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 Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt

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Modelgun Master
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Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Empty
PostSubject: Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt   Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 1:26 pm

O.K. have a close look at these photos and see if you can quickly tell which one is the Modelgun OR AM I BEING SMART AND THEY ARE BOTH REAL 1851 Navy Colts?

Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Acomp01
Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Bcomp02
Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Ccomp03
Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Dcompsides
Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Ecomp04a
Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Fcomp03a Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Gcomp05

Seeing them side by side in real life, you have to take a very close look, because one just might be an older Colt than the other. They even feel the same weight. It is a credit to the Japanese modelgun makers that it is so hard at first glance. cheers

What gives the modelgun gun away are the safety designs that stop it from being loaded and fired: the blocked barrel and the partially blocked chambers in the cylinders.
Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Hcompbarrel
Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Icompchambers

Next is the under barrel ram lever. First, the release catch is not just the release catch itself – the whole lever moves as it is spring-loaded. Second. The lever only travels part way, because of the cylinder bocks.
Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Jcomplevercatch
Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Lcomplever

Even closer inspection shows many of the dimensions a placement of screws and components differ from the real deal! The trigger guard is wider and slightly larger on the replica. There are ribbed finger grips on the hammer and the lever release – but maybe some Colts did have those features too. The real Colt I have does not.
Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Kcompleverscrew

And it field strips totally differently. On the replica the take-down wedge is a dummy – you have to remove the hex bolt with an Allen key (wrench) situated under the hammer to disassemble the revolver.
Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Tgcomp00

Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Tgcomp01

Made in the late 1960’s and early 70’s the MGC Navy Colts didn’t find approval in the market place at the time. Semi-auto pistols or WW2 automatics were more popular, so relatively fewer numbers were manufactured. Because of their rarity today these modelguns can fetch MORE than a real deal antique in the collector’s market in some countries! affraid

I hope you’ll agree MGC made an excellent replica Navy colt – one of the first many fine modelguns before they finally closed down in 2007. See this link for a History of modelguns by Smootik :


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Modelgun Perfectionist
Modelgun Perfectionist

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Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt   Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 6:21 pm

Great review!
Good that you had a chance to compare both constructions and point out the differences for us.
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Comparison of a Real 1851 Nvay Colt
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