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 CZ Scorpion Blank firer.

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5 posters
Modelgun Master
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CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Empty
PostSubject: CZ Scorpion Blank firer.   CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Icon_minitimeSun Aug 27, 2023 11:44 am

Picked this one up in Hungary, it's made by CZ, and is chambered in dedicated 9mmPAK.
Its select fire: Full-auto with an extremely high ROF, forward firing as it is legal here.
(It does not have the unique rate reducer in the handle, is just a straight blow back system so fast!)
In FA the muzzle flash is monstrous, like the short barreled Turkish Jackel FA.

It's an excellent movie prop and really only the mag is visually different - a little straighter than the original - I will try an original mag with blanks when I find one.

I replaced out the grips with wooden originals, and got a leather holster from the same dealer, I'll post pics later.
The "denial elements" in the lower receiver are done quite well and are very solid inside, it cannot be swapped out with an original upper, it cannot be fully disassembled without destroying the pistol - the way they have achieved this is really interesting.
You would be better served building a real gun from scratch than altering this one.

I believe that this model of blank firer is not being made anymore so it's quite difficult to find.

CZ Scorpion Blank firer. AligA3Al

CZ Scorpion Blank firer. HP8q0FMl

claymore, Stage Armament Solutions, paddyfritz, Rob du Jour and oozlum like this post

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Modelgun Perfectionist
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CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: CZ Scorpion Blank firer.   CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Icon_minitimeSun Aug 27, 2023 1:56 pm

Sweet Very Happy If only these were legal in the UK, dont know where i would fire it but i want one.

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Modelgun Master
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CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: CZ Scorpion Blank firer.   CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Icon_minitimeWed Sep 06, 2023 9:25 pm

claymore wrote:
Sweet Very Happy If only these were legal in the UK, dont know where i would fire it but i want one.

I have them for film work.
It's an incredible replica.
Though as it's made by CZ it's more of a non-firing original.

Here is the pistol in it's original 1970's CZ holster - the wood grips were tough to fit, but I don't have a pic. I am in Europe currently. Toys are in the US.

CZ Scorpion Blank firer. UFHoV5pl

Here is the old sales site:

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Rob du Jour
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CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: CZ Scorpion Blank firer.   CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Icon_minitimeThu Sep 07, 2023 7:02 am

I was tjinking about doing some scenes for a movie in Hungary. Where did you pick this one up?
We might buy a few there for above mentioned purposes.
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Modelgun Master
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CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: CZ Scorpion Blank firer.   CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Icon_minitimeThu Sep 07, 2023 8:25 am

Rob du Jour wrote:
I was tjinking about doing some scenes for a movie in Hungary. Where did you pick this one up?
We might buy a few there for above mentioned purposes.

As mentioned in my post, I don't believe these are being made anymore.
I bought it directly from the armourer on our movie, it is second hand.

I did not see any Scorpion style blank firers for sale anywhere else.

As a side note:
I typed "gun shop" into Google and visited the ones that came up in Budapest.
The three I visited all sold blank firers.
(I bought a few models that I hadn't seen before.)
You get a little business card sized laminated permit when you buy one; keep this with your pistol as they X-ray your luggage in Hungary and you will have to explain the purchase to the airport police.
(Six came and found me in Duty Free, which I thought was over-kill.)
If you have the permit it goes relatively smoothly.
The CZ was second-hand and didn't come with the permit so it was more complex.

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Modelgun Perfectionist
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CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: CZ Scorpion Blank firer.   CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Icon_minitimeThu Sep 07, 2023 11:50 am

Really nice! Thank you for sharing it. Sadly these are illegal here in Germany so I know I cannot have one. (we can have blank firers if they are approved by German authorities, but full auto is a no go, even with blank guns and Airsoft models. So the locally made MP 40 and MP 44 models by GSG are semi only).

I am hoping for a short video clip.

I am sure I would have died getting it through Airport customs ... CZ Scorpion Blank firer. 1f628
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Modelgun Master
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CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: CZ Scorpion Blank firer.   CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Icon_minitimeThu Sep 21, 2023 9:30 pm

MadMike wrote:
Sadly these are illegal here in Germany  CZ Scorpion Blank firer. 1f628

Thanks Mike,

I am in Spain on a film now, and they have 9mmPAK guns here but like Germany Full Auto is not allowed.
They have the weirdly bad MP40 9mm paK and actually the armourer has one of those Full Auto "Blow" MP5's from years ago, but yes, I think the rules are tightening up across Europe.

Lots of paperwork to fire blanks, paperwork required even for replicas on set, and quite complex if outdoors and in the view of public.

I don't think I'll buy blank guns here, but antique sword and knives, have found some wonderful treasures so far.
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Modelgun Enthusiast
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CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: CZ Scorpion Blank firer.   CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Icon_minitimeMon Jan 22, 2024 10:27 pm

In the picture in this article, Greg Taylor from the NBS appears to be holding one of these:

The underlying agenda of this piece of 'Journalism' of course, has little to do with criminals apparently converting 2012 VCRA compliant semi-automatic, UK top venters. It's real agenda lies in a desire to get blank firers per se totally banned, and the BBC has been digging at this, on and off for at least 25 years...
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Modelgun Master
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CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Empty
PostSubject: Re: CZ Scorpion Blank firer.   CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 05, 2024 6:51 pm

This one, and the the Stechkin Blank firer are no longer being made or sold openly in Hungary - apparently, or so I was informed, as I wanted the Stechkin badly and inquired after one.
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PostSubject: Re: CZ Scorpion Blank firer.   CZ Scorpion Blank firer. Icon_minitime

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