition than last. Especially the last scene has been pretty successful in blazing 20. The original cart was used to try too, for some reason I just had this at all (laughs). Apparently so bad that the CP had collapsed at the end of the inner Dito. As far as my models, 45 PFC is the best in good condition. Anyway, while filled with sparks Ejekushonpoto of 45 flies real heavy carts popping downright funny. Fired than 40 MP on the same day, the rotation is a bit slower, of course, a different firing sound (maybe a little low?) While in now, but success or adjustment of this Ekisuto unsure. There an increase in tone than last time, so no doubt was relieved that point, the direction is right or not too confident, do not even know the true model for all others. Perhaps, I hope you each may have devised another way more. If you have a good idea to teach your regards. By the way, might be noticed and to see a movie, running at slightly Ejekushonpotokaba shock or fire. And anything else interesting that comes up through the rod connected to the cover and body (laughs). The last fire scene, and visit the border area to focus on the cover and body, you can clearly see that come back through the rod. Hudson's truly is a wonderful punch line. The admiration (laughs) The various orders attached, and of course "buy" model. First of many times I say cheap? How are things going, but 40 short of the MP, is still significant. This model is also quite spacious and had a barrel bore diameter of only 45 models that mimic, much better outgassing. Now, would not it fine when used in fire-breathing Puroppukato. Ufutsu, I want to do・・・. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:06 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:54 pm | |
| HUDSON M3A1 GREASE GUN VIDEO #1 HUDSON M3A1 GREASE GUN VIDEO #2 _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:57 am; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:00 pm | |
| HUDSON Vz61 SKORPION ハドソン製・Vz61スコーピオン ハドソン・Vz61 (概要)小型全金属SMGです。 実銃は、クローズドファイアですが、モデルガン化に当たりオープンファイアに変更されています。 発売当初は黒色金属銃口開口モデルとして登場しましたが、すぐに一旦、金色銃口閉鎖に変更され、再度、黒色金属銃口開口モデルとして復活したという珍しい歴史を持つモデルです。 確かに、サイズ的にはほぼ大型拳銃のサイズで、結果として規制の対象外品として生き残っていること自体稀なことだと思います。 発売以来20年以上がたっていますが、ほぼ当初の設計のまま、さしたる改良が行われず現在も販売されています。 詳細は次項以下で述べますが、発火性能は最低極悪レベルです(苦笑)。 ネットで何人かの同好の皆さんの意見をお聞きしましたが、曰く、「難易度10段階中18」、「快調作動できる人がいたら弟子入りしたい」、「とにかく動かん」等々、とにかく置物としてしか価値がないような評価であり、安易に手を出すと後悔すること必至というモデルです。 それに無謀にも手を出したのがこの私でして(怖いもの知らず)、先達のお言葉どおり見事にドツボにはまってしまいました。 はじめにお断りしておきます。未だ完調には程遠い状況です。 以下は、ある意味で私の苦闘の歴史(失敗と挫折の記録)でもあります。 (調整という名の思いつきと挫折の数々)1 本体編(1)ストックまず、調整に入る前に、邪魔なのでストックをはずします。で、このストック。作動には影響ないのですが、数ある(!)欠点の一つです。 レシーバー後端の固定部位を見ればわかりますが、固定用のノッチがストックに切り込まれ、本体にもそれにはまり込む突起が設けられているのですが、突起が右側にしかありません。 そのため、固定度合いが弱く、すぐ角をなめてしまうので、しばらくするとぶらぶらになります。購入された方は速攻で取り外されることをお勧めします。 また、ストック側のノッチは右側のほか、なぜか左側の内側(!)にもあります。こりゃ、何のため? (2)分解方法 本体を上下に分割するにはレシーバー後部のネジ(設計が古いせいか固定はネジばっかり。これも欠点の一つ)を外すのですが、外して後端をちょっと持ち上げたとたん、マガジンキャッチが飛び出します。 ついで、さらに持ち上げるとリコイルスプリングが襲いかかってきます。お気をつけください。 (3)すり合わせ ボルト本体、ボルトと接する内部、チャンバー等を研磨します。このあたりは当たり前の作業です。 フレーム側も内部の部品のすり合わせ等で十分です。特にパーツ点数も多くなく面倒なことはないと思います。 2 マガジン編 大元凶の一つです。ラスボス1歩手前というところでしょうか(苦笑)。 購入した際、カートが6発付いてくると思いますが、6発の範囲内なら通常通り作動します。 しかし、7発以上装填すると・・・。動きません。本当に。 マガジン背部に意味不明の段差があり、7発以上装填しますと、初弾がこの段差の下に位置するため、カートが上がる際その段差にカートのリム部が引っかかり、上がってこられなくなります。 これを防止するには、内部の不要な空間を何らかの方法で埋め、スムースにカートが上下するようにする必要があります。 私はプラ板をカットし、張り合わせ、ちょうど合うようなパーツを作成し、差し込んであります。 また、こればかりではありません。後に気が付いたのですが、発火のリコイルショックで 次弾が飛び出してくるのです。1度など、初弾を発火したとたん、2弾目、3弾目が一緒に飛び出してきました。現在この症状にまいっています。 後日、ネットを通じ、「マガジンのスプリングが弱いのではないか」とのご意見をいただき、応急的に乱暴ながらジャンクだった機種不明のリコイルスプリングをオリジナルのスプリングと共にセットしました。 併せてフロアーのがたつき防止の為、電気配線の固定用の二股釘(正式名称不明)をフロアーにかませてあります。 3 カート編(1)オリジナルカート 大元凶です。最強のラスボスの登場! 初期型のカートは、パッキンに樹脂製のものを使っており、その後ゴム製のOリングに替わり、現行に至っています。それに併せて、ピストンの径が若干変わっています。 で、どちらにしても大して性能は変わりません。ペケです。 まず、他の閉鎖系カートに比べパッキンのガスシール性能が劣ります。 次に、ピストンのストロークが短く、かつ、途中に横穴が開いていることから、十分な力をボルトに伝達するまでにガスが抜けているように感じます。 それに横穴の関係でチャンバー以外に本体内部が相当に汚れます。 そして、カート本体はリム部でネジで分割されるのですが、リム部が浅く、かつ、リム部にかぶせるようにケース部をセットするので、そのため、ガス圧でケース部が膨らみ易く、また、ネジ部が発火場所のすぐ横にあることから、発火の圧力でケースが膨らんだ際ガスが相当漏れてしまいます。そのため発火ガスが有効に使われません。 その上ガスシール能力も低いとなると最悪です。 挙句に、何度も発火を繰り返しますと、この部分が膨らみ、形状が変わり、使用不能となってしまいます。(泣きっ面にスズメバチ!) なお、内部の内径も5ミリキャップ仕様なのに、5.5ミリ(なんと中途半端!)ほどあり、ほかの機種のインナーピース類は使用できません。 私見ですが、このカートで完璧作動を求めるのは大変困難と思います。 (2)カートの改造 そこで、他の機種のカートが流用できないか考えたのですが、この点はほかの皆さんも確認されたようで、結論からいいますとそのまま流用できるカートはありません。 マガジンがカーブしている関係上、テーパーのかかったカートでないと受け付けてくれません。 それこそ、あとはカートを新規に製造するしかありません。 かといって、あんな小さなものでも素材から製造とあっては、素人には設備も技術もありませんからまず不可能。また、業者に依頼するにも全くの新規製造であれば、相当なコストがかかることは明らかです。 そこで眼をつけたのが、たまたま所有していたマルシンPPのPFCカート。 オリジナルと長さはほとんど同じで、リム部の直径もほんのわずかPPK用が大きいかなといった程度。PPK用の外寸を旋盤加工し、テーパーをつければ使用が可能ではないかと思われました。 ネットで旋盤加工業者を検索したところ、幸いにも1発目で個人の少量、少額な注文にも応じていただける業者さんを発見し、わけを話して(はっきりとモデルガンのカートリッジであることを説明)お願いしたところ、快諾を得ることができました。 本業の片手間に行うので納期は1ヶ月は見てほしいということ。その分単価は落とすということでした。 ちなみに8発加工依頼で、1発あたりの加工賃400円(税抜き)。高いか安いかは、皆さんの判断に任せます。 4 最終調整(1)改造カート さて、発注後、1ヶ月あまり経過した後にようやく改造カートを入手。 チャッキング(旋盤本体に加工対象部品を保持すること)の関係で、リム部にはテーパーが付けられてはいませんが、ケース部はしっかりテーパーが付けられ、全長、直径とも、ほぼ、オリジナルどおり。表面の手触りなんぞ、オリジナル以上!さすが、プロの仕事! 早速、マガジンに8発装填。何の引っ掛かりもなくスムースに装填完了し、一安心。 ついで、本体に装着、ボルトを手動で操作し、装弾、排莢の作動確認。 排莢時に蹴り出されないことはあるもの、これはオリジナルの場合も同様であることから、まあよしとします。 懸念されたマガジンの引っかかりも発生しません。 ガスシール効果を高めるため、1ミリ厚のゴムシートから6ミリと3ミリのポンチでインテンスシートを自作し、リム部にセットします。 (2)ディトネーターの改造 ディトネーターはオリジナルのままでは少し短く、何より先端部にマイナスネジ用の切込みがしてあり、PFCカートに使用する場合は具合が悪いことから新造することに決定。 ただ、新造といっても、既存のネジを加工するだけで、これは私にも簡単。チャンバーに切られた固定用のネジ穴に合うネジを見つけ、適当な長さに切断し、先端部をPFCカートのインナープラグのくぼみに合うように加工します。 できたら後はチャンバーにセット。カートを入れ確認すると、ボルトが完全閉鎖する少し手前でストップするので、まあこんなものかと納得。 あとは、5ミリキャップを詰め、発火するのみです。
(3)発火結果 結論からいいますと、点数で表現して60点(大甘)です。 まず改造カートの性能は十分です。 インテンスシートを併用すれば、フルストロークの後退量を得られます。使用後のキャップ中心部にも、きれいに穴が穿たれています。 ジャムさえなければほぼ確実にカートはエジェクトされますので、期待どおりの性能だといえます。 ただ、そのため思わぬ問題が発生しました。強いリコイルショックの為、フルにセレクトしてあってもショックでシアが勝手にセミの動作をするようになりました。 はじめは原因がわからなかったのですが、ようやく、パーツ名「リレー」が元凶とわかり、こいつに付属するスプリングを取り、代わりにネジを挟み込んでフルオンリーにしました。これで何とかこの症状は回避できるようになりました。 結局、最後の問題は、マガジンでした。 初弾が発火し、ボルトが後退した際、そのショックで次弾以降のカートがマガジンから飛び出してしまい、それが原因でジャムります。 リップかスプリングに問題があるのでしょうが、うまい対応策を考えられず困惑しております。リップを狭めるとボルトと干渉してしまいます。 1度は5連射に成功したのですが、以降はやはりジャムが発生します。3発だけ装填する分には、きれいに発火ブローバックするんですが・・・。 発火した場合は、小さいながらも金属ボルトですからショックはかなりありますし、回転も速く、発火音も大きく、結構痛快です。でも、寂しい・・・。 (総括) 購入後、3ヶ月近くたってようやく改造カートが完成し、不完全ながら発火(3連射だけだが)が可能になりました。本当はオリジナルカートで成功させたかったのですが、私の腕では無理だと判断し、改造カートという道を選びました。そのため皆さんに気軽にお勧めできる方法ではなくなり、その点では満足できるものではありません。また、マガジンに関する新たな問題も発生し、この点も今後の進展を待つしかない状況です。 しかし、3連射だけでも、うまくフルオートで発火した際には苦労した分感動がありました(言い訳、欺瞞、自己憐憫)。 個性的なスタイルに、黒色金属ボディ、小さいながらも存在感の塊のようなモデルです。 ある方がおっしゃっていました「この厳しい時代、黒色金属ということだけでも存在価値は十分にある」。 そのとおりだと思います。置物としてだけの存在はかわいそうですが、スタンダードモデル(笑)と思えば立派なものです。 少々高額なのは難点ですが、一つ手元に置いておかれれば、あなたのコレクションの幅に深みと奥行きが増しますよ。 (発作を起こしたような発火シーン)単発の発火シーンに見えますが、最初は4発、次が2発、最後が3発のフルの発火シーンをつなげたものです。姑息な動画で恥ずかしいです。思ったより回転が速く、3発4発なんてあっという間です。一応発火後のカートを確認いたしましたので、発火数には間違いはないと思います。 上に述べたように、まだまだ不完全な状態(たった3発の連続発火で何事かとお叱りを頂戴しそう)で皆様に紹介できるものではないのですが、対象が通常のモデルではなくアノVz61であること、それと、私の下手な調整により今後もしかすると今以上不調になる可能性があることなどから、一応念のためということで記録をとっておきました。もしかするとこれが見納めになるかも・・・。 と思ったら、ボルトの前部の左右をつなぐブリッジ部が折れちゃいました!作動への影響は不明ですが、まあ、気にしません。どうせ末は置物ですから、ハハハ・・・(ピクピク)。 ストックは取っ払ってあります。発火がうまくいかないところへもってきて、この阿呆なストックがあっちやらこっちやらやたらブラブラするので頭に来ました! なお、私のモデルは中古で入手したもので、細々ながらガスバイパスが設けられておりますが、あまりガスは抜けません。少し広げてやろうかと思うのですが、何か無駄なような気がして今一つやる気になりません。ガスバイパスが閉鎖されているモデル(比較的新しいものか?)もあるようです。 先般、ネットでお世話になっているmoongamさんのご厚意で10発のPPK用カートをお譲りいただきました。 しかし、この状況でカートを増やしてもどうにもなるものでなく、現在、これを改めて加工依頼しようか悩んでいます。 (発作を起こしたような発火シーン・その2) 2002.7.28
最初の発火以来、ずっと放ったままにしておりました。正直、このまま忘れてしまおうかと思っていたのですが・・・。 たまたま、ショップでマルベリのマルシンPPK用カートを発見、[へえ~、こんなのまであるんだ」と感心しながら、ぼんやり見つめていましたとき、「これ、サソリに使えるかな?」と思ったのが「どつぼ第2幕」の始まり。 はじめに申しておきます。今回も失敗しました(泣笑)。 1 諸々の調整(というか悪あがき) まず、チャンバーの加工が必要です。 そのままでは、PPK用カートは入りませんのでチャンバー内部を拡大。 電動ドリルで気長に削ります。
問題はマガジン。 やはり、テーパーがかかっていないカートでは相性が悪く(て、相性がいいカートなんてあるのだろうか?)、7発以上装てんすると最初のカートがつっかえてしまいますので6発で様子を見ます。 もしかするとマガジン中程、カーブの頂点辺りのスペースが狭くなっているのかもしれません。
ただし、6発でもボルトが後退した際、次弾が飛び出してしまいます。 そこで、マガジンの底から木片を突っ込み底上げして、スプリングのテンションを強め、リップを少し調整してみますがどうもうまくいきません。 手動で作動させるには、何とか次弾の飛び出しはなくなりましたが、火薬によるブローバックの際はどうか楽観できません。 しかし、私にはこの辺りが限界なのでこれで我慢。
2 発作の症状 カートに5ミリキャップを入れ、6発セット。早速発火。 1発目発火、ジャム、2発目発火、ジャム、3・4・5発目連続発火成功、ジャム、6発目発火 結論。・・・駄目! その後、何度も発火しましたが、4発連続発火が限界。3発ですとほぼ確実に成功するのですが・・・進歩がない! ジャムの原因はすべてマガジン側にあるようです。
一応、経過は収録しておりましたので、「あるはずのない3発バースト機能(?)がついたVz61の発火シーン」(なんと姑息!)ということで編集しました(笑)。 すべて3発ずつの発火です。相変わらず回転が速く、どうかすると1発に見えてしまいますが、信じてください!3発です! 笑いながらごらんになってください。
なお、なぜ前回加工したPFCタイプのPPKカートを使用しないかといいますと、再三にわたる発火のため、リム部が膨らむという症状が発生し、性能が落ちたためです。 純粋にカートの性能でいえば、やはりマルベリの方が上ですね。ただし、先端部が薄いのでPFCのようなテーパー加工はおそらく無理だろうと思います。
もう、あとは実銃用のマガジンを入手し、それが使用できるように本体を加工して挑戦してみるくらいしか思いつきません。 また、メインスプリングも少し弱いようです。ちょくちょく不発が生じました。こんなに細く長いスプリング、流用しようにもほかに心当たりがないので困ります。
今回も単なる思い付きで終わってしまいましたが、前回の経験があったせいか、あまり失望していません。 反対に結構楽しかったですね。 3発なら確実に発火しますので、あらかじめそう思って発火しますと、一瞬のブローバックの衝撃も十分味わうことができます。まあ、負け惜しみですけど・・・。
また何か思いついたらやってみます。 _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:38 pm | |
| Hudson Scorpion・Vz61 (Overview) SMG is a compact all-metal. Real gun, a fire closed it has been a model of change to hit an open fire. Originally released as a model that appeared in the opening gun metal black, just temporarily, is changed golden muzzle closed again, this model was revived with a history of a rare gun metal black open model. Indeed, its size is the size of a large handgun almost think that it survives as a rare product itself exempt from regulation as a result. More than 20 years standing has since its launch, the original design remains virtually still has not done is sold Sashitaru improvements. The following details are described in the next section, the performance level of villainy is a minimum ignition (laughs). But hear you think like-minded some of the net, said: "18 out of 10 difficulty," "would like an apprentice who still capable of operating smoothly," "動Kan anyway" and so on, but as ornaments anyway Such assessment is not worth it, I regret that the model of inevitable mess with ease. The topic of this I dabbled it recklessly (fearless), got addicted to the points of your code verbatim predecessors nicely. Refuse to leave first. The tone is still far from complete. Here, in a sense, the history of my struggle (and failure records of failure) are well. (Conceived and frustration many named adjustment) Body Part 1 (1) Stock First, before entering the adjustment, so clear the way stock. In this stock. The operation is not affected, other things (!) Is one of the drawbacks. I find that the fixed site receiver end, a notch is cut into the stock for a fixed, but the projections are provided in the body can get stuck in it, only the right projection. Therefore, the weak fixed level, since they lick just around the corner, walked around for a while now. If you have purchased is recommended that you removed in haste. The stock is also on the right side of the notch, for some reason left behind (!) There as well. Come on, for what? (2) decomposition method To split your body up and down the back of the receiver screws (fixing screws Bakkari Perhaps the old design. One of the drawbacks, too) but removing it when I had to remove the rear end lifted slightly, catching pop magazine Masu. Then, you will be attacked even Rikoirusupuringu lift. Please be careful. (3) Suri合Wase Bolt body, bolt in contact with the inside, and polished the chamber. This area is a common task. Is sufficient and also the internal parts of the frame Suri合Wase. Too many & especially troublesome that the number of parts I do not think. Magazine Edition 2 One of the major culprit. At the brink of what a boss (laughs). When you buy, I think that will come with 6 from the cart, you will operate normally in the range from 6. However, if you load from more than 7 ・ ・ ・. Work. Really. There is a step back gibberish magazines, and seven from the over load, to be located under the first bullet of this step, the step may catch the rim of the cart when the cart is raised, this will not be rising. To prevent this, filled in some way unnecessary space within, so must the cart up and down smoothly. I cut the plastic sheet, laminated them, then create a part that will fit just plug Dearimasu. Also, this is not just. I noticed after firing at Rikoirushokku It comes out next bullet. And once, as soon as you fire the first bullet, second bounce, the first came out with three bullets. This symptom is down for now. Later, through the Internet, "the idea of a weak magazine spring," and for your feedback, along with a set of springs for the original model was unknown Rikoirusupuringu In emergency rough but junk. To prevent backlash along floors, fixed electrical wiring for peg fork (full name unknown) has been made to bite the floor. Cart Part 3 (1) original cart The big culprit. The emergence of the strongest boss! Early carts are made of plastic are used for packing, then the rubber O-ring instead has led to the current. Along with that, the diameter of the piston has changed slightly. The performance does not change much either way. The Pequena. First, the poorer performance of the gasket seal gas other than a closed system cart. Then a short piston stroke, and the cave is open from the middle, so I feel are missing from a gas sufficient power to transmit to the vault. Fairly dirty inside the body other than the cave chamber in relation to it. The main cart is to be divided by the screw rim, shallow rim section, and it set the case portion so placed over the rim, so easily swell of the case in gas pressure, and It's right next to where the firing of the screw, the gas would leak when swelled considerably by the pressure of firing case. Not ignite the gas used effectively for that. When it comes to the worst on the low capacity gas seal. The last line, and repeat the fire many times, this bulging part, changes shape and becomes unusable. ('ll Face crying wasp!) However, even though the inner diameter of five millimeters inside the cap design, 5.5 mm (half-whopping!) And so, kind of inner peace can not be used for other models. In my opinion, of seeking perfection in this cart would work extremely hard. (2) Remodeling Cart So I do not think of other models diverted cart This point was confirmed in all other such carts can not be diverted from the conclusion referred to. Due to the curve magazine took me a cart and accept no taper. Only then, can only be produced after a new cart. What to say, and there is also material made from small ones like that are impossible because there is also an amateur technical facilities. Also, if at all production to a new contractor, it is clear a substantial cost. Eye spots, but then, the PP Marushin PFC happened was owned cart. Original length is almost the same fraction of the diameter of the rim and went about a PPK for the greater. PPK and turning for the external dimension, seems to have been I mean, can be used with a taper. Find companies were turning on the net, from a small private eye Fortunately, if you found a trader even small orders, not to talk about (the cartridge of a model that clearly description) was hope, readiness could be obtained. Since delivery of the profession to do in their spare time hope to see that month. Price drop was that the minute. Incidentally, at the request of eight development process, from 400 yen per one processing fee (tax). High or low or left to your discretion. Final Adjustments 4 (1) remodeling cart Well, after ordering, get the cart finally converted after a month too. Chuck (to hold body parts turning to be processed) in relation to the rim is not attached to a tapered section tapered case is marked with solid, long, both in diameter, almost as the original . Surface texture shall find more than the original! As expected, professional job! Immediately, from 8 to load the magazine. Loading completed smoothly without catching anything, relieved. Then, body fitted, manually operated bolt, your weapon and confirm the operation of the exhaust pod. Not be kicked out at some exhaust pod, it is also true that the original OK and OK. The magazine also does not cause concern hitches. To enhance gas seal, and make your own punch Intensushito at 6 mm and 3 mm from 1 mm thick rubber sheet, set the rim section. (2) Remodeling Ditoneta Ditoneta is still a bit short of the original, but has to cut the tip of the screw anything negative, PFC cart if you decide to use that barbara sick. But even saying coined by simply processing the existing screws, that's easy for me as well. Locate the screw holes for fixing the match was cut into the chamber, cut to proper length, the tip of the PFC process to fit into the recess of the inner plug of the cart. Once the chamber after a set. When you check into your cart and it stops a little short of completely shutting down bolts, and I understand these kind of things well. After that, filling the cap 5 mm, only fire. (3) firing results Referred to the conclusion, to express the number 60 (of sweetness) is. First, the performance of the modified cart is sufficient. Intensushito when combined, can get back the amount of full stroke. Center and also the cap after use, is pierced a hole in the clear. If it were almost certainly cart will be ejection jams, is obviously expected performance. But an unexpected problem has occurred for that. Rikoirushokku for strong, now on their own, semi-shear behavior of the shock, even to the full selection. At first I did not know the cause, finally, part name "relay" to understand that the chief instigator, taking a spring that came with the guy with the Furuonri tighten the screws in place. This condition is now somehow this can be avoided. After all, the last issue was the magazine. To the first bullet is fired, when the bolt is retracted, the magazine out of the cart away the following bullet after the shock, which causes Jamurimasu. Is there a problem with either spring clips, we have not considered an embarrassment for good measure. Would interfere with a narrow lip bolts. I once succeeded in five of fire, and later still jam occurs. To load only three minutes from the blowback is going to clean ・ ・ ・ fire. If fire is but a small metal bolt from the shock it will be considerably faster rotation, greater firing sound is quite delightful. But the sad ・ ・ ・. (Summary) After the purchase, finally finished remodeling cart standing near three months, while firing an incomplete (but only three of fire) is now available. I really wanted to succeed in the original cart, in my arms and it is impossible to judge chose the road of remodeling cart. In a way that everyone should feel free to do so no longer, in that regard is not satisfactory. In addition, new problems also occur on the magazine, I have to wait until the situation even further progress in this regard. However, only three of fire, full auto fire when there was a good impression struggled minutes (excuses, deception, self-pity.) Unique style, black metal body, such as a mass model for a small but strong presence. If you have been telling me that "these difficult times, but only that the existence value is in good black metal." I think it is. Presence of only ornament is a pity as the standard model (laughs) If you think is good. The drawback is a little expensive, if one kept on hand, it adds depth to the depth and width of your collection. (Such as fire caused the attack scenes) The firing of single scenes look at first 4 shots, two from the next scene is a concatenation of three from the end of full firing. It is embarrassing makeshift video. Rotate faster than expected, and never a blink from 3 from 4. I've found a cart after firing once, the number of mistakes I do not think the firing. As mentioned above, the incomplete state still (likely to be charged rap on the knuckles and what is going on in the firing sequence of development only three) and can be introduced to everyone in is not, ANO model rather than the usual target Vz61 in that, I also like that from the slump could be over now and maybe my poor future adjustment, I've taken to make sure that once recorded. The last time it may become ・ ・ ・ maybe. I thought, a bridge between the left and right of Lightning broke the front of the bolt! Impact on the operation is unknown, but hey, do not care. The figurines from the end anyway, Hahaha・・・ (twitched). Paying stock has taken. Bring to a fire that does not work just come to mind here Yara Yara random stroll away because the stock is a fool for this! The model I have used was obtained, we have gas bypass is provided in detail yet, so the gas can not be removed. I think I'll expand a little, take one more motivation for what felt like a waste. The model gas bypass is closed (or relatively new?) It seems that too. Recently has been taken care of from the net 10 moongam PPK's kindness Itadakimashita transfer it to cart. But what will not do anything but increase the cart in this situation are currently working Maybe I should ask it again. (The two scenes that caused a fire attack) 2002.7.28 Since firing the first shot to leave Orimashita much. Honestly, I thought I should forget what it is. It happens, the mulberry Marushin PPK found in the shop cart, [Wow ~ I have to like the "He was impressed when looked at idly," It's a scorpion or to use? "Is thought "Act II Dotsu com" beginning. I say leave first. This also failed A miscellaneous adjustment (or rather futile struggle) First, the processing chamber is required. As it does, PPK cart is put it expand inside the chamber. Patiently shaved by electric drills. Ditoneta is ready for use. The fire will be completely closed in front of the bolt, bolt does not matter much because it is open. Magazine issue. Again, the cart is not under poor compatibility taper (or, what have I nicely cart?) And look at how six from the first because I Tsukkae you in loading carts from seven or more. Middle of the magazine and could possibly have narrowed the space around the apex of the curve. However, even when the bolt is retracted from 6, the next bullet will protrude. We plunged into the wood to raise from the bottom of the magazine, to strengthen the spring tension will not work, try to somehow rip a small adjustment. To operate manually, but somehow gone out the next bullet, when the blowback of whether explosives can not be optimistic. But I'll stick to the limit, so it is around here. As reported last bolt, I broke the bridge to operate without regard to use and it will likely be impeded. Also, the strong Ekisutorakutasupuringu replace the bolt, slightly expanded the cart where the rim fits (PPK rim of the cart is a little bigger than the original) to ensure retention of the cart when the exhaust pod. 2 attack symptoms Put the cap to 5 mm with a cart, from set 6. Fire immediately. First fire one shot, jams, is the second fire, jam, Tsutomu Shigeru 3.4.5 continuous firing from the first, jams, six conclusions from the first fire. ... No! Then, fire up many times, from four consecutive ignition limit. do not progress and success is almost certainly from 3! Jam seems to be the cause of all the magazines. Once progress has been recorded since Orimashita "burst capability should not be there from 3 (?) Got the scene Vz61 firing" (makeshift how!) To edit that (laughs). All three are from each firing. Rotation is still fast, but one shot would look in some way, please believe me! It is from 3! Please see become a laugh. The last time worked and why PPK type known as PFC's do not use a cart because of frequent fire, causing symptoms that swells the rim, because the performance fell. In terms of pure performance of the cart, the more I also mulberry. However, because the thin tapered tip, such as PFC would probably hopeless. More rest, get a real gun for the magazine, I only think of to try to allow the body to process it uses. The main spring seems a little weak. Occasionally misfire occurred. Long thin spring like this, so are not familiar with any other troubled as to divert. I have just done again on a whim, perhaps because previous experience had not too disappointed. I enjoyed it quite the opposite. If so surely fire from three, and I think the pre-ignition, you can enjoy plenty of blowback instant impact. Well, it is sour grapes. I'll try and think of something. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:17 pm; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:48 pm | |
| HUDSON Vz61 SKORPION VIDEO #1 HUDSON Vz61 SKORPION VIDEO #2 _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:00 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:52 pm | |
| HUDSON THOMPSON M1A1 ハドソン製トンプソンM1A1 お待ちかね。久し振りの大物、ハドソン社製の全金属製トンプソンM1A1の登場。 といっても私の所有物ではない。同好の士「九州男児さん」所有の逸品である。 しばらく前に、「古いハドソントンプがあるけど、いじってみない?好きにしてよかよ」と話を持ちかけられ、「何も保証しないけど、それでもいいなら」ということで、お借りしたものである。目的は当然にCP発火ブローバック。 さて、今回はいかが相成りますやら・・・。 プロローグ 「ねえねえ。手元に古いハドソントンプがあるんだけど、そっちに送ったら何とかなる?」とご連絡いただいたのが事の始まり。 聞けば、シルバーメッキ!のハドソンM1A1トンプソンがご自宅で寝ているとのこと。以前、お父上がお知り合いの方からお礼として譲り受けられたもの(この経緯がなかなかに面白い)というお話であった。 入手直後発火を試みられたらしいが不発に終わり、何とかしようと思いながらそのままになっていたものだそうである。 それが今回、変なオッサン(←私^^ のサイトを発見し、「おっ、このオッサンならおだてりゃ、何とかするかもしれんばい」と考え、猫なで声(笑)で依頼されてこられたという次第。 依頼内容は「フルオートブローバック!!」。調整の過程で、煮こうが焼こうが(←無理だって・・・)、「好きにしてよか!」との頼もしいお言葉。 お聞きした限りでは、付属するのはカート(キャップ火薬使用タイプということだけで詳細は不明)が1発のみ。取説なしということ。 私自身初めて触るモデルなので、古い「GUN誌」から資料を探し、事前に概要を把握。 1980年5月号には、かの「ジャック天野さん(ネモ忠)さん」の詳細なインプレッション(紙火薬モデル)が掲載されていたし、1984年6月号には伝説的名人「ロック戸部さん(あの六人部さん!)」の調整記事が掲載されており、大変助かった。また、現行モデルに関しては2000年4月号に紹介記事が掲載されている。 しかし相手は名にしおうハドソン、それもおそらく20年近く前のもの。どうなるか心配。 第1日目 ブツが到着。箱、でか^^;。重量約5キロ。 間の悪いことに、妻と娘が帰宅したと同時に宅急便が到着。 妻・娘「なにこれ(・・?(ちなみに見事にハモっていた)」。 私「エッ?あ、いや、なに、ちょっとあずかりもの・・・(・.・ 。」 妻「買ったんじゃないでしょうね(^_-)」 私「ち、違うよ。ほんと、信じて(+_+)」 妻「・・・どうだか(-.-)」 私「あっ、お前なんて失礼なことを!夫を信じられないのか(;_ ?」 妻「ほかはともかく、バンバン関係はね(-_-メ」 娘「・・・ホント・・・(-_-)」 私「・・・(รร;当たってる)・・・」 妻と娘の冷ややかな視線を背中に受けながら、そそくさと自分の部屋に逃げ込み、早速中身を確認。 出た!シルバーメッキを身にまとったトンプソン!箱もでかけりゃ中身もでかい!重い!きれい! なお、キャップ火薬も4箱同梱されていた。 う~ん、九州の方は気合入ってるなぁ^^;。 内外観等 表面のメッキには曇りが生じているけれども、コンパウンドで磨けば相当きれいになるだろう。 刻印からすると1980年5月製。今から20年以上も前の製品。 ボルトを引いてみると案外軽い。もちろん金属ボルトであるからそれなりの重さは感じるが、予想したよりは動きが軽い。リコイルSPもさほど強くないようである。 上で述べた過去のジャック天野さんのインプレションによれば、ブローバックさせるにはカート1発当たり紙火薬が10~15粒必要ということであった。それで、どんなに厄介なものなのかちょっとビクビクしていたのだが、少なくとも手動で作動させた感じでは閉鎖系カートを使用すればキャップ1発で十分行けるレベルに思えた。 ただ、びっくりしたのは、ホールドオープン機能がついていたこと。恥ずかしながら、これは知らなかった。マガジンが空の状態でボルトを後退させると、ボルトが後退位置でロックされるのである。オートマチックのスライドストップ機能と同じこと。 恐れ入りましたハドソンさん。 外見を一渡り確認した後、分解。しかし、何度も言うが、重い、でかい。ちょっと動かすにも「ヨイショ」と声が出てしまう。 少し戸惑ったがなんとか上下に分離。ボルトとチャンバーも簡単に取り外すことが出来た。 ちなみに、以前お預かりした「アクセルさん」のMGCトンプと比べるとリアルさは完全にハドソンが上。 内部は大変きれい。もしかすると未発火モデルなのかもしれない。 ここで新たな嬉しい驚き(^^)。長物規制後のモデルだったので、チャンバーに設けられているガスバイパス機能も殺されているだろうなと思い込んでいた。ただ、僅かな期待を込め確認したところ・・・、なんと、生きてる!(^O^)/。これは嬉しい!チャンバー奥に穴が開けられており、そこから発火ガスがガスバイパスを通り、再びバレルへ導かれるようになっている。 規制前の直管バレルモデルや樹脂製モデルのようなストレートなガス抜けは期待できないにしても、それでも多弾数をフル発火すれば、確実にマズルから発火ガスは噴出する。 ことここに至り、CP化に対する意欲が倍増した(笑)。 ただし、現在販売されているモデルはどうなっているかについては不知。 カート チャンバー奥のディトを確認すると、ちょっと太目のコケシ状のものが入っている。ということはこのモデル紙火薬仕様ということになる。 ところが、一緒にお送りいただいたカートはキャップ火薬を使用する旧タイプのピストンファイア式カート。 この組合せではカート先端のホールにディトが入らないから、絶対に発火は無理。 ただし、カートのサイズは45リアルとほぼ同じ。現行のハドソンM1A1CP仕様(今でも売っている!)のカート(M3A1と共通)もほぼ45リアルと同じサイズであるから、おそらく45リアルが入るだろうとは思っていたが、実際に確認できちょっとホッとする。これで使用するカートは45リアルCPにほぼ決定。 ディトネーター そうなると、後はディトである。 オリジナルのディトはチャンバー奥に設けられたねじ穴にねじ込むことにより固定されている。 これはラッキー(^^)v。大概、ねじの太さやピッチは共通のはず。後はサイズが合致するねじを探し、長さを調整すれば事足りるはず。この時点で頭の中で天使がハレルヤを合唱するのが聞こえた^^♪。 ・・・ところが、なんと、合うねじがない(>_<)。太さはちょうどなのだが、ピッチが僅か違う(TT)。オリジナルのディトのピッチは少し粗い。 「ゲッ、ピッチが違う!ピッチでピンチ!(寒~^^ 」。 どうやら、ピッチにもいろいろ種類があるらしい。それとも粗いピッチは古いタイプのねじなのかな・・・。 「今日はこれまでかな」と少し落胆したが、それでもいろいろ探し回ったところ、ジャンクボックスの隅にあった、赤く錆びたねじのピッチが同じことに気が付いた。 「これで駄目なら今日はお休み」と思い、合わせたところこれがぴったり(^^)!。しかも、うまいことにマイナスドライバー用であり、この点も、取り外しする際のことを考えると好都合。ねじの頭は細く削らなければならないが、プラスだと細くした場合、ドライバーが入る切れ込みがなくなってしまうことがある。その点マイナスは何とか切れ込みを生かせることから、取り付け取り外し作業をしやすい。 そこで、まずねじの頭を細くするため、やすりで頭を削りこむ。相手が鉄だからかなり面倒。ついで、カートの発火ポイントを念頭に長さ調整のため金のこで切断。これも苦労した**;。長さは現物合わせで判断。 ただ、そのままねじ込んだだけでは少しぐらつき、不安定。センターにうまく位置していないとトラブルの原因になる。以前のMGCトンプでも苦労したところ。 今回は、あらかじめディトとなるねじにナットとワッシャーを入れておき、それらを頃合の位置に止めたままねじ込んだところ、そのままうまくセンターできっちり固定された。 念のためナットとディト(ねじ)は金属接着剤で固定した方がいいかもしれない。(ただし、結局ディトは交換することとなった・・・。) フィーディング確認 ここで一旦、モデルを組み立ててフィーディングを確認する。 45リアルカートに空キャップを詰めた上でマガジンに1発装填、空撃ち。トリガーを引くとボルトは勢いよく前進、問題なくカートをチャンバーに送り込んだようで一安心。 ちょっとディトが長すぎるような感じであるが、しばらくはそのままにしておく。ボルトを後退させるとこれも問題なくカートはエジェクトされた。 そこで、一度このままで発火させてみることとした。 金キャップをセットし、発火したところボルトはきれいにフルリコイル(ホールドオープン成功!)したが、エジェクトは失敗。ちょっと甘かったかな。ただ、CPパワーで十分作動することが確認できた。 あいさつも含め、初日の状況を「九州男児さん」にメールでお知らせし、就寝。 _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:53 pm | |
| HUDSON THOMPSON M1A1 PART #2 第2日目早朝 たまたま、娘の修学旅行出発日ということで家族全員が早起き。小1時間ほど時間が出来たことから、あきれる妻の視線を尻目に、そそくさと部屋に閉じこもり検討。 あと作業しなければならないと考えられる箇所は、ボルトフェイス、エキストラクター、チャンバー。もちろん内外の磨きこみも含まれる。 前夜のエジェクト不良の原因として考えられるのは、ボルトフェイスにカートがしっかり固定されていないということと、エジェクトされた際、フレームのどこかにカートが当たり、跳ね返されるということ。 ボルトフェイス ボルトフェイスにカートを合わせてみると、これがぎりぎり。また、チャンバー内径のサイズとカートのサイズに少し差があり(カートがぐらつく)、リムがボルトフェイスの中心よりずれたまま挿入される場合があるような感じ。若干ディトが長いことも影響しているかもしれない。 カートをチャンバーに押し込む際には問題はないが、エジェクトの際にはカートのリムがしっかりボルトフィエスにはまっていないと、ボルト後退の途中でカートがこぼれエジェクト不良を起こしてしまう。そこで、ボルトフェイス先端部を少し面取り。そうすれば、リムが納まりやすくなるだろう。その上で、ディトの長さを微調整していく。 エキストラクター これもボルトフェイスのカート保持力に影響すること。 まずは、エキストSPを少し強め、確実にカートを保持できるようにしてみる。あまり強くすると、上記で述べたようにボルトフェイスにリムが納まりにくくなる。 ボルトフェイスへの納まり具合次第では、反対に弱める必要があるかもしれない。 チャンバー 実は最初に少し触れた、過去の「GUN誌」に掲載された六人部さんの調整方法がこれ。 チャンバーをカート挿入口から見ると、「U」のような格好をしている。この右側側面上部がちょうどエジェクトされたカートの通り道に突き出すようになっているのである。 六人部さんによれば、ここにエジェクトされたカートが当たり、それが原因でジャムが発生するという。解消するには、その箇所の内側を適当に削り取ればよいとのこと。 これには素直に従う。なんせ相手は伝説的名人。それも今から20年前のモデルガン全盛期、ご本人も一線で活躍されていた時代のご意見。疑いを挟むことなく、おっしゃるとおりに加工する(笑)。(この点に関し補足、現行のモデルではエキストラクターの固定方法と作動方向が改良されており、カートエジェクト方向が改善され、この問題は解消されている様子である)。 もちろん実際の作業は帰宅後にする。こんなもん今からやり始めたら、欠勤になるのは明白。 第2日目夜 とっとと帰宅し、作業開始。 ボルトフェイスとチャンバーを加工し、エキストSPをダブルにして強化。この状態で、45CPカートを5発準備し、早速発火。これは2発目がエジェクト不良を起こした。残り3発はきれいに連射成功。 その後、微調整を繰り返しながら何度か発火を繰り返したが、5連射には失敗。1発は必ずエジェクト不良が発生する。 一瞬の出来事なので確認できないが、ボルトフェイスに完全にカートのリムがはまっていないのが原因ではなかろうかと思う。チャンバー側面にも当たっているようではあるが、結構削り込んだので勢いがあれば乗り越えられる程度になっているはず。さてどうしようか・・・。現行モデルのボルト一式とチャンバーに交換するのが一番手っ取り早く、確実なんだろうけど、お金と時間がかかるしなぁ。 なお、3、4発の連射であれこれいうことは出来ないが、発火音は以外に大きく、また、サイクルはスローなものに感じた。 第3日目 酔っ払い状態で帰宅につき、作業不可(^^; 第4日目 ボルトフェイスにカートがはまり込みやすくなるように、ボルトフェイスを再度面取り。 チャンバー内径を少しでも狭め、カートがセンターからずれないように、チャンバー内に0・1ミリ厚のステンレスの薄板を丸めて挿入してみる。何も固定していないので外れてきそうで不安だが、ものは試し。それと、エキストSPを今度は弱くする。 なお、使用する45CPカートのリム部の切れ込みの深さと角度がエキストと合っていないのもエジェクト不良の一因かもしれない。 余談だが、旧45CPカートやP220カートはリムが深く切れ込んでいるので、エキストのかかりがしっかりとしているが、リアルサイズカートになってからは45も9ミリもリムの切れ込みが浅く、エキストとのかかりが最小限となっている。この点もリアル化の弊害と考える。 この状態で改めて5発で発火。 結果は4連射成功後ボルトがホールドオープンし、最終弾の発火には失敗。もう一度挑戦したが、状況はまったく同じ。マガジンに1発残した状態でボルトがホールドオープンするようになってしまった。 しかし、それまでの4連射の感触は最高。はっきり確認したわけではないが、カートのエジェクト方向もほぼ同じようであったし、サイクルも安定したものに感じた。後はもっとカートを準備し、実際に発火するだけ。 ちょっと心配なのは、マガジンSPのテンション。結構強い。多弾数装填するとマガジンSPテンションにボルトの前進力が負けてしまいそうな気がする。 第5日目 調整はさておき、少々曇り気味の表面のメッキをきれいにする。コンパウンドでシコシコ磨くとかなりきれいになっていく。 樹脂製モデルのメッキは、素材の樹脂が弱くなるので発火には不向きだが、金属製モデルの場合はメッキが表面を保護しているので発火には適している。多少メッキの厚みで、作動が渋くなる可能性はあるが、少なくともこのモデルの場合はそのようなことは感じられない。 なお、古いハドソンのカタログや過去の「GUN誌」の記事などを読むと、どうもこのモデルは長物規制後に初めて販売されたもののような気がする。 1980年5月のジャック天野氏の「モデルガン・ダイジェスト」によれば、その年に新発売されたような紹介内容であったし、たまたま、同号に掲載されていた広告では新発売製品としてこのモデルが紹介されていたことからも間違いないと思う。 長物を含む第二次法規制は昭和52年(1977年)だからその2年余り後の製品ということとなる。それだからこそ、マズルからガスが抜けるように、はじめからチャンバー一体式のガスバイパスがセットされていたに違いない。 これに対し、MGCのモデルは規制前に開発されたものであったことから貫通バレル。それが、規制により許されなくなったため、ガスを抜くには新たにガスバイパスを設けなければならなかったが、そのためには大改修しなければならず、結局それは諦め銃口を閉鎖したモデルとして販売せざるを得なかったのだろう。 ハドソンのトンプの場合、紙火薬モデル(今回紹介モデル)→旧型ピストンファイアカートモデル→新型CPタイプカートモデル→ボルト及びエキスト改修モデル(現行モデル)という変遷をたどったものと思う(ただしあくまで推測)。 手持ちの古いカタログでは、その表面処理の違いで3種類あり、それはブラックのスタンダート、ブラックのデラックス、そしてこのメッキモデル。ちなみにメッキモデルは当時の価格で41000円とされている。 とそうこうしているうちに、2時間ほど時間が出来てしまった。これはラッキー。基本的な調整は前日までの段階で終了しているので思い切って発火してみることとした。 用意したのは45リアルCPを16発。火薬は金。成功の確信があったわけではないが一応ビデオを用意する。 ドキムネしながらボルトをコッキング。 いざ発火! トリガーを絞る、ボルトが前進する、さあ発火!・・・「ごり」。 フニャ? ありゃりゃ、やはりマガジンテンションに負け、初弾はうまく発火するまでの勢いが得られなかったよう。 そこで、1発抜き15発で再度挑戦。再びドキムネしながらトリガーを絞る。「タンタンタンタンタンタッ!」とスローなペースながらきれいにブローバックが続き、14連射に成功!やはり最終弾前でホールドオープンしてしまったが、それを割り引いても大満足。 金属ボルトの重みを十分感じる素晴らしい感触!感動した!エジェクトされたカートの方向もほぼ同じ。発火音も大きく迫力がある。 残念なのは、マズルからのガスがほとんど確認できなかったこと。これはカート内にオイルかプロップパウダーを仕込めば、もう少し改善するだろうがちょっと期待を裏切られた。しかしこのモデルはいい。 第6日目 朝から発火。 ただこの日は調子が今ひとつ。 原因の一つは火薬。前夜部屋の窓を閉めるのを忘れ、夜半に降った雨が吹き込んだせいか、しまい忘れた火薬がしっかりしけっていた。15発中、3、4発が不発。 しかたなく、銀キャップを使用したが、これがまた、火薬量の少ないのに当たってしまったようでパワー不足。また、Oリングもかなり痩せていたため、不調に拍車をかけたようである。7、8連射くらいならうまくいったが、15連射は成功しなかった。 もう一点はちょっと深刻かも。 ディトの固定が完璧でないため、発火の衝撃でチャンバーのネジ穴が弱ってきてしまった。そのため、一層ディトがぐらつき、それがまた、ネジ穴を弱めるという悪循環。あげくに、ディトがわずかでも傾くと、カートにうまく入らずそこでストップ。そうするとまたディトに偏った衝撃が加わり、なおのこと事態を悪化させる。 やはり、ナットの固定を何か考えるべきであったが今となってはどうしようもない。 そこで、メンテナンスには多少目をつぶり、マルシンCZ75のディトを前後反対にして、チャンバーに叩き込んだ。これであればかなりしっかり固定される。 あと、もう一点修正すべき点が見つかったが、ちょっと厄介なので手を出さずにいる。それは、エジェクションポート後端裏側のエキストの通り道の加工。 エキストがカートをくわえると、若干エキストが浮き上がる。そうするとフレーム内部に接触しそうになるため、実銃の場合、フレーム内部にその逃げ加工がされている。溝が掘ってあるということ。 モデルガンではCMC(タナカもかな)がそうなっていたのだったかな、それとも六研のものだけだったかな・・・。 正常に作動する分には問題はないのだろうが、ジャムしたりすると詰まったカートの位置によってはエキストが予想外に外に押し出され、無理な力が加わり変形してしまう。このモデルも少々エキストが弓なりに反ったようになってしまっている。これが極端になると作動不良を起こしかねない。しかし、加工が難しく、今はただひたすらジャムしないよう祈るだけの状態。 ムービー 上記までの段階で一旦ムービーを編集。 結局一番長い連射は初日に撮影した14連射。後は短いものばかりなのでいつもどおりつないである。それでも結構楽しめる。スローなサイクルに、大き目の発火音とリコイルショック。 MGCトンプのムービーと比べていただければ、リコイルショックの違いが分かるはず。ハドソンの迫力の一端をうかがい知ることが出来ることと思う。 まとめなどなど 現在、新品で購入できるトンプソンはハドソンのモデルだけ。探せば流通在庫でタナカのM1が見つかるかもしれないが、期待薄だし、MGCやCMCのモデルはほぼ絶望。 巷の評判では、作動ならMGC、リアルさではCMC(タナカ)とのことで、ハドソンは一段格下とみられていたように思う。私も単純にそう思っていた。 しかし今回初めてハドソンのモデルに接し、少し考えを改めさせられた。 たまたま紙火薬モデルであったが、それを簡単な方法でCP化した結果、ご覧のとおりそこそこに発火できるモデルに変身。もともとの設計が良かったのだろう。それが証拠に、欠点であったボルトフェイス(エキストラクター)が改修された現行モデルは、CPカートにより、箱出しで素晴らしく好調なモデルになっていると聞く。 私はほかにMGCのモデルしか知らないが、比べればリアルさでは完全にハドソンが上。作動もCP化が成った今では、それほど見劣りはしない。個人的感触ながら、発火時の迫力はボルトの重量を感じるハドソンが上。どちらかを選ぶとしたら、僅差でハドソンを選ぶ。まっ、その分苦労するだろうけどそれも楽しみの一つ(笑)。 最近ハドソンから、このモデルをベースに表面処理をカスタムしたスペシャルモデルが登場した(なんと150000円!)。それに限らず、どうもこのモデル、手を変え、品を変え、まだまだ長くつくり続けていきそうな気がする。 いずれにしても少量生産のため、高額(スタンダートモデルでも55000円)になりがちで、そうおいそれと手に入れることは出来ないが、何とかして自分のものにしたいモデルである。 今回は、「九州男児さん」と本来の持ち主でいらっしゃるお父上のご厚意で、この貴重なモデルを存分に触らせていただいた。 「好きにしてよか!」とのお言葉には、ホッとするとともに、若干のプレシャーを感じたのが、それ以上に楽しませていただいた。 結局ジャンクにしてしまったようで、大変申し訳ないがどうかご容赦願いたい。一応発火は出来ますので(いつまで持つかわかんないけど(^^ 。 ・・・えっ?また、なんか送るって?今度は何(?_?)。・・・・・・ゲッ!(ーー;。あれは・・・。 _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:41 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:56 pm | |
| Hudson made Thompson M1A1 Wait is. Big game after a long time, manufactured by Hudson Thompson M1A1 Full metal appearance. Even though in my possession is not. Like-minded person "boy's" Kyushu is a gem of ownership. Some time ago, "I have an old Hudson Thompson, do you want to play with it? I want to do it,"'s had a talk was, "I do not guarantee anything, you still do," So, which was borrowed. The goal is naturally fire blowback CP. Now we・・・How about I wonder相成Rimasu. Prologue "Hey, hey. Hadosontonpu I have an old hand, send it to survive there?" It is the beginning of you and your help. I heard Silver! Hudson M1A1 and that Thompson is at home sleeping. Previously, what was transferred from an acquaintance thank your father (Naka Naka is interesting in this history) was a story. Raretarashii have tried firing end to explode immediately available, is likely to accept what I was thinking I should do something. This is it, old man funny (I ← ^ ^ discovered the site, "Oh, Odaterya if the old man, the dust It may be that somehow" we, silky voice (laughs) as soon as it was this have been asked by. The referral is "Furuotoburobakku!." In the process of adjustment, this will burn the cook (←・・・even impossible), "Do you want to!" Quip and reliable. As far as heard, the cart is included (for details just that type of explosives used cap is unknown) have only one shot. That no manual. Model for the first time since my own touch, the old "GUN magazine's" Looking from the article, an overview in advance. May issue, 1980 Kano "Amano Jack (T. NEMO)'s" Impressions detailed model (gunpaper) and had been published, the June issue of the 1984 Masters legendary, "says Tobe lock ( That's six parts!) "published an article has been adjusted and she very much. As for current models are referred to an article published in April 2000 issue. But the king with the name Hudson opponent, something that 20 years ago, probably. Worried what will happen. Day 1 Stuff arrives. Boxes, huge ^ ^. Weight Approximately 5 kg. To make matters worse between the courier arrived at the same time his wife and daughter came home. ・Wife daughter, "What is this (・・? (I had a wonderful way conger)." "My edge? Oh, no, what's a little too・・・Azukari (・.・ ." My wife, "You're not my pc (^_-)" "My words, You're wrong. Really, believe ( _ )" "Wife (-.-)"・・・Who knows I "Oh, you never to be rude! Do not believe her husband (;_ ?" My wife, "nothing else, the relationship is like Bambang (-_-media" Daughter "really・・・・・・(-_-)" "I・・・(ร ร; I hit)・・・" While receiving a cool look on the back of his wife and daughter, and my room hastily逃Ge込Mi, check the contents immediately. Here it comes! Thompson, wearing a silver-plated! The contents are too big Dekakerya box! Heavy! Beautiful! The four boxes were also included gunpowder caps. Hmmm, I wonder how I'm in Kyushu yell ^ ^. And appearance both inside and outside Plating on the surface but there have been cloudy, it will be pretty substantial compound and polished. Made in May 1980 when the stamp. Products for more than 20 years from now. Surprisingly light and try to pull the bolt. Metal bolt from a moderate weight, but of course feel, lighter move than we had expected. Spring is not as strong as deaf as recoil. According to Jack Amano's past Impression mentioned above, in order to blow back from a 10 per gunpaper 1 15 grain cart - was that necessary. So, a little scared but I was a nuisance however, was operated by hand at least feeling seemed to be enough to go from level one cart can be used to cap a closed system. But I was surprised, the hold-open function that was about. Embarrassed to say, it did not know. To retract a bolt and an empty magazine, which is locked in the retracted position of the bolt. The same feature of the automatic slide stop. Hudson's恐Re入Rimashita. After checking one's appearance over the decomposition. However, many times I say heavy, big. Even budge, "Yoisho" get out and voice. Unmixed managed to slightly puzzled. I could easily remove the bolt and chamber. By the way, previously entrusted to "Axel's" realism compared to the MGC on the Hudson is completely Tonpu. Internally very good. Maybe it's not then maybe fire models. This new pleasant surprise ^ ^ Model because it was folding after regulation, and was convinced that would have killed the ability to bypass the gas chamber is provided. However, the expectation was confirmed・・・small, surprisingly, I'm alive! (^O^)/。 (^ O ^) /. This is great! Hole has been opened in the back chamber, through which pass the gas from the gas fire has come to be re-directed to the barrel. Straight-through gas like models or plastic model of the straight barrel before the regulations can not be expected to, if the number of bullets fired many still full, gas fire erupted from the muzzle with certainty. Reached here that, CP doubled willingness of (laughs). The model being sold today is ignorance about what has happened. Cart Detonator Pin to the back of the chamber to confirm that the system contains the form of a chubby little moss. That means that a model specification gunpaper. But together, you send Cart cart fire formula powder using older piston cap. This combination Dito from entering the hole from the tip of the cart is impossible never fired. However, similar to the real size of the cart 45. Hudson M1A1CP current specifications (which still sells!) Kurt (M3A1 and common) to almost the same size as the real 45 and 45 will enter the real thought that maybe, you can actually see a little relief be. This cart used by real decision almost 45 CP. Detonator If so, then is Dito. Dito is the original fixed by screwing a screw hole formed in the back chamber. This is Lucky (^ ^) Most part, the thickness and the pitch is supposed to be a common thread. After looking for a thread that matches the size, you can adjust the length should suffice. I heard the hallelujah chorus of angels in my head at this point ^ ^ ♪. ・・・However, surprisingly, there is no screw fit (>_<). But a thickness just slightly different pitch Original Detonator pin's thread pitch slightly coarser. "Blech, the pitch is different! Pinch on the pitch! (Cold ^^ ". Apparently, there seems to be also different types of pitches. Or is coarse-pitch screw Or・・・older. "What is it today so far," but a little disappointed, I still探Shi回Tta many were in the corner of the junk box, I noticed that the same thread pitch of rusty red. "Today if you go down in this holiday," I thought, this is exactly where the combined (^^)!. And that is good for flathead screwdriver, this point also, when convenient to think that removal. Shave the head of the screw should be thin and narrow when it is positive, may lose their driver into notch. The negative point is that somehow they can use cut and easy to work mounting and removal. In order to narrow the first head of the screw, cut the head Komu rasp. Because iron is quite troublesome opponent. Next, cut for length adjustment Kon Kono mind firing point of the cart. ** This is also very hard;. The length is determined by the actual match. However, just as it is screwed in a little wobble, unstable. Cause trouble and not well located in the center. I also struggled before with MGC's Thompson. This time, keep putting the screws and washers and nuts already Dito, I screwed in just right position while they stopped, as it is locked tightly in the center well. Dito nuts and just in case (screw) may be better fixed by a metal adhesive. (However, it was eventually replaced Dito.) Check Feeding Once here, make sure to assemble the model feeding. Loaded from a magazine on the cart filled with empty real cap 45, shoot the sky. Pull the trigger and bolt forward with great force, the chamber sent a relief in the cart so no problem. Looks like this is a little too long Dito, let it ride for a while. This is also a problem with the cart to retract a bolt was eject. We decided to try to get it anyway once ignited. Insert the metal caps, firing bolts were cleaned Fururikoiru (successful holding open!) But, eject failure. What a sweet moment. However, CP was confirmed that sufficient power to operate. Including greetings, the status of the first "boy's" Kyushu notify you by email, bedtime. Day 2 morning Happened to get up early for the whole family excursion that her departure date. 1 hour from the time made small eyes of his wife stuck with outrageous, considering the room hurriedly shut. Work place shall be considered after the bolt face, extractor, chamber. Kino Migaku crowded inside and outside are also included, of course. A possible cause of the eject failure of Eve, and that cart is not fully seated on bolt face when the ejection per cart somewhere in the frame that will bounce. Bolt Face Looking to meet face to cart bolt which barely. Moreover, there is little difference in the size of the chamber bore size and cart (cart is wobbly), feels like there still may be inserted into the bolt face shifted from the center of the rim. It may have also affected some long Dito. Push the cart when the chamber is not a problem, when the ejection is not firmly stuck in the rim of the cart Borutofiesu would cause a bad spill cart in the middle of a recession eject volts. So a little tip chamfered bolt face. That way, the rim will make Mari Osamu. On top of that, we fine-tune the length of Dito. Extractor The cart can affect the retention bolt face as well. First, a little stronger Ekisuto SP, you can try to hold the cart securely. Much stronger and less likely to face Mari Osamu bolt rim, as described above. Depending on the degree of face Mari Osamu bolt might have weakened the opposition. Chamber First a little touched in fact, in the past "GUN magazine" It's a way of adjusting published in six parts. From the cart slot chamber, "U" is dressed up like that. A stick that looks like the path of the cart just eject right side at the top of this. According to the Department's six people per eject the cart here, a jam occurs in the cause. To solve the suitably削Ri取Re do it with the inside of that point. It is amenable. Prepared to deal against the legendary master. Heyday 20 years ago, now also a model, it was time feedback is also active in your identity clear distinction. Sandwich without doubt, be processed as you said (laughs). (Supplement this regard, the current model are improved methods and fixed extractor operating direction, the direction is better Katoejekuto, how this problem is being solved.) Of course, the real work after returning home. Mon now begun to do this, the apparent absence of a will. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:23 pm; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:57 pm | |
| HUDSON THOMPSON M1A1 PART #2Day 2 evening Hurry up and come home and start working. Processing chamber and bolt face, then double-reinforced Ekisuto SP. In this state, 45CP from 5 to prepare the cart and immediately fired. This has caused the failure is the second ejection. From blazing to clean the remaining three have succeeded. After firing was repeated several times repeated fine-tuning, and five blazing failure. Ejection from a failure will occur without fail. Happened just because it is not sure, because I think I fear the rim of the cart is not fully hooked bolt face. Also seems to hit the side of the chamber, but should have been enough to overcome any power cut, so I pretty crowded. ・・・What to do now. Most quickly to the chamber with a set of bolts to replace the current model, but I sure would, I take the time and money. The barrage of from 3-4, but rather if it can, the sound is great except fire, and felt things slow cycle. Day 3 Came home drunk every state, no work (^ ^; Day 4 To make it easier to interface including cart stuck bolt, bolt beveled face again. Inner chamber a little narrow, slipping from the center to the cart, the chamber 0・try to roll up into a thin sheet of 1 mm thick stainless steel. But out of anxiety because I seem to do anything not fixed, and try stuff. Also, now the SP is weakly Ekisuto. The cause of the failure to use 45CP may also eject Ekisuto not match the depth of cut and angle of the rim of the cart. As an aside, the former 45CP carts and P220 cart so that切Re込N deep rim, but to firmly take the Ekisuto from becoming cart size real shallow notches in the rim is also 9mm even 45 takes in and Ekisuto has become minimal. Think of the real evils of this well. The firing from 5 anew in this state. The results hold the bolt open after a successful four blazing, firing bullets into the final failure. But try again, the situation is exactly the same. Became open to hold the bolt in one shot left in the magazine. However, four blazing feel is the best so far. You did not see clearly, but seemed much the same way to eject the cart, I felt stable cycles. After preparing for more cart, only the actual firing. A little nervous, the tension of the Magazine spring is quite strong. Magazine loaded with ammo I knew I would feel much the SP lost power forward tension bolt. Day 5 Apart from coordination, to clean the surface of the touch plate a little cloudy. Become much cleaner and polish compound and Shikoshiko. Plated plastic model, the firing of the material because the resin is weakened but not suitable for firing metal model is because it protects the surface is suitable for plating. Plating thickness of some, the potential渋Ku work, but at least this model will not feel like that. The old Hudson and past catalogs "GUN magazine," and reading articles, I feel that this model is very much like it was sold only after folding regulation. Jack Amano's May 1980 "a model・Digest", according to what was introduced as a new release that year, by chance, had been advertising the same issue of a new release products Arguably, I think that this model has been introduced. Secondary legislation, including the folding in 1977 (1977) and that the product so that after two years. That's why, as the muzzle comes off the gas, must have been an integral gas bypass is set in the first chamber. In contrast, MGC's model and it was through the barrel before the regulations were developed. It will not be allowed because the regulations, to remove gas, but gas had fitted a new bypass, it must be because of renovation, will eventually sell it as a model gave up and closed muzzle it's got a sieve. For Hudson Thompson model gunpaper (model introduced here) the new model → CP → Piston Fire Cartridge model old bolts and repair Ekisuto Taipukatomoderu → (current model) and I traced the history of (strictly speculation, however). Your old catalog is available in three different surface treatment, it is the black standard definitions, black deluxe model and plating. Plated model is the way 41 000 yen price at the time. And in the meantime, I have made about 2 hours. This is lucky. The basic adjustment and dare to try to fire it at the end to the previous day. Was prepared from 45 CP 16 is real. Gold powder. So successful was sure that once the video is not available. Cocking the bolt while Dokimune. Fire emergency! Squeeze the trigger, the bolt forward, fire Come on! ・・・ "GORI". Funya? Dad-gummed, magazines also lost the tension, so did not get the first shot fired from the force of good. So try again in 15 rounds without one shot. Dokimune while squeezing the trigger again. "Tantantantantantatsu!" Blowback continued to clean but slow pace, 14 blazing success! I hold open the last bullet in front again, satisfied that even a grain of salt. Great feel good I feel the weight of the metal bolt! I was impressed! Much the same way that eject the cart. Work out the sound bigger fire. Unfortunately, the few that could not be confirmed from the muzzle gas. This is to be trained in oil or Prop Powder cart was a little disappointed but would improve a little. But this model is good. Day 6 Fire in the morning. This day is just the blink much interest. One reason is gunpowder. Forgot to shut the windows of the room the night before, perhaps because the rain blew in the middle of the night was kicked away a solid powder forgotten. 15 under development, will explode from 3-4. Reluctantly, but using a silver cap, and this is the power shortage that has hit the small amount of gunpowder. In addition, O-ring because it was quite thin, the slump appears to be spurred. If it worked the blaze about 7,8, 15 rapid-fire did not succeed. Another point might be a bit serious. Dito fixed because it is not perfect, but has been weakened by the impact of the firing chamber of the screw holes. Therefore, the wobble is more Dito, and it weakens the vicious circle of holes. After all, Dito is tilted even slightly, then stop successfully entering the cart. Dito biased mechanical force and then, Naonokoto exacerbate the situation. Again, it was becoming something to consider fixing the nuts I can not help it. Therefore, some maintenance Tsuburi eyes, Marushin CZ75 Dito back and forth to the contrary, the叩Ki込Nda chamber. If this is fixed very firmly. Also, the point is found to be fixed Another thing I have to go through the hands a little messy. It is the path of processing on the back end Ejekushonpoto Ekisuto. Ekisuto Kuwaeru a cart and, slightly lifted the Ekisuto. Since then almost in contact with the inner frame, if a real gun, which has been working away inside the frame. That there is digging trenches. A model in the CMC (or even a Tanaka) was it had to do, but I guess it was only six or lab. Minutes to work correctly, but they're not the problem, the position of the cart is filled with jam or pushed out Ekisuto unexpected, they joined forces with excessive deformation. They've become a little too warped Ekisuto arched model. Malfunction could cause it to become extreme. However, the process is difficult, but now the only state not to pray just plain jams. Movies Once you edit your movie to the stage. 14 blaze of fire ended the longest shot on the first day. As usual after a tied just so short. Enjoy fine. Slow cycle, heavy duty fire Recoil shock sound. MGC movies than you'll Thompson, Recoil should know the difference. I think you can learn about a part of the force of the Hudson. Summary etc. Currently, only Thompson can buy a brand new model of the Hudson. Tanaka, M1 is in the distributor's inventory may be found if you look, but then to expect, MGC and the CMC model is almost hopeless. The Thumbs up, you work MGC, in the real CMC (Tanaka) and that, I think that Hudson was expected to further downgrade. I just thought, too. For the first time in contact with the model of the Hudson, but some made me think again. Gunpaper model was by chance that CP results in a simple way化Shita transformed into a model as you can see that fire in a hurry. The original design would be better off. Evidence that it was a bolt face disadvantages (extractor) is the current model was renovated, CP by the cart, hear is a great model in the strong box out. Besides I only know the MGC model, is compared with the real full on the Hudson. The work also consisted of CP is now, not so pale. While the personal touch, the force of the fire at the Hudson feel the weight of the bolt. If you choose one, choose Hudson narrowly. Wait, that one can enjoy the minutes I would have trouble From Hudson recently appeared in a special custom models based on this model, surface treatment (150 000 yen how!). Not only that, this model a lot, changing hands, changing the product, I feel that I still carry on making long. For low-volume production in either case, high (55 000 yen in Sutandatomoderu) tend to be, but you can not get Oisoreto so, what model you want to do something yourself. This "boy's Kyushu" in the kindness of your father come in with the original owner, you will not touch this valuable model fully. "Do you want to!" With your words, as well as relieved, but felt some Puresha, to amuse you further. I like junk to the end, sorry about whether very sorry. Because fire can once (I do not know whether that has ever (^^ . Also, send me something? Now what (?_?). ・・・・・・Getsu! (ーー;.・・・That. [/center] _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:04 pm; edited 3 times in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:13 pm | |
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:23 am; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:34 pm | |
| Hudson Sten MkⅡ The emergence of a metal folding a long time. CP type current specifications. Purchased from the shop is brand new. The shop has always taken care of, I think the stock had been in quite a while. Before the showcase, it was quietly placed on the far left in a box, but it also knew that at first I thought surely airguns. After a while it is realized that a model has been interested in. However, the MGC to have on hand is an extrusion system application, nothing expensive (price 46,000 yen). In addition, Hudson has also made a rude but, how the fire because it was convinced that I fear with much interest, not so much greed Wakanakatta purchase.
However, since some people, "Hadosonsuten, thank you note" to you about. I heard movement in reasonably good condition before the age old Pisutonfaiakato Hudson, the current specification to CP from the cart, nearly絶好調Rashiku, and the middle, increasing real-time mold has been changed, especially slot magazine also serve as a dust cover of the cover is rotated in a model that only the Hudson product. And this becomes, suddenly, and began to worry. Cash is a (^.^). Since then, every stop shop, "Do you still have" had become a habit to check this. One day, to ensure that the kind aunt's shop to ask, what did I have to look miserly abuses, and thrust me laughing aunty calculator. Was surprised to see the amount listed there! Downright special price! However, the amount still fine. We put a deposit, be obtained upon payment of the balance. The balance paid one month and then finally passed after much depend upon what became his last. Back at home, check cash immediately. Most of the material is a zinc alloy, iron stock. I also like the aluminum barrel. Kg in weight is more than 3, MGC system application heavier. Bolt to break (zinc alloy), a little surprised to see. The meat is quite without (Note: It is an old type and has not been very heavy and without meat). However, stainless steel bolts and still weigh the MGC much different. MGC MGC is also better from the outside would not know because in the hollow equivalent. But this is not very interesting. I was expecting this model is an exciting Rikoirushokku by heavy bolts. However, at this application as much as the MGC system. We decided to put the lead where the bolt without meat. Ki込Mi in place without meat hammer that was on hand to lead plate just superglue fixed end. This becomes stiff and fairly. The concern in the face of the bolt wear. The MGC is a problem arising in the system, as well as extracts from the magazine cart, part abrasion jaw deformity worried that significantly affect the retention of the cart. In this model, particularly because the groove is provided through the center portion of the jaw is ejector, has become a very delicate shape. When it comes to, MGC are thought Could you repair just face as we have done in stainless steel, there is no freedom of work, so being without meat until just after the face, repair in the same way is probably more difficult. Once repairs are absolutely necessary, "Custom Shop Degozai" What shall I consult with friends. In that case, "Degozai custom shop," says, Thank you. Unfortunately, the barrel is completely closed. There is also a gas chamber does not pass. Model before the mold is fixed, but have heard that the bypass had been established for sure. Burrell, check around the various chambers, but I think something can not be processed gas bypass, in the presence of inserts, so it is likely that gave freedom a little too much work. Now, please. If the people who have worked goodwill gas bypass current model, how come you'd teach.
Magazine cover slot brilliant move. Safety has also been reproduced by a simple Kokkingunobu pushed. Simple methods of deduction, not even semi-automatic operate reliably trigger bar was also used as a nectar Disukoneto disco. The perfection of the movement of the selector push-button system. This area is really beautiful. However, very little because they lack the amount of shear in the case of a full fall was broken so bad. For semi-incident. This paper responds by shaving the head of Russia a little bit.
When I check the maximum amount of the bolt back, so that recoil SP Rikoirupuragu hit the rear end of the bolt is not fully compressed, the two bonded layers shock-absorbing sponge inside the plug. By the way, if the MGC Sten, so that the spring is fully compressed before the bolt hit the rear end, you can not hit the bolt itself Rikoirupuragu. The tension of the recoil SP MGC is weak compared to the Hudson. The trouble is the magazine. SP is weak in tension, frequently raised problems that will not come packed in the middle of the cart. Maybe the shape of the floor too bad. Reluctantly, SP diverted Marushin MP40 magazines. However, MP40 magazine also diverted as possible I think. The somewhat shaky, enough to bite if you ask for something a spacer. Hudson is also slightly shorter than the length of the lip around the magazine, use the cart as long as 9 mm felt okay in the real system. However, the end "feel" of the talks.In fact I have not tried it inadvertently try that ^ ^.
The cart came with the cart from 6 real size 9mm. MGC, almost the same size as that of the Marushin. Basically, the CP is, inner, MGC CP system around a bit shorter than the length, and the heart of our own Hudson venting holes are provided. Therefore, the tip of the Ditoneta are sharp so as to cover thin gas venting holes. In addition, MGC using the cart system will be completely closed before the fire because the bolt is relatively long Dito. So check before firing adjustment work so far. We have not made any such Suri合Wase. Ni当Tatte firing, but 9 CP Metric series was going to use the cart in front of the cart and try to P38 for the PF, to check feeding and eject the empty set of plugs and caps for Fire Center. Then it had so much (laughs). Clearly marked with the scars to determine the cap hit in the cart. We prepared 20 from cart, check the manual eject and re-feeding. Any problems. This P38 was first to try to ignite the cart. Once Wow, open bolt SMG model commonly encountered problems, poor ejection. Sandwiched between the cart frame and bolts, a cart that countless incapacitated. Even if a real gun, when it is not ejecting the tip of the warhead, so that shorter, and thought it would eject as soon as the cart is more advantageous short. However, because the normal state of complete lack of power, plug and Inner Fire Center, inside the rim of the necessity for the O-ring gas seal. Caps money. Firing 10 rounds in which to prepare. First Semi. "Bang!" Will ignite a clean and quite loud. Cart is kicked well, that is also next bullet fired Cocking bolt position. Work even in the semi-automatic fire as it is authentic. Rikoirushokku is huge. Was then prepared from 10 again, this time from the first full fire. "Back up! Battery? Backup!" Successful firing bullets and all clean. MGC slow firing cycle application system more clearly. Hadosontonpu similar feeling. Will lead into effect, the Rikoirushokku intense. Come on, interesting! The introduction to a movie the next day was recorded. Since then the two have a little longer. Those of the first movement and a distinctive magazine cover slot, put a selector operating conditions. Ignition is cut off because I tied the way once. The other is the only fire scene. Rikoirushokku I think you'll know the greatness of the blaze last seen. In fact, during the firing to "fear" felt. Put a little too much might lead . Now it was a metal folding fewer. Tend to be quite more expensive, but it can buy Oisoreto, the metal folding Handoganmoderu the resin is not attractive. In the limited selection of stainless steel model is recommended. It works smoothly and well, this is important is that the easy maintenance. If you are interested, is considering buying doing? ○ 2007.5 Marushin MP40 ยท UZI cart and the S & WM39 (439) is used to cart the movie. Curt is good condition P38, feeding upon the strengths of the shortness of the cart when it was found that would eject from the neck, slightly longer using this cart. The plug is a center for the fire, do not use Intensushito. The power is somewhat lacking, do not care because we'll all bullets fired continuously full. The first scene of fire 28. Failure occurs at the ejection of the blaze was expected a little more 30. The second scene of the blaze 20. What has become firmly feel the weight of any bolt. Comfortable swinging around my belly fat days (^ ^ Isuzu. Look closer and began to fire, but some good energy in the early cycles, we see that the cycle becomes unstable and slower as if the latter half of shortness of breath. Remarkable, especially the first scene. 50 meter dash in middle-aged man like ・・・Like a creature. Do not ..., Hudson (laughs) They just fun to catch fire. It is regrettable that there is no gas bypass, but also easy to maintain, not nervous, I thank Curt quite a sharp diversion. And PPSH41 and UZI, M16 Marushin enthusiasts or even poor-friendly system, unlike the happy cart. Metal model fire faction is recommended. _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:25 am; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:45 pm | |
| HUDSON STEN MkII VIDEO #1 HUDSON STEN MkII VIDEO #2 _________________ Cerwyn
Hobby collector of Replica model guns and Militaria. also member of Living History Reenactment Groups.
Last edited by Cerwyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:23 pm; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Cerwyn Cerwyn (Site Admin)
Number of posts : 11090 Age : 65 Location / Country : North Wales Registration date : 2008-07-20
| Subject: Re: Transferred pages from Shiraaya's Website Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:02 pm | |
Last edited by Cerwyn on Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:36 am; edited 2 times in total | |
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